Proverbs about serving the homeland: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Below are the proverbs and sayings about the homeland that describe the lives of the inhabitants of Russia, as well as other peoples who are called to serve. You take 3 proverbs about the Motherland that carry a secret meaning for you or allow you to think about its protection and ministry. It can be a tongue twister describing the native street, city or house, because the proverb about the Motherland is a great thing described by the word.

  1. Without love for man, there is no love for the motherland.
  2. Take care of your beloved land, like a mother darling.
  3. Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.
  4. The stupid heroism of the stupid death pushes.
  5. Fight is a holy cause, go boldly to the enemy.
  6. Be not only the son of your father, be the son of your people.
  7. You cannot win the former glory of battle.
  8. He went into battle - earned fame, hid - folded his head.
  9. To visit the battle is to find out the price of life.
  10. There is no shame in returning home.
  11. What kind of people you live in, keep that and custom.
  12. Learn military affairs - always come in handy.
  13. The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.
  14. Spare the enemy - destroy yourself.
  15. Where to live, there is a reputation.
  16. Where there is no struggle, there is no victory.
  17. Own land and a handful of sweet.
  18. If you fall as a hero, they will raise you, you fall as a coward - they will crush.
  19. The fool also is captured at home.
  20. Dzhigit born at home, dies on the battlefield.
  21. For your homeland, do not spare your life or strength.
  22. Don’t postpone the debt for a long time, do not leave the saber at home.
  23. If the army is strong, the country is invincible.
  24. If the battle goes around, the house will not remain whole.
  25. If the enemy steps on the people, he will not be a horseman who will pity himself.
  26. If the Motherland is strong, the soul of joy is full.
  27. You live on the side, and your village is all on your mind.
  28. The life of a young man is with the people, the life of the people is with the Motherland.
  29. Fight bravely for a just cause.
  30. They knew who they beat, and therefore they won.
  31. How do you understand the homeland when you get to a foreign land.
  32. The horse runs to the place where he will be full, and the young man hurries to where his homeland is.
  33. Who serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately.
  34. Love for the motherland is stronger than death.
  35. Those who love their homeland will not be indebted to him.
  36. When you protect your homeland, you are a husband.
  37. The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.
  38. The horse runs to the place where he will be full, and the young man hurries to where his homeland is.
  39. Love your wife - love her homeland.
  40. Love for the homeland conquers death.
  41. Love for the homeland is stronger than death.
  42. You can be better than a batyr, but you can not be better than a people.
  43. Fight courageously - achieve victory.
  44. God has mercy on his side.
  45. You can surpass the hero, but you can not surpass the people.
  46. Moscow that granite - no one will win Moscow.
  47. Not the shooter who shoots, but who hits the target.
  48. Do not learn to destroy, but learn to build.
  49. Do not look for the promised land - they are where your homeland is.
  50. Our country is the most precious homeland.

Thus, all the proverbs on the topic of Homeland are short stories about the Fatherland. You can also tell students about the heroes and set an appropriate topic for the class. In addition, it is recommended to consider with them proverbs about the homeland of the 2nd class.

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