Proverbs about the Russian land: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Below you will find proverbs and sayings about the earth. Each of them has its own meaning. Choose proverbs with the word earth to tell your students about plants, soil, the planet, and farming. Riddles about plowmen who worked tirelessly and about the nurse’s land are also suitable. Each proverb with the word earth conveys the meaning of life of the Russian people. By the way, a few proverbs you can memorize. The whole class should become familiar with these sayings.
- And land without a device and in a cemetery is not good.
- Without a master, the land is an orphan.
- You can’t put it in the earth, you won’t take it from the earth.
- In a good year, litter is also good.
- Return the debt to the earth - it will be good.
- To every person - both good and bad - the earth will provide shelter.
- Where there is no land there is no grass.
- Year to year is not necessary.
- A year to live - not to sew a basket.
- Hold on to the ground, the grass will deceive.
- Hold on to Mother Earth - she won't betray.
- Mother is kind to her children, and the earth is to all people.
- Good land is a complete moshna; thin land is an empty moshna.
- Expensive goods from the land restet.
- The dugout is black, and the white loaf will give birth.
- Little black earth - and gives birth to white bread.
- Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.
- The earth is a nurse, and she asks.
- Earth is a plate: whatever you put, you take it.
- The Earth nourishes all, but it absorbs all.
- Earth loves care.
- Earth feeds people like a mother of children.
- The land of the hosts loves.
- The Earth, although it feeds, but itself asks.
- With a needle and a harrow, the village stands.
- What is the earth, such is the bread.
- A farmer without land, that tree without a root.
- He who cherishes the earth, the earth pities.
- Whoever mothers love the earth with cheese will not be hungry.
- He who hopes for heaven sits without bread, look into the sky - there is no bread, but to the earth below - closer to bread.
- Mother-Cheese-Earth feeds everyone, watered everyone, dressed everyone, warmed everyone with her warmth!
- They beat me, pound, cut, toss and turn; I endure everything and cry with all good.
- Do not look into the sky - there is no bread, but to the ground below - closer to bread.
- Not the earth is bad, but the sower is bad.
- Not the land of the road where the bear lives; and the one where the chicken scratches.
- There is no land more beautiful than our country.
- There is no bad land, there are bad owners.
- It’s taken from the earth and feed on the earth.
- The plowman is the mother, and the bummer is the stepmother.
- Worship Mother Earth, reward you handsomely.
- To fishes - water, to birds - air, and to man - all the earth.
- To fishes water, to birds air, and to man all the earth.
- Do not be friends with fire, with water, with the wind, but be friends with the earth.
- Worker land - mother dear.
- Worker land - mother dear.
- The plowman's hand is black, but the bread is white.
- What does not fall to the earth, the earth will not lift.
- Whose land is bread.
- A farmer without land, that tree without a root.
- You can’t put it in the ground, and you won’t take it from the earth.
Proverbs about the earth are called to bring up in children a love for mother nature, because the Russian land is part of it. Read all the sayings with the whole class. Each proverb about the earth tells about the identity of the population.
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