Proverbs about wealth: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Often proverbs and sayings about wealth and poverty show that the value of wealth is not as important as the ability to not be wasteful. Wealth is not only a chic life, but also a heavy burden, which has its own burdens and obstacles. However, wealth is more important than material, but spiritual, because loyal and reliable friends will always help in any situation, and they are more expensive than any money.

  1. The poor will regret, the rich will laugh.
  2. Poor sweat pours, and his rich blood drinks.
  3. The poor man is crying, the rich man is dancing.
  4. Rich - do not boast, poor - do not despair.
  5. Ermoshka is rich - there is a dog and a cat.
  6. Rich is not the one who has a lot of things, but the one who needs less.
  7. Fear the father-in-law of the rich, like a horn line.
  8. You will be rich, you will be horned.
  9. You will be rich, you will be stingy.
  10. Not to be in hell - wealth cannot be gained.
  11. In a rich house, a cat is an important person.
  12. In burlachestvo - for wealth.
  13. In court, the wretched before the rich, although right, is always guilty.
  14. After all, I’m not going to a rich man, but to God.
  15. Great is the god of mercy. God is rich in mercy.
  16. The priest will buy money and deceive God.
  17. Don’t save your stomach, and don’t scrub your soul!
  18. I am glad the beggar and the fact that he sewed a new bag.
  19. There is a lot of reason, but there is nothing to put hands on.
  20. To sue the rich - it is better to drown in the sea.
  21. The poor often respond, although they do not call him.
  22. The poor man sees the poor from afar.
  23. The rich - by patronymic, and the poor - by the nickname.
  24. The house is rich everywhere.
  25. The rich are always a holiday.
  26. The rich as you want, the poor as you can.
  27. A rich man is rowing money with a shovel.
  28. A man is not a brewer, but brews beer; He doesn’t forge money, but gives loans (i.e., the rich).
  29. Wide open on the rich gate, on wretched constipation.
  30. I start a rich man, if I milk my sheaf (my rye).
  31. Not rich, but torovat.
  32. Not rich, but live a bit tormented.
  33. Not rich; By the way.
  34. Not rich feeds, a little toedy.
  35. You will not be rich - you will be hunchbacked.
  36. I don’t bow to the rich man, I’m crying for my money (I don’t milk my rye).
  37. The eye will not be satisfied with sight, but the mind with wealth.
  38. Not out of poverty (or: misery) avarice came out of wealth.
  39. If you don’t know, you will be rich.
  40. The rich cannot sleep, the rich thief is afraid.
  41. Wealth begins with frugality.
  42. He has six children, he has wealth in six places.
  43. Who is rich is panam brother.
  44. A good brotherhood is sweeter than wealth.
  45. The rich live at the expense of the poor, the poor at the expense of their work.
  46. With a kind word, and the bottomless is rich.
  47. The riddle is never rich.
  48. The rich do not sleep: the rich thief is afraid.
  49. A miserable god is afraid and a rich man is afraid, and a rich (for the time being) is not afraid of anyone.
  50. And the doors of the rich are ashamed of the poor.

Probably, perhaps the main feature and mystery of successful people is frugality, the desire to save. Proverbs about frugality and economy occupy a large part of the proverbs about wealth and poverty. After all, when financial burdens are left behind, not everyone is able to remain in an even state of mind, take care of both material and spiritual values, as proverbs about wealth say.

If you idle, you will be poor, you will be persistent and hardworking, you will succeed. But one should not forget that spiritual wealth is more valuable.

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