Proverbs about the language: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Short sayings and proverbs about the Russian language teach culture in communication how to speak and correctly express their thoughts in a letter. How to convey and write the necessary information in your native language.

      1. You can’t put together a boot without the Russian language.
      2. Without a tongue and a bell mute.
      3. Take bread for lunch, and a word for the answer.
      4. Be your own master.
      5. Where words are rare, there they have weight.
      6. Silly speeches are like dust in the wind.
      7. Speak on business, live honestly.
      8. He talks about you, forgetting himself.
      9. Good silence is better than thin grunt.
      10. A kind word to man is that it rains in a drought.
      11. He doesn’t speak for a long time - the mind saves, but says - there’s nothing to listen to.
      12. Think twice, speak once.
      13. The sting is acute, and the tongue is sharper than that.
      14. What is the mind, such is the speech.
      15. What is the speech, such is the warehouse.
      16. The ringing of the bell is not a prayer, the cry is not a conversation.
      17. You’ll hold your horse on the reins, but you won’t return the words from the tongue.
      18. The field is red with millet, and the conversation is smart.
      19. He who speaks sows; whoever listens collects (reaps).
      20. He who thinks clearly states clearly.
      21. Better to say than to retell.
      22. Better say a little, but good.
      23. Better to trip over with your foot than with a word.
      24. Small language, but owns the whole body.
      25. Rumor is without wings, but flies.
      26. Not every proverb is said at all.
      27. Do not go with a spear, go with your tongue!
      28. An unspoken word sometimes thunders like thunder.
      29. A short speech is good, and a long speech is good.
      30. Insincere words, like tangled hair on the head: unraveling them is difficult.
      31. A sharp tongue is a gift, and a long one is a punishment.
      32. A sharp tongue will lure a snake out of the nest.
      33. The pen is always bolder than the tongue.
      34. The song is not a village, stupid speech is not a proverb.
      35. The truthful word is like a medicine: bitter, but it heals.
      36. He stole that sneaked.
      37. My heart groans when you are silent.
      38. The spoken word is lost, not spoken - its own.
      39. The word is tin (i.e. heavy, weighty.)
      40. The word to keep is not to run in the wind.
      41. The word is not an arrow, but the heart is ulcerating.
      42. Think first, and then tell us.
      43. An old proverb does not pass by.
      44. A fool’s tongue is more dangerous than a dagger.
      45. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.
      46. Without a tongue and a bell mute.
      47. Language gives the message.
      48. God gave two ears, and one tongue.
      49. The field is red with millet, and the conversation is smart.
      50. From one word - yes, a quarrel forever.

Topic: “Proverbs about speech grade 5” in the article was revealed cheerfully. And at school, children can be presented with an even more interesting accent, that is, use reading, listening and even use written language. In Russia, proverbs with the word language or proverbs about the Russian language are often used in practice, and you can find what you need in our source.

Proverbs about language are tools that work in practice.

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