What are the mechanisms for folding sofas
For many families, buying a sofa is a very important task. It will serve more than one year, so it should be convenient for all residents of the apartment. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that its color and shape do not discord with the rest of the room. This piece of furniture should be quickly assembled and disassembled, so when choosing it, you should pay attention to the mechanisms for folding sofas.
Criterias of choice
Before deciding which sofa to purchase, it is necessary to determine the place where it will stand, and measure the length of the free zone. It is also important what kind of space the sofa will occupy when unfolding, because even in this form it should not interfere with moving around the room. In addition, you should consider:
- how often furniture will unfold;
- what loads will be exerted on it;
- Do I need extra space for storing laundry?
- model cost.
Thus, choosing a type of furniture for relaxation, one should take into account all the nuances so that its use does not cause discontent among family members, and the folding method is distinguished by reliability and convenience.
Types of Modern Sofas
Manufacturers offer a wide selection of sofas of different sizes, shapes, quality and value. However, the main thing when choosing such furniture is the folding mechanism. The following options are possible:
- retractable;
- roll-out (dolphin, eurobook, pantograph and conrad);
- folding (tango, book, elf);
- expandable (accordion, spartacus, clamshell French and American).
Each of them has its positive and negative sides and they must be considered when buying. To understand which mechanism will be most convenient for a particular customer, you should study in advance the features of each model and find out how it works.
Book and click gag
The book is a good classic version of the sliding design, which is in high demand among customers. On such a sofa you can not only sit comfortably, but also sleep comfortably, without even laying out. To transform the product, the seat is lifted up to the moment when there is a slight click. The layout does not require much effort, and on the armrest you can even put a plant or a tray with breakfast.
You can fold such a sofa in the same way (raise and wait for a characteristic click, and then lower it to the lower position). However, the drawback of the design is the need to move the product during opening and assembly, since there is sufficient space between the wall and the back of the sofa.
The click-gag option appeared as a result of improving the book model. We can say that he is her alternative. It got its name thanks to the sound that the mechanism makes when decomposing. On such a sofa you can sit, half-sit and lie. Its disassembly is simple. Some sofas have convertible sides that turn when folding into headrests or armrests. The model is miniature and even when unfolded takes up little space.
Click-gag folding sofas have a simple and reliable mechanism, as well as compact dimensions. The berth at them consists of three parts:
- seats
- two segments of the back.
To unfold the mechanism, you need to push the seat forward, push both parts of the back and get a flat plane.For folding, it is not necessary to move the furniture away from the wall, so this option is ideal for small apartments.
Dolphin and Eurobook
A clamshell with a dolphin mechanism has its advantages. It consists of two parts and is suitable even for small rooms. For unfolding, you just need to push the block hidden under the seat to the stop, then, pulling up and towards yourself, pull out the second part from it.
The Eurobook has a convenient disclosure system that even children can handle. This furniture will serve much longer than other folding options. In addition, there are roomy drawers for linen, and the berth is perfectly flat. When unfolding, the seat simply stretches forward, while the sofa can stand both against the wall and in the center of the room. It is better to choose it for spacious rooms, so that it is convenient to walk without tripping over furniture.
Withdrawable mechanism, cougar and pantograph
The retractable mechanism of such sofas is triple. To decompose it, you just need to pull the seat towards you. A similar design is also called a telescope according to the principle of action (extends from the inside).
Of all the existing types of cougar, it is distinguished by originality and ease of folding. The seat of the sofa rises and moves forward, after which the support is placed. Such a sofa mechanism is called high rolling and is reliable. Thanks to him, a person will be able to relax, as if he is in bed. A model arranged in this way can simply be moved apart and quickly pushed back.
Pantograph - This is a folding system, the principle of which is similar to Eurosoft. Thanks to the spring mechanism, this design is suitable for daily use and rarely fails.
Clamshell and compact lit
The folding bed has a scroll device, inside of which is a foam mattress. There can be several options for transformation:
- French. The scheme of his work consists of three stages.
- American This is a two-step version of turning the sofa into a double lounger and a very comfortable berth.
- Italian. The most reliable way that does not require additional actions in the form of removing pillows.
A small sofa turns into a bed during transformation. The design of the lit can even change the position of the armrests. Only the back does not move.
Design features and purpose
The produced sofas vary in configuration. In stores you can find angular, straight and modular designs.
Corner products are conveniently placed in the corners of the room, putting right next to the wall. In small apartments, they look organically and take up little space.
Modular (island) products differ in their shape. It is better to put them in the center of the room.
The variety of models offered by manufacturers is divided into groups according to their purpose. A soft sofa can be:
- office;
- intended for the living room;
- kitchen;
- used in the hallway (sofa);
- installed in a children's room (alphabet).
In addition, such furniture varies in design of the mechanism, material and cost. For example, for the kitchen it is better to choose sofas from easily washable material, and for the children it is better to buy bright models that can be wiped.
Popular manufacturers
When choosing furniture, many buyers are guided by the manufacturer. You can find out which companies are the most popular, if you often visit furniture stores or special websites on the Internet. In our country, sofas made in the cities of Russia and Belarus are in special demand. The highest quality models offer:
- Minsk. They offer small double models that are inexpensive.
- Nizhny Novgorod. Transformers of models of a cheburashka, ankara and slider are well bought.
- Novosibirsk There is a huge selection of transformers, telescopes, kangaroos, new rollers and other models.
- Yekaterinburg.In the company’s catalog you can find elite and inexpensive models of sofas with different folding mechanisms (elephant, teak, boomerang, double swivel and folding, aknara, telescopic).
All manufacturers try to take into account the wishes of customers. The technology for the production of furniture is constantly being improved, and perhaps another combination of such furniture will soon appear. In addition, on the company's website you can order and buy your favorite product with payment on delivery or even in installments.
In the instructions attached to the models, you can find a step-by-step version of their assembly. Of course, in order to weave all the parts, you need to have some experience, but if you try, then everything will work out. This will allow you to assemble the product yourself, which means that its installation will take place at no additional cost. Then it will be possible to show guests upholstered furniture assembled on their own.
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