Proverbs about teachers: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Below you will find proverbs about education, teachers and their students. Over the years of a teaching career, education has evolved and moved to a new level. All these sayings about the school tell more about this process. Proverbs about work and study are designed to cultivate a love of work in students.
- Being a teacher, ceasing to be a student, is impossible.
- Live and learn.
- Faithful pointer - not a fist, but affection.
- Raise a child - do not let the chicken out.
- Every master takes it for training, but not every one finishes it.
- Rot the tree while bending, teach the child while listening.
- The tree and the teacher are known by fruit.
- Teach children without people.
- Teach children - do not sharpen your hair.
- A good uncle will give a mind to a child.
- If the teacher eats while standing, the students eat on the go.
- Knowledge is power.
- And a pile of books does not replace a good teacher.
- And the bear is taught to dance.
- To go into science is to endure flour. Without flour there is no science.
- What you teach a child to receive from him.
- Every great teacher is close to healing and art.
- Each teacher teaches in his own way.
- Who indulges the children, then he sheds a tear.
- He who does not control himself will not instruct the other in mind.
- They didn’t teach, as long as it was stacked across the bench; and in all stretched out - you will not teach.
- The new way is further than the old, the student is further than the teacher.
- You will learn from the smart, from the stupid you will.
- From a teacher, science.
- The student and the teacher are judged.
- Honor the teacher as a parent.
- Parents create a body, teachers create a soul.
- With a letter jump, without a letter even cry.
- First az and beeches, and then science.
- The severity of the teacher is better than the affection of the father.
- Notebook - a mirror of the student and teacher.
- Learning is the path to skill.
- The disciple is lucky, the teacher is joy.
- To teach a scientist is only to spoil.
- A scientist idle, like a cloud without rain.
- Teach others and learn yourself.
- Teach the people, learn from the people.
- Teacher at school that sowing in the field.
- Teacher at school that sowing in the field.
- The teacher only opens the door, you enter yourself.
- The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one who studies with the children.
- The teacher alone does not count godin.
- To teach is to sharpen the mind.
- It’s good to teach who is listening.
- What goes around comes around.
- To teach others, you need to sharpen your mind.
- Honor the teacher as a parent.
- The teacher will not disgrace the teacher.
- Teaching is high, but it is also difficult.
- And a pile of books does not replace a good teacher.
Every parent wants to instill in their child a love of learning. After reading all the proverbs about the profession, you can find suitable in Russian for your class. Explain to the disciple “good luck to the teacher, joy,” the meaning of the proverb in one word.
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