Proverbs about Homeland 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Below you will find proverbs about homeland for grade 4. All of them have their own meaning and in a word urge children to love the cities of Russia. These sayings on the theme of “Proverbs about homeland grade 5” tell of the ministry and protection of all peoples on earth. These Russian proverbs will entertain the whole class. Invite students to choose 5 proverbs about their homeland and memorize them.

  1. Without root and wormwood does not grow.
  2. Without love for man, there is no love for the homeland.
  3. Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.
  4. Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.
  5. In the battle for homeland and death is red.
  6. What kind of people you live in, that custom and hold on.
  7. In the native land a falcon, in a strange land - a crow.
  8. In the swamp, the frog sings, and in the foreign land and the nightingale is silent.
  9. In your home, walls help.
  10. Great Russian land and everywhere the sun.
  11. Everywhere is good, but home is better.
  12. Every pine makes a noise to its pine forest.
  13. Everyone has a sweet side.
  14. Where someone is born, it will come in handy.
  15. Where not to live - to serve the homeland.
  16. Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
  17. Hero - for the Motherland mountain.
  18. The main thing in life is to serve the homeland.
  19. A fool is a bird to which its nest is not cute.
  20. For the homeland is not a pity for life.
  21. For your homeland, do not spare neither strength nor life.
  22. Homes and walls help.
  23. The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.
  24. If friendship is great, the homeland will be strong.
  25. You live on the side, and your village is all on your mind.
  26. Live - serve the homeland.
  27. Across the mountains it’s good to sing songs, but to live at home is better.
  28. Overseas is lighter, while ours is lighter.
  29. They give their life for the fatherland.
  30. For the homeland, for the honor - at least to tear one’s head off.
  31. Why far - and here it’s good.
  32. The Russian land is all under God.
  33. There is no old age gold, no homeland price.
  34. And the sandpiper knows his side.
  35. And the speck of dust of their native land is gold.
  36. And the bread on its side misses you.
  37. Go to your native land - there, and under the Christmas tree, paradise.
  38. If the bush was not nice, the nightingale of the nest would not be pitchfork.
  39. To each his own land is sweet.
  40. Love for the homeland is stronger than death.
  41. Moscow is the mother of all cities.
  42. Moscow that granite - no one will win Moscow.
  43. On the home side, even the smoke is sweet.
  44. On a stranger's side I’m happy with my funnel.
  45. The brotherhood of the people is worth more than all wealth.
  46. The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.
  47. Teaches gruyun another party.
  48. It is not time for years of debt, debts for years of absence from the home side.
  49. Do not look for the promised land - they are where your homeland is.
  50. A man without a homeland, that a nightingale without a song.

The proverb about the homeland is called to bring up love for the country in children. After reading all the sayings, you can find proverbs about Russia.


