Proverbs of fear: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Proverb sayings about fear for children and adults, which will talk about courage, courage and the fight against your fears. Proverb, in a word will help to reveal the deep meaning and meaning.

  1. You can’t get enough of any trouble.
  2. Go forward is better: fear does not take.
  3. Fear has big eyes.
  4. Do not frighten the duck with water.
  5. Fear is worse than death.
  6. Fear takes power.
  7. Fear is the first aid to the enemy.
  8. From fear, eyes on the forehead climb.
  9. There is no salvation in fear.
  10. Where there is fear, there is collapse.
  11. Fear has owl eyes.
  12. Fear has eyes that are flat, and not a crumb sees.
  13. Do not think about fear, it will never be so.
  14. Fear has no power.
  15. Where there is fear, there is shame.
  16. Fear is unknown to heroes.
  17. Fear shods - confused.
  18. Where the two are scared, they went there alone.
  19. Look into the eyes of fear, do not blink, but if you blink, you disappear.
  20. Do not be afraid, and did not boast.
  21. Not for fear, but for conscience.
  22. It is scary to see, but if it becomes, it will fall in love.
  23. Fear is unknown to anyone who goes to victories.
  24. Another thunder is not thunder, but a drum is terrible.
  25. Fear on cockroach legs walks.
  26. Terrible trouble, until it came.
  27. It’s a terrible thing to start.
  28. Where there is fear, there is coercion.
  29. Fear has big eyes.
  30. Do not be afraid, and did not boast.
  31. Afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest.
  32. Not for fear, but for conscience.
  33. Soul in the heels gone.
  34. There are many fears, but one life.
  35. The heart is a falcon, and the courage of a crow.
  36. There is nothing to be afraid of, who is not afraid of anything.
  37. Afraid of the wolf - and run from the squirrel.
  38. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted.
  39. Where there is fear, there is shame.
  40. Fear is worse than death.
  41. Who runs back does not value honor.
  42. Fear takes power.
  43. On a cowardly and already - a snake.
  44. Trembling like a leaf on an aspen.
  45. Fear is worse than death.
  46. A frightened beast runs far.
  47. The dream is terrible, but God is merciful.
  48. He himself is afraid of his shadow.
  49. Go forward is better: fear does not take.
  50. The frightened crow of a bush is afraid.

A folk Russian proverb found its place in both fairy tales and stories for children. There we are talking about scary, but at the same time bold stories that have a good end or continuation. But in the article we opened the topic according to the subitems: the proverb about fear, the proverb in fear, the eyes are large and in fear the eyes are great proverb or saying.

According to the above, the proverb about fear can reveal both good and not so good. But the most important thing is to understand for yourself what fear means and how to deal with it.

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