Proverbs of Courage: 50 Sayings with Meaning ✍

Below you will find proverbs about courage and proverbs about heroism. Each of them has its own meaning. Also, to entertain the class, a riddle about courage for children is suitable. Wrap all these phrases about courage in words to explain to students how to behave in society.

  1. Any coward about courage to talk much.
  2. Where there is courage, there is happiness.
  3. The hero dies once, the coward - a thousand.
  4. You never know what you can do till you try.
  5. Two deaths cannot be seen, and one cannot be avoided.
  6. For the brave and stick weapon.
  7. Soul in the heels gone.
  8. Behind the stove and the fox is brave.
  9. Stand up bravely for a just cause.
  10. So behind the hero, and in trouble - side.
  11. And the cock is brave in its ashes.
  12. Or a chest in crosses, or a head in bushes.
  13. Every brave man is brave in his own way.
  14. The battle of brave warriors is red.
  15. Strong military commander.
  16. Fortresses obey the brave.
  17. He who is without courage is without joy.
  18. Whoever has not been in battle has not tried courage.
  19. Who goes forward, that fear does not take.
  20. He who does not think of victory will not be a brave man.
  21. Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne.
  22. Whoever is not afraid of death, that bullet shuns.
  23. Whoever bravely beats the enemy, that glory will not die.
  24. Either in the stirrup with your foot, or in the stump with your head.
  25. The world stands before ratification, and the army stands before peace.
  26. Well done for the sheep, and for the well done the sheep themselves.
  27. Courage, multiplied by courage, is invincible.
  28. Do not be brave with a bear, but be brave with a bear.
  29. No defense, pecking and crows.
  30. One pound of courage costs a barrel of happiness.
  31. From the bold and death flees.
  32. After the fight, they don’t wave their fists.
  33. After ratification, there are many brave.
  34. With a brave boss, a coward is brave.
  35. A bullet is a fool, a bayonet is well done.
  36. Risk is a noble cause.
  37. The Russian is not joking with either the sword or the kalach.
  38. Seating the city does not take.
  39. The strong will defeat one who knows a thousand.
  40. He doesn’t take a bold bullet.
  41. Cheek brings success.
  42. A thousand cowards will not replace one brave.
  43. Courage stands, but cowardice runs.
  44. The brave is the master in battle.
  45. The brave fighter in the battle well done.
  46. The brave is not the one who does not know fear, but the one who knows and goes towards.
  47. The brave wins, the coward dies.
  48. The brave is recognized in war, the wise is only in anger, the friend is only in need
  49. Happiness helps the brave.
  50. Whose courage is victory.

After reading all the riddles and proverbs of brave people and their actions, you can choose the right one for yourself and your friends.

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