Proverbs about work and laziness: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

In this article you can read proverbs about work for children and hardworking people. Proverbs about labor are an integral part of the school curriculum. They should give preschool students an explanation that work is of great importance in the life of every person. It is recommended that the word achieve class attention and discuss hard work with them, and the proverb about work, a saying or other literature related to this topic will help. Do not be lazy to read them all and pay attention to the proposed synonyms and antonyms. An analysis of such works makes it possible to obtain a holistic picture of the world.

  1. Without excitement, without care, do not expect joy from work.
  2. To live without business is only to smoke the sky.
  3. There would be a hunt, all work would be smooth.
  4. In the wrong hands, every business is easy.
  5. Crush the water in the mortar - and there will be water.
  6. A wolf is in a plow, and he is in a meadow.
  7. Wolf legs are fed.
  8. Will and labor give wonderful shoots.
  9. Indeed, Danilo was hammering, but at random it was hammering.
  10. Whole and remove from him - what a spoon to sweat.
  11. No matter where you work, just to not work.
  12. Where there are many words, there is little to do.
  13. Where they work, it’s thick, and in a lazy house it’s empty.
  14. The endless thing is that a mare without a tail.
  15. See the tree in the fruits, the person in the affairs.
  16. Dolog, day to night, if there is nothing to do.
  17. Income does not live without hassle.
  18. He eats with his hands, and works as a belly.
  19. For business - not us, for work - not us, but to eat and sleep - not to be found against us.
  20. Caught on a stump, stood all day.
  21. Whoever says little does more.
  22. Who does not work shall not eat.
  23. Strike while the iron is hot.
  24. Legerbock and the sun are not rising at the right time.
  25. Lazy is always like this: give me a pound of bread, but I won’t work.
  26. People for the cause, and we for idleness.
  27. People plow, and we wave our hands.
  28. People work, and he sweats.
  29. Small business is better than large idleness.
  30. Small business is better than large idleness.
  31. To work sideways, and from work lope.
  32. I’ve worked on it - take a spoon, and a lazy person - go to bed without dinner.
  33. It is not the owner’s house that paints, but the owner’s house.
  34. Do not bother, and bread is not achieved.
  35. You will not crack a nut, so you will not eat a kernel.
  36. Without picking up the staves, you won’t take down the barrels.
  37. Feet are worn, and hands are fed.
  38. One plows, and seven wave their hands.
  39. Peace drinks water, and rest honey.
  40. Work is with teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.
  41. She cooks the day until evening, but there is nothing to eat.
  42. Patience and labor will grind everything.
  43. Human labor feeds, and laziness spoils
  44. Human labor feeds, and laziness spoils.
  45. Drones holiday and on weekdays.
  46. The loafer is lazy every day.
  47. Honest labor is our wealth.
  48. What can you do today, do not put off until tomorrow.
  49. To eat a fish, you have to climb into the water.
  50. Do not rush the language, but do not be lazy.

After reading all the proverbs and proverbs about work, write down the ones that you liked the most. Remember them, because you never know at what point proverbs about labor class 2 come in handy. It is recommended to prepare materials for schoolchildren on the topic “Proverbs about industriousness for the 2nd grade”. For preschoolers, pick up Russian sayings and proverbs on the topic of labor, detailing the essence of this issue.


