A simple crafts from cones to school

Even yesterday, preschool children at school lessons not only teach literacy, but also develop logical thinking, motor skills, imagination in children and introduce them to the world of beautiful green nature. First graders are taught to love and cherish it. In classes on the World around, there is a topic on crafts that students do on their own. For example, such as crafts from cones to school or do-it-yourself applique from natural material.

Homemade products for preschoolers and first graders

School crafts from cones

From cones you can make a wide variety of compositions. This material is usually collected in parks, forests and recreational areas where conifers grow. Cones fit any - Christmas tree, cedar or pine. From them you can make interesting and funny animals:

How to make a craft out of cones

  • moose
  • squirrel;
  • cat or cat;
  • Llama
  • horse;
  • a lion;
  • a bear and a little bear cub;
  • a camel;
  • the wolf;
  • cool giraffe;
  • a turtle;
  • piglet;
  • crocodile;
  • bunny;
  • mumps;
  • a dog;
  • sly fox and many others.

And if you add various twigs and leaves, then you can make birds or insects, such as butterflies, a spider or a bee. Shells and dry algae look great in such compositions for making marine themes where fish are present.

From the most diverse natural material, you can create a DIY craft and make interesting birds:

How to make a craft out of cones

  • bright woodpecker;
  • a stork;
  • strict heron;
  • shy ostrich;
  • a pretty chicken;
  • proud eagle;
  • funny bullfinch;
  • hulking penguin;
  • a grand, free and sophisticated swan;
  • a learned owl;
  • crow;
  • a cockerel;
  • funny duck or turkey.

Even in the older groups of kindergartens, educators with children are engaged in modeling, drawing, painting pictures, appliqués and, of course, make compositions from natural material. The kids really like to create figures not only of domestic and forest animals, but also of fairy-tale characters:

Heroes of fairy tales from cones

  • Bearded Goblin;
  • Merry Brownie;
  • little little gnomes;
  • prehistoric dinosaurs;
  • three-headed dragon, the hero of many Russian folk tales;
  • cute Cheburashka;
  • the good snake Gorynych;
  • Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who, along with the Christmas tree, are the main culprits of the New Year holidays.

Owl of cones

Many kids, kindergarten pupils and younger schoolchildren, and not only boys, but also some girls like to sculpt various techniques from plasticine using natural material: cars, tanks, ships, planes and robots. But more often, girls still prefer to create beautiful jewelry, such as rowan beads, earrings and bracelets for themselves, dolls and other favorite toys.

Natural material for compositions

For crafts from do-it-yourself cones to school or preschool education, you need to take care of natural material in advance. It must first be prepared. This is best done in the summer, when pine, spruce or cedar needles are renewed and leaves grow on the trees. Very beautiful paintings, panels and applications are obtained with bright autumn leaves.

Species of trees for the collection of natural material:

Natural material for compositions

  • pine, larch, cedar, spruce - you can use needles, cones, large, medium and small branches in the works, depending on the composition;
  • alder, cypress, thuja, oak, birch and other tree species - foliage, twigs;
  • mountain ash, rose hip, bird cherry, hawthorn - berries, leaves, flowers and twigs.

As well as crafts, river and sea shells, moss, beautiful original pebbles, oak acorns, nuts, eggshells and other available materials and natural gifts that are in the country of residence can be used. In addition, for crafts to school from cones or preschool institutions, you may need not only natural materials, but also goods for creativity. They can be bought in clerical or children's specialized departments of shops and shopping centers:

DIY materials

  • white and color shades of paper of different weights and sizes;
  • cardboard;
  • foil;
  • scissors;
  • cotton wool;
  • plasticine;
  • PVA glue or clerical glue depending on the composition;
  • brushes for gluing products;
  • rags or napkins;
  • plastic board for modeling or oilcloth;
  • in some cases gouache and water-based acrylic varnish.

In order for the products to have the color of steel in the works, it is desirable to use silver foil or the corresponding shade of gouache paints. The coloring is done at the final stage in the finishing finishes of the compositions.

Homemade products for preschoolers and first graders

To make the simplest and easiest craft from pine cones to school or for any holiday, you will need: plasticine, opened and unopened cones of different sizes, cardboard for the stand and moss. From these materials, you can very quickly create a composition on the forest autumn theme or make a little animal, bird, little man.

A step-by-step guide for making a cat, bunny, teddy bear or squirrel figurine:

Hedgehogs from cones

School crafts from cones

Still life of leaves and cones

  1. The first, preparatory or initial stage is to draw the future beast. It is desirable that the picture was colored and even small details were visible on it.
  2. Pick up 6 cones of different sizes - one large, 4 small unsolved cones, one medium opened for the face.
  3. The largest cone is the body of the animal. It joins all the details of needlework: four legs, a head and a tail. This can be done with glue or plasticine.
  4. To make the paws, you need to select the unopened long bumps and fasten them with plasticine.
  5. The detail that will be the head of the future animal, you need to turn the narrow side forward, where the tummy will be. For the muzzle of a pig or bear, you need to choose a wider, revealed, dull bump. In the manufacture of pigs, it will be possible to attach a patch of pink plasticine to it.
  6. Small details of the head - ears, eyes, mouth, antennae, nose. Depending on the animal’s figure and its features, the craftsmen pour out the ears of the desired shape from plasticine. For a bunny, they should be oval, long and elongated, and for a bear, they should be more rounded and small. When sculpting a cat, the shape of the ears should be pointed up. Here you also need to make eyes, nose and mouth. The antennae of the animal can be made of needles, small twigs or grass blades.
  7. The tail is also done in a simple way. For a squirrel, you can pick up a twig with needles, and for a bear and a bunny, rounds of plasticine are suitable. For a piglet, you need to take a blade of grass, bend it slightly into a knot and connect the parts with plasticine or glue them by attaching the animal to the body.

At the final stage, the craft is framed or mounted on a white or colored cardboard stand, or you can just put it in a box, beautifully decorating. As a design - moss, cotton wool, leaves, tree bark, that is, any materials that a person has enough imagination for.

This craft is perfect for an exhibition, gift or souvenir, and from several figures you can even collect a good and unusual collection of animals that can decorate any interior. She can come up with a name.

Still life of leaves and cones

Craft to school from cones and autumn leaves looks very original, beautiful and has a voluminous version of the decor. Ideas can be very different - wall or table clocks, vases, a nest with birds and eggs, baskets or paintings. It is important that all elements and details of the composition are combined, forming unity and harmony. With the help of cones and leaves, landscapes and still lifes can be made.

Decorative baskets

Material for such compositions can be collected completely free in the forest or park. For the manufacture of baskets you will need colorful leaves that you can collect in the fall, and a small number of cones of different sizes.

The step-by-step instruction is very simple, but you need to perform the work step by step:

 Decorative baskets

  1. Pick leaves according to color scheme.
  2. Make a bouquet of them.
  3. To decorate the basket in its different places, add cones that can be pre-shaded with gouache of the desired colors. This will give the composition brightness.
  4. Glue all elements to the workpiece. It must be prepared in advance, that is, from cardboard cut out the shape of the basket and give it the desired tone.

At the final stage, process the craft with acrylic varnish. This technology scheme will make the composition more durable and add a chic shine.

Idea for a voluminous winter landscape

How to make a panel of cones

Compositions of cones are made not only by children, but also by adults. Adding complexity to the technology and performing steps in stages, they create real masterpieces. To make a composition on a winter theme, you need to bleach the cones with the usual manual method, using gouache or chemically. You can find such funds in online stores or specialized art departments.

To reveal and show the winter theme more fully, the craftsmen use "silver" or "bronze" powder. And they also use aerosol sprays. On the one hand, in such techniques, the advantage is a quick way of applying gloss to the composition, but on the other hand, nebulizers can cause allergic reactions and harm health. Therefore, gouache-based powders or paints are more preferred.

The winter composition can be made from the simplest materials: cones, twigs, cotton wool, plasticine, paints, varnish for finishing. That is, you can create a cool masterpiece without significant costs. The idea for the craft is a winter forest, in the center there is a horse with a cart, on the left in the background is a house where a brownie probably lives, on the right are cheerful figures of a skier and a forest man, and somewhere in the distance a bunny jumps and a deer roams.

Idea for a voluminous winter landscape

Initially, with a simple pencil you need to draw a picture with all the details. Winter forest option will be most vivid if you add silver colors to it. As an option - highlight the sun's rays with gold, add white shades with silver notes to the snowy clouds and add an alder color to the composition to add piquancy.

All elements are selected in small sizes due to their large number. The distance between the skier and the place where the forester will be located should be small, but at the same time, the details must be clearly separated. A hare and a deer in the background emphasize the primitive nature and give the craft some rustic charm.

Such a voluminous picture created from natural material cannot be called a primitive and ordinary artistic decision. It is permeated with sunlight, freshness, natural primitiveness, and fairy-tale characters make it more attractive.


