Proverbs about work: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Wise proverbs and sayings about labor and laziness, with meaning, the peoples of Russia and the world. Revealing the topic of industriousness, courteous attitude to all work and working people. Including for children who came to class for the first time.

  1. Patience and labor will grind everything.
  2. For whom labor is joy, for that life is happiness.
  3. Earth is colored by the sun - and human labor.
  4. You can’t take a fish out of a pond without labor.
  5. Labor created man.
  6. Man is famous for work.
  7. Human labor feeds, and laziness spoils.
  8. Idleness is the mother of vices.
  9. Hands work - a holiday for the soul.
  10. Only labor is the foundation of all, honest labor of men.
  11. Take it in your work with your mind, not with a hump.
  12. There will be leisure when they carry over.
  13. Every business ends well.
  14. Eyes are afraid, but hands are doing.
  15. Where the mind is, there is good.
  16. If there is patience, there will be skill.
  17. Life is measured not by years, but by labor.
  18. To undertake everything - to do nothing.
  19. Kohl is crude work, will not brighten up and gilding.
  20. You cannot build a hut with a cry.
  21. Labor will feed and teach.
  22. Better to burn in labor than to freeze in idleness.
  23. Diligence and labor will take.
  24. Knowledge and work - brother and sister.
  25. Who does not work shall not eat.
  26. He who does not sow does not reap.
  27. Lying food can not be obtained.
  28. You cannot sow the field with words.
  29. Though a joke, even a laugh, it would be a matter of success.
  30. Will and labor give wonderful shoots.
  31. Do not bother, and bread is not achieved.
  32. Those who work well have something to boast about.
  33. Our happiness is in common labor.
  34. Who works, he uses.
  35. There is no good without labor.
  36. They don’t eat honey without labor.
  37. Labor money is corn.
  38. Those who love labor will not sleep for long.
  39. It’s easy to sleep for ready-made bread in the night.
  40. Legerbock and the sun are not rising at the right time.
  41. Labor money is always strong.
  42. The one who does not work is not mistaken.
  43. Blood from the nose, but it is necessary to do.
  44. Do not be lazy with a plow - you will be with a pie.
  45. Freedom - the will, to the walking - the way, and to the lying - the whip.
  46. Without labor, there is no perfection.
  47. They get better from work, and from laziness they get sick.
  48. Do not bother, and bread will not be born.
  49. Without labor, nothing is given.
  50. You can see the talker by the word, and the fisherman by the catch.

Applying, preferably with explanations, various Russian proverbs about labor and laziness, the list of which we have prepared, it will turn out to choose the right methods for recognizing the need to work hard to get a good result. After all, the proverb about work is the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors regarding work.

Do you like any of the proverbs or sayings? Choose for yourself 10 or 5 proverbs about labor from those we have selected. And then the proverb about work can cheer up at the right moment.

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