Proverbs about good and evil: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

We often use the topic of proverbs about good and evil in everyday conversations. These are not secrets and not riddles for us, that acts created both in kindness and in malice sooner or later come back. This should be understood by a child who comes to school. Here are the proverbs and sayings about good and evil teach us to relate to others, as we would like to relate to us.

  1. Seek good, but evil itself will come.
  2. Better to torment than torment.
  3. It’s hard for anyone who remembers evil.
  4. Angry cries with envy, and good with joy.
  5. It’s bad for someone who does no good to anyone.
  6. Clean everything is clean.
  7. In evil live - walk the world.
  8. Where there is anger, there is mercy.
  9. Where the foot sets foot - the grass does not grow.
  10. A bee flies to a good flower.
  11. The snake does not bite for satiety, but for the sake of dashing.
  12. The goat bypasses behind, the horse in front, and the evil man from all sides.
  13. A mountain torments a horse, malice - a man.
  14. Not yet hit - but turned pale with anger; and when hit - the soul left in the heels.
  15. An evil thought will harm itself.
  16. Evil is vanity, and goodness comes from knowledge for a reason.
  17. Malice robs a person of strength.
  18. Seeking good for evil stumbles.
  19. He who is not capable of evil is not capable of good.
  20. Better open reproach than secret malice.
  21. You can’t guess on malice.
  22. Rye and wheat will be born a year, and a kind person will always come in handy.
  23. Whoever does good, God will repay.
  24. Evil does not believe that there are good people.
  25. Listen to good people, they will lead you on a path.
  26. Evil will lead into captivity.
  27. And good, but out of place. And well, it’s not good.
  28. Whoever does good does no harm.
  29. The heart is no help.
  30. It’s good for those who do good to remember.
  31. Wealth - soon the path to evil.
  32. A good conscience is evil hated.
  33. Encourage good, and condemn evil.
  34. Honor the good, but do not spare the evil.
  35. A good dog is better than an evil person.
  36. Remember friendship, but forget evil.
  37. And a good word will not take away evil.
  38. Other evil and patience can be overcome.
  39. Whoever lets the evil go on doing evil himself.
  40. The darkness does not like light, does not tolerate evil good.
  41. They are looking for good, that treasure, but bad at hand.
  42. The soul will not tolerate, so the heart will take.
  43. Dashing in business is arguable, you will not get out soon.
  44. For your words - and good deeds await.
  45. Go boldly to an evil man when he conceived a good deed.
  46. Cruelty has clear eyes and a pink tongue.
  47. The cuckoo cried that she gave the children to people.
  48. There is no peace for the heart of an evil person during rest.
  49. You won’t calm the grudge with malice;
  50. A warm word warms in the cold.

Many proverbs are answers to most of our questions. If you observe how the Russian people immortalized their reasoning, using proverbs and sayings about good and evil, you can understand that by doing good to another, we will certainly do good to ourselves. As Confucius said: "Try to be at least a little kinder - and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad deed."

Listen to the proverbs of kindness and most likely they will be a useful parting word in your life's journey. Read proverbs about evil and try to exclude evil from your life ..

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