Proverbs about the eyes: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

A proverb with the word eye is able to describe in a word how important vision is for a person. Also, all the sayings have their meaning, as a winged expression. Each proverb about the eyes will describe all the beauty of the Slavic appearance. The following is an eye proverbial hand. You can also find the phraseology “Not in one eye”, the meaning of which is explained in the text of the expression.

  1. In a crooked eye, everything is crooked.
  2. The eye is not glasses; if you knock it out, you cannot buy it.
  3. Eye marks, yes tooth is rare.
  4. Eye on the eye, and the eye is over.
  5. The eye does not see, the soul does not hurt.
  6. The eye is black, the eye is lively, the custom is wolfish.
  7. Eyes like hands raking.
  8. The eyes are the mirror of the soul.
  9. Eyes without a soul are blind, ears without a heart are deaf.
  10. Eyes are afraid, but hands are doing.
  11. The eyes are afraid, the mouth is happy.
  12. Eyes would not be seen, ears not heard.
  13. The eyes are in front, but they are seen from behind.
  14. Eyes speak, eyes listen.
  15. The eyes are the mirror of the soul.
  16. Eyes are flat, and not a crumb sees.
  17. Radiant eyes, but unclean thoughts.
  18. Eyes in a wet place.
  19. Eyes on a spoon, and not a crumb sees.
  20. Eyes are agile, but awkward hands.
  21. Eyes are afraid, but hands do.
  22. The eyes of the ears rather.
  23. It is visible to the eyes, but offensive to the legs.
  24. Do not let the eyes of the will.
  25. Shame on the eyes, but the soul rejoices.
  26. Look with your eyes, but don't give in to your hands.
  27. You can’t watch it with your eyes, you’ll complete it with a moshny.
  28. He cries with his eyes, and laughs with his heart.
  29. It is a shame to the eyes, but to the soul it is gratifying.
  30. Eyes on a spoon, but not a crumb sees.
  31. With an eye you mow - you will fall into a hole.
  32. Look at both, and see at three.
  33. Speak face to face.
  34. Only two eyes, and those behind the nose.
  35. The envious eye sharpens the soul.
  36. A closed eye is not in sight.
  37. Tooth is rare, but eye marks.
  38. There are no eyes on the back of the head.
  39. Do not believe the ears, but believe the eyes.
  40. Not in one eye.
  41. Some eyes cry and laugh.
  42. One eye, yes he sees far.
  43. Eagle eyes, and mosquito wings.
  44. To know by the claws and by the teeth of animals, and to see a person by the eyes.
  45. Between the eyes the nose will blow.
  46. Out of sight, out of mind.
  47. A diamond is its own eye, and a stranger is glass.
  48. His eye is vigilant, not even forty.
  49. You can see a person in the eyes.
  50. An alien eye sees more.

Eyes can be envious, so be careful, you need a talisman. Proverbs about the eyes will tell you how to choose it.

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