Why do flies bite in late August and autumn

With the onset of warm days, various insects appear in the house and on the street. But closer to the end of summer (August) and the beginning of autumn, some bite a lot. Flies in this case are no exception. They want to get drunk with blood. This event can adversely affect a person’s state of health, since the winged ones are able to infect the victim’s body through the skin.

Information about flies and their brief description

Fly information

Specialists count more than 120 thousand flies worldwide. They can be found in any country. The most dangerous are found in warm climatic conditions. In the Russian Federation, such biting varieties are common:

Consequences and possible complications

 Hazard of individuals, symptoms and post-bite therapy

  1. Zhigalka. The life cycle of an insect is only 25 days. But there are times when the lighter lives 70 days. Body length not more than 8 mm. Its distinguishing feature is the back with the presence of strips. All other parameters resemble a home (indoor) fly. When viewed with special care, it is clear that there is a chitin tip on the proboscis. During the bite, poisonous saliva gets under the skin.
  2. Horseflies are practically the largest flies that live on the European continent. They like the area in which the humidity level is elevated. They bite cattle, which reduces the amount of milk yield. This winged species can tolerate leukemia and anthrax.
  3. An unusual view is a fly roof. She has bulging eyes and an elongated torso, the dimensions of which can be in the range of 3 to 50 millimeters. They are considered a dangerous species and predators.
  4. The room type is quite common. They can carry parasitic diseases. After some bites, bacterial infections develop. The proboscis is up to 1.5 mm long. In this case, the mass of one individual does not exceed 12 mg. The female in the process of reproduction can produce up to 150 eggs. Throughout her life, she makes about 4-6 clutches.
  5. Bloodsucker (deer). It is referred to as ectoparasites, since they tolerate diseases of a similar nature. A person is attacked quite rarely. Due to the fact that this type is capable of dropping wings, they are often confused with ticks.
  6. Black fly (April). Flies in the flowering period of common bird cherry. It is absolutely safe for human health.
  7. Carrion fly is a blue fly. In the process of life, it can produce 5 clutches that are made on corpses, meat wastes or open wounds.
  8. The green type is capable of causing parasitic diseases. Eggs are laid on open wounds or on corpses.
  9. For the crop danger is represented by earthen flies. They can cause damage to cabbage, onions or carrots.

Danger of individuals

Preventive measures for adults and children

For humans, flies of the types presented are dangerous in that they can provoke the development of diseases of a parasitic and bacterial nature. But there are varieties that in the process of biting secrete poisonous saliva. Because of this, edema and irritation appear on the skin.

There were times when many people suffered from the plague stick. An African fly can tolerate sleeping sickness, which is fraught with a violation of the nervous system.

It was recorded that these dipterans become more evil in August. Their number is maximum this month. In females, the breeding season begins. This is what says why flies bite: they need an additional power source. When bitten, the disease is encoded according to the disease that was received.

Symptoms and Therapy

Flies actively manifest themselves during the period when the bees collect honey. In order not to confuse the bite of this insect with a bee, it is necessary to know the symptoms and manifestation. These include:

  • Local increase in temperature.
  • Slight swelling.
  • Irritation and itching.
  • Redness of the affected area.

In a child, the manifestations are more pronounced: the traces increase in size and turn red. When a tsetse fly bites, boils may appear.

Why do flies bite

Multiple lesions are the most painful. If the fly bites for the extremities or for the stomach, an inflammatory process occurs. From this, the general condition of a person may worsen and malaise may appear, as well as swelling of the soft tissues.

It is worthwhile to treat the wounds with an antiseptic: iodine or zelenka, alcohol. It is better for babies to smear damage with agents that do not contain alcohol: hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. To reduce the manifestation of local reactions, ointments with a calming and cooling effect are used. In order not to develop an allergic reaction, it is recommended to give "Diazolin" or "Zodak" in drops.

The risk of contracting sleeping sickness is present when the Tsetse fly has bitten. The insect, along with saliva, secretes approximately 400 thousand parasites. For a fatal outcome, even one bite is enough. But due to the slow development of the disease, there is time for quick therapy, which will eliminate the risk to life. At first, you need to use Nifurtimox and Eflornithine. If the likelihood of infection is excluded, you can treat bites at home.

Usually hyperemia and allergies can develop from simple varieties of insects. When the damaged area swells, it is necessary to cool the place and conduct treatment with antiseptic drugs. It is also recommended to apply the gel-like ointment Fenistil or Nezulin to this area. In order not to harm the child even more, should consult a pediatrician. In this situation, “Rescuer” and “Bepanten” are irreplaceable assistants.

Consequences and Complications

The consequences of a bite of flies

When these two-winged insects bite in the fall, there is no particular concern, because with the first frosts they will fly away. But many bites can provoke the development of skin diseases and allergies. But with the defeat of the Tsetse fly, the consequences can occur weeks or even months after the causative agent of the infection enters the body.

The disease can develop over 5 years. When infected with trypanosomes, a hematolymphatic period occurs, during which fever is observed.

The fact that a lethal outcome occurs is evidenced by a depressive state, tremor of the limbs and ataxic gait. After this, the victim may fall into a coma.

Preventive measures

Individual flies in the apartment

In recent years, infection with sleeping sickness has significantly decreased. This is due to the best preventive measures. People try to avoid as much as possible those places where this species of winged inhabits: agricultural areas and tropical shrubs.

In the case when there is a biting fly in the living room, it is worth using repellers that have an effect on individuals of various kinds. Also, from the bite of the Tsetse fly, the processing of things using permethrin perfectly helps. But you can drive out the insects that have settled in the living room and using reliable proven methods available to everyone: a wine trap or vinegar.

Also recommended themselves:

  • Duct tape.
  • Light trap.
  • Essential oils with aromas of lavender, basil or cloves.

If regularly cleaned indoors, dipterans will be significantly less. They will be uncomfortable where clean drains and floors, there are no leftovers of food and other garbage that they can eat.

To prevent the development of serious diseases, it is worth actively fighting flies at least in the house and in the office.


