Proverbs about the rest: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Proverbs and sayings about leisure being in content a reflection of the culture and way of life of the people. They depicted in a concise and accurate form the experience of the people and the judgments drawn from their labor activity and the need to adhere to a balance in work and rest. In a properly organized mode, the key to a healthy lifestyle. Proverbs about work and rest show the wisdom of the people that you need to work without haste, but still more than rest.

  1. Business before pleasure.
  2. Without rest, and the horse does not ride.
  3. Resting without work means living without care.
  4. After business and take a walk well.
  5. Good rest when the work is done.
  6. And the head needs to rest, not only hands.
  7. To make things better, let the head and body rest.
  8. When the work is successful, and a smoke break is not a sin.
  9. Whoever has difficulty in harmony is not in dispute with rest.
  10. Stupid rest tires work worse.
  11. There is no labor and rest.
  12. Stupid rest tires work worse.
  13. There will be leisure when they carry over.
  14. On Saturday - to work, and on Sunday - for fun.
  15. Will - in the plow, and he - in the meadow.
  16. I’ve played everything from morning to night, but I don’t have any urine to work.
  17. Two elephants do not have enough space to relax in the shade of one tree.
  18. Business before pleasure.
  19. If he is cheerful at work, then he is playful on vacation.
  20. If I rest, then I rust
  21. And the head needs to rest, not only hands.
  22. And the fool knows that Sunday is a holiday.
  23. And the horse rested at least once a year.
  24. Play - do not get tired, it wouldn’t work.
  25. When the work is successful, and a smoke break is not a sin.
  26. Finished business - walk boldly.
  27. Who sleeps for a long time, God will forgive him.
  28. He who does not work does not rest.
  29. He who does not work does not know rest.
  30. Whoever has difficulty in harmony is not in dispute with rest.
  31. Do today - rest tomorrow.
  32. There is no peace for the heart of an evil person during rest.
  33. No matter how much you run, and not pass the rest.
  34. First burden, then rest
  35. The old rest when they are lying, and the young when they eat.
  36. The joke is a minute, and the case is an hour.
  37. Do not work, and rest is not needed.
  38. Delicate handles are always on holiday.
  39. No work, no rest.
  40. Feet rest, but it’s not worth it.
  41. Let’s rest and see if we are sitting well.
  42. Resting without work means living without care.
  43. Not in a hurry, but also without rest.
  44. A man in labor is cognized, and in rest it is revealed.
  45. Life is fun - the work is arguing.
  46. Worked well. Have a good rest.
  47. After business and take a walk well.
  48. After the labors, the dream is sweet.
  49. Goodbye, sour, I went for a walk.
  50. You work while sitting - rest while standing.

Life is written on a sheet called time. That is why we need to learn how to properly distribute our time. In a word, you need to rest and work in moderation, both throughout the day and year. A popular proverb with the word summer, for example, does not always speak of the need for hard work, but also that one needs to rest. Proverbs about the rest and describe folk wisdom that some time for relaxation, and another for work.

He who works well rests well, the proverb says. This principle must be adhered to in your life.

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