Proverbs about family for children: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Below you will find proverbs and sayings about the family. Each of them has its own meaning. Choose 5 family proverbs and memorize them. Each of the proposed sayings tells about parents and family values. Social studies is an integral subject for the entire class of students. Consider the topic of “family proverbs” with them and explain the meaning of each.
- Brother will not betray.
- Brother and brother go to the bear.
- Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
- In a close-knit family it is warm in the cold.
- There is no good in an unfriendly family.
- In the field, neither father nor mother - there is no one to intercede.
- In a diligent house it is thick, but in a lazy house it is empty.
- In the family and porridge is thicker.
- In the family and porridge is thicker.
- In his family, everyone is big.
- What is the calculation in your family?
- The walls help in your home.
- They are friends in the family - they don’t live.
- In the family and porridge is thicker.
- There is discord in the family, and I am not happy at home.
- In the family, according to this, things are going well.
- In a good family, good children grow up.
- A widower is not a father to children: he is an orphan.
- The whole family together, and the soul is in place.
- Where peace and blessings are, there is God's grace.
- Daughters show off, sons live in high esteem.
- A friendly family does not know sadness.
- The life of parents in children.
- At the common table, the food tastes better.
- What a brother is, so is a sister.
- When there is no family, there is no home.
- Where mother, there and child.
- There are no best brothers and sisters.
- I love my children, but my grandchildren are sweeter.
- Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.
- A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
- Maternal prayer from the bottom of the sea pulls out.
- Maternal anger, that spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
- Mother is the head of every business.
- Mother feeds the children like the land of people.
- Greetings mother - stone fence.
- My family is my treasure!
- You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
- What a treasure, when in a family way.
- Hints and reproaches are family vices.
- There will be no good if hostility in the family.
- Family consent is the most expensive.
- The family pot is always boiling.
- Family and peas are threshed.
- A family without children is that the flower is odorless.
- A family in a heap is not scary and a cloud.
- The family gives the first pass to life.
- A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
- Consent yes in family treasure.
- The grief does not take a consonant family.
After reading all the Russian sayings, you can choose 10 proverbs about the family and memorize them. They may contain words about the boiler and the hearth for a strong family. The proverb about the family reflects the identity of the Russian people and tells of brothers, sisters and other relatives.
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