Proverbs about friendship for children: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Proverbs and sayings about friendship are designed to instill in children a sense of mutual understanding with others. Such a lesson technique will entertain the whole class. Tell your child 5 proverbs about friendship, accompanying them with appropriate pictures. You can also offer him tongue twisters and Russian puzzles with answers to the topic "Proverb about the friendship of different nations." Such a lesson will make the child and class students think about friends and how the friendship process proceeds. For brothers, as for friends, short sayings in Russian are suitable.
- “Ah, ah!” - but there’s nothing to help.
- Artel friendship is strong.
- The poor person knows both friend and foe.
- Without a friend who is lost is bad, but bad with a friend who is unfaithful.
- Without a good friend you will not know your mistakes.
- Take it together - it won’t be heavy.
- Battles success in heroism, happiness success in friendship.
- Be afraid to offend a friend and reveal a secret to the enemy.
- Brother will not betray.
- You will hold on to each other - you can not be afraid of anything.
- You will work with friends, your heart will become strong, like a lion.
- Be a friend, do not be at a loss.
- There is no dear friend in the world than my mother.
- In the enemy, the arrow is in the stump, and in the other is in me.
- In crowded but not mad.
- Suddenly you will not become a friend.
- There is no price for a true friend.
- Water from a friend is better than that of an enemy - honey.
- If people take it, they will bear the sea.
- Where the lad is, there is the treasure.
- To tell the truth is to lose friendship.
- Be proud of a true friend, beware of becoming a friend of the enemy.
- A friend will say in the eye, the enemy - growls behind him.
- A friend is faithful, measured in everything.
- A friend is more expensive than money.
- He sets up a tower for each other, and the enemy coffins the enemy.
- Hold on to each other - don't be afraid of anything.
- Friend is known in trouble.
- A friend sets up a tower, and the enemy gets along with the coffin.
- A friend praises for the eyes, an enemy - in the eyes.
- A friend in trouble never blame.
- You can’t buy a friend for money.
- Praise a friend that praise yourself.
- Friendship is more expensive than money.
- Friendship, do not rush to forget it.
- To lead friendship, do not spare yourself.
- You live not with the one with whom you are born, but with the one with whom you become friends.
- Outlived - forgot and friendship.
- If you work together, it does not hurt at the navel.
- A horse is recognized in grief, and a friend in distress.
- A strong friendship and an ax cannot be cut.
- A false friend is like a cat: caresses in front and scratches in back.
- Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.
- You will not be forcibly sweet.
- Do not be afraid of the smart enemy, fear the smart friend.
- Not in service, but in friendship.
- There is safety in numbers.
- Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps.
- Than a bad friend, better worthy enemy.
- I follow you, and you grate from me.
Each proverb about friendship has its own separate meaning. By the way, they are all about friendly love.
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