Proverbs about unity: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Sayings and proverbs about brotherhood and about friendship of different nations in Russian. As well as quotes, sayings and riddles of Kazakhstan, Russia and the Tatar region. Interesting Kazakh proverbs with a wise context and much more cognitive.

  1. If you tear yourself away from the people, you will stumble.
  2. Streams will merge - rivers, people will unite - power.
  3. One bee will train a little honey.
  4. There will be no good if hostility is between yours.
  5. You cannot raise one stone alone, but you will move the city with the world.
  6. There is safety in numbers.
  7. One tossing and turning - heaping mistakes.
  8. One is grieving at home, and two are fighting in the field.
  9. If you unite - you win, you disconnect - you run.
  10. Fighting alone is not good.
  11. You won’t break the broom, but you will break the bars one by one.
  12. In crowded but not mad.
  13. The world will wither, the forest will wither.
  14. Friendly magpies of an eagle will peck.
  15. Happiness is not in money, but in good agreement.
  16. Cathedral World and the line will overcome.
  17. Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than all wealth.
  18. Together it’s good to beat an enemy.
  19. The enemy is good to beat together.
  20. Where taken together, there will not be straining.
  21. If you startle all the people - there will be a wind.
  22. If the people are one, they are invincible.
  23. A good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  24. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.
  25. In a willing herd and a wolf, he is terrible.
  26. The people want - the abyss will jump.
  27. It’s friendly to stand for peace - there can be no war.
  28. If you breathe all the people, the wind will be.
  29. If a nation is one, it is invincible.
  30. There is no life without unity.
  31. The unity of the people takes away all troubles.
  32. Concord and unity is happiness and wealth.
  33. Internal strife is worse than the external enemy.
  34. A close-knit hundred of a disunited thousand will prevail.
  35. A fur coat tailored together will not be short.
  36. The ruble is going from a penny, friendship begins with unity.
  37. Until the fingers clench in a fist, the hands will not warm.
  38. Without unity, there is no sense in any case.
  39. Woman strengthens the unity of the family, batyr strengthens the unity of the people.
  40. A people who do not know unity are friends with need; people are strong in unity, friends with happiness.
  41. Easy burden raised together.
  42. There is no consent - there is no unity, there is no unity - there is no happiness.
  43. Seeing a wolf, aul dogs forget their enmity.
  44. Happiness is the beginning - consent.
  45. Those sailing on the same ship have one soul.
  46. True wealth is not in abundance, but in unity.
  47. Making a decision together is the wisest decision.
  48. In front of a friendly flock of sparrows and fawn retreat.
  49. You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.
  50. Seven will go - they will take Siberia.

We presented to you: proverbs about the friendship of different peoples of the world (many people’s and characteristic for each region), proverbs about the friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan (proverbs specifically to the day of Kazakhstan), proverbs and sayings about the friendship of peoples (about peace and brotherhood and that everyone special day).

And what Kazakh, Russian and other proverbs and sayings do you propose?

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