Making beautiful and easy DIY crafts for the New Year

On the eve of the New Year holidays, I so want to create a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth in my home, because it is not without reason that there is much more magic waiting for the celebration and preparing for it than in the event itself. Help in this matter can be beautiful and light crafts for the New Year, which adults will be able to do with their children with their own hands, having a great time together.

Beautiful and light crafts for the new year

Crafts for the smallest

It is best to make New Year's fakes with kids, because this is a guaranteed way to leave in their minds the warmest memories of childhood for life. In addition, such preparatory activities can become a good family tradition, which will pass from generation to generation, which in itself is very healthy and sweet.

As for ideas for joint creativity, there are a lot of them, so when choosing the best option, you should be guided by the individual preferences of the crumbs, as well as the theme of the occasion for the celebration. So, the most interesting and easy to manufacture options for needlework for the New Year for the smallest are:

3D snowflakes.

Snow globe with a house inside.

Christmas tree.

  1. 3D snowflakes. Three-dimensional compositions have long been popular and New Year's crafts in this regard are not an exception to the rule, since volume modeling technologies are actively used for their manufacture. As for making snowflakes, it is not a big deal. So, it’s quite simple to prepare a universal template that can be downloaded from the Internet and cut several identical blanks on it. After that, the edges of the snowflakes are glued together in two, three or even four units, so that as a result we get an original volumetric design that can be hung from the ceiling or window frames, resulting in a spectacular Christmas composition.
  2. Kaleidoscope. It is no secret that the best crafts are those that carry not only an aesthetic, but also a functional load. A home-made kaleidoscope with bright rhinestones folding in bizarre patterns inside is a great example, because this is not just an crafts, but a great toy. And even a five-year-old child can do it, naturally, not without the help of adults. To do this, you need a wide cardboard tube (you can use cardboard from baking paper, food foil or film), three identical mirror plates, the same number of transparent disks that match the diameters of the main blank and one matte disk, as well as adhesive tape for fixing. The assembly principle is elementary - plates folded by a triangle are laid in the pipe, which overlap the discs glued together with a millimeter gap, after which the decor is added. At the finish, a matte disk is attached to the workpiece - the kaleidoscope is ready.
  3. Snow globe with a house inside. A fabulous version of the DIY Christmas crafts, which the student can do by presenting his work at a talent contest. It is noteworthy that to complete this craft it is not at all necessary to be in the glass-blowing workshop, and you can safely cope with the task at home. To do this, you need to pick up a beautiful pot-bellied glass jar with a screw-off lid and attach with a polymer glue to the base of the latter a toy house or even a whole city in miniature, a paraffin candle or a figure of Santa Claus surrounded by Christmas trees. After this, the jar is filled with a special thick transparent filler with a small shimmer, which will rise when the vessel is turned over and shaken, effectively dropping onto the figure placed inside.
  4. Photo frame.Fir branches are a universal material for the manufacture of all kinds of decor, which will retain its original appearance for a long time, delighting the owners with a delicate coniferous aroma. For example, from it you can build a spectacular frame for a picture or photo, using a cardboard or wooden frame for a rigid base, small cones and red bugles imitating wild berries. In this framework, you can store children's photos of a small or already adult child and his tricks captured by his mother, class adventures from school, paintings by his favorite artists, miracles and any other characters, including his favorite characters from cartoons and films (Macaulay Culkin from "Home Alone," Santa Claus, Snowman Tin, etc.). If desired, the workpiece is quite realistic to make it glow by wrapping it with a thin LED strip with miniature flashlights.
  5. Christmas tree. Alternatively, you can make a gorgeous festive installation for home or street, using available means at hand. There are several simple and understandable workshops, the recording of which is easy to watch for free on the network using popular resources such as "VKontakte", "Pastila", "Interest", etc. For example, you can use the topiary technique to create an exclusive souvenir or decor. frame braid with LED-tape, as well as recently popular modeling of the material used for large interior colors, which is called Isolon.

As you can see, there are a huge number of different creative needlework, the manufacture of which on the eve of the New Year 2019−2020 will be pleasant for the whole family. And to emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday, you can accompany this fascinating lesson with your favorite New Year's fairy tale such as “12 months”, “The Adventures of Masha and Viti” or “Morozko”.

DIY Christmas decorations

Modern stores offer a huge assortment of New Year's toys of factory production and handmade, however, not all of them can boast of excellent quality or are offered at a fabulous price. Meanwhile, it is possible to make such decorations with your own hands, guided by simple step-by-step instructions, with which you can create really cool decorations for the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga's Hut

In the popular children's tale "The Adventures of Masha and Viti" at the very beginning of the film, you could see how the children dressed up a large school tree, hanging on it wonderful toys in the form of a stove, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other bright figures. One of them was the hut of Baba Yaga, which by definition can not leave indifferent any child. Surprisingly, if desired, such an unusual product can be made independently, using an old toy for alteration or using materials lying around on the farm.

Perform the toy in stages, following the following instructions:

Baba Yaga's Hut

  1. First of all, it is necessary to make a frame using cardboard for this, from which it will be easy to make walls and a roof, as well as pistol glue for fixing.
  2. The roof must be decorated with straw or wicker branches, using the thinnest willow or other wood rods for this. Hot glue should easily cope with this task.
  3. To design a window, you can use matches by crossing them with each other, and a transparent dense film that simulates glass.
  4. The hardest thing is to make chicken legs, because a simple clay will obviously not cope with the task. Nevertheless, there is a way out of this situation, because if you want, you can try to mold them from ordinary plastic or cold porcelain, which do not need additional firing.

Do not forget about other decorative elements, because the fairy hut will look as realistic as possible if you decorate it with green hydroponics, a rickety porch and a curved chimney made of the same ceramics for home modeling.To fix the Christmas tree decoration on the branches will help a thin thread, which is not difficult to pull out of the burlap.

As for the mistress of the hut, it can be used as a street decor, presented not only as a fairytale symbol, but also as a charm for the home.

Textile toys

Toys made of fabric that can be sewn from available rags look no less beautiful on the Christmas tree. And here are just a few cool new products that should be used for inspiration, if the fantasy does not suggest cool ideas:

Amanita on Christmas tree

  • Fly agaric. The Christmas tree will become even more magical and fabulous if you decorate it with textile mushrooms that can be sewn from such universal material as felt. To do this, you need to pick up white and red pieces of fabric, cut out from them elements for sewing legs and hats, and connect the resulting blanks in pairs, using an external folding seam. Stitching these parts is not necessary until the end, since in order to obtain additional volume they will have to be filled with a small amount of foam rubber or decorative sintepon. As in the case of the hut, at the top of the craft it will be necessary to provide a loop, this time using a shiny thread that looks more elegant and presentable.
  • Funny mice with cones. Amazing in its simplicity of execution, an option that can be used both for your own needs and as a gift. To do this, you need to prepare oblong cones found in the forest in your country or abroad, which will create a truly memorable accessory, and a gray felt, from which you can sweep away the muzzles and ponytails of rodents in a few seconds, supplementing them with bead eyes and super - with fishing line or dark wire.

In the pictures on the net it is easy to find a lot of stuff from textiles, which is perfect for decorating a Christmas tree, as well as for home decoration. Not only that, having a good hand, you can put such crafts on sale in anticipation of the holidays, because handmade today is in great demand.

Spectacular Christmas decor

If you want something truly exquisite, it makes sense to opt for massive home decorations that can be used not only during the upcoming New Year holidays, but also in subsequent years. So, experts single out at least two simple master classes that will allow you to step-by-step create a beautiful decor with your own hands:

DIY fireplace

  • Fireplace. The most beautiful New Year's photo shoots are obtained right next to a cozy illuminated fireplace, which you can make yourself using sheets of drywall, a metal profile and decorative wallpaper with imitation of brickwork. The design of such a fireplace, which is actually a kind of portal, is very simple, so even the most inexperienced master can cope with the task. At the end of the work, you can put beautiful thick wax candles imitating the hearth inside the portal and hang socks for Santa's gifts on top.
  • Wreath. Another beautiful decoration option, which unlike a fireplace, can be hidden in a bag to ensure safety until the next holidays. And in order to build such a decor, it is necessary first of all to create a wire frame of round or oval shape, which will be braided with live or artificial spruce branches and cones. After that, you can use another decor, presented in the form of silk ribbons of contrasting shades, miniature bells and glass toys, artificial berries in the snow and other cute things. Such wreaths are usually used to decorate the front door, both outside and inside.
  • Neon installations for the yard. In large cities and ski resorts, you can quite often see wire-frame installations in the form of deer, sleighs, Christmas trees and other New Year paraphernalia illuminated by LED strips.But to make such a beauty by decorating her own house, you can do it yourself, using a plastic rod and neon ribbons, which are sold in many construction stores.

Neon installations for the yard.

Of course, this does not end with the options for crafts for the New Year at home, because there are many other no less interesting ideas that deserve special attention.

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