Proverbs about the world: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Sayings and proverbs about the world are filled with a very deep philosophical meaning. And it is very important that a person understands for himself how important this is now. Of course, the meaning of the world for everyone has its own meaning. We, in turn, tried to convey this through proverbs, since we believe that a lot can be conveyed in a word.
- Peace be with you and we are to you.
- The world is not without good people.
- On the world and death is red.
- Peace to your home.
- You won’t be nice to the whole world.
- Worldly glory is changeable.
- A thin world is better than a good quarrel.
- Piling up the whole world.
- With the world on a thread, a naked shirt.
- Go around the world, but do not make a shit.
- In a world that is in the sea.
- There are a lot of things in the world, like in a sea of water.
- To live in the world - to serve the world.
- A world without an elder is that sheaf without re-ordered.
- The world in the family keeps his wife.
- The world is a great man, he will feed everyone.
- The world is a wave: that one, that's all.
- The world is all older, and there is a contractor in the world.
- Peace and ladder is a great treasure.
- The world is a great thing: as the whole world breathes, so the temporary worker will die.
- The world will blow - the wind will be, the world will spit - the sea will be, the world will dry - the forest will dry.
- The world will stand up for itself.
- The world will roar - the forest is tending.
- The world is galling - the stone will crack.
- The world is a golden mountain.
- Peace and love are the head of everything.
- The world is better than a quarrel.
- The world is wicked, and the monastery is pious to them.
- The world is that water: make noise and disperse.
- The world is a garden: everything grows in it.
- You won’t drag the world.
- Move the world and mountains.
- Worldly rumor that the sea wave.
- Worldly truth stands firmly.
- The worldly glory of the bell.
- The worldly tear is great.
- To whom the world is not dear, he is a hell to us.
- Light conquers darkness, peace conquers war.
- The world is a great thing.
- The world is the world.
- The world is strong not with weapons, but with people of good will.
- Plants are drawn to the light, and peoples to the world.
- Whoever sows the world reaps happiness.
- The agreement in the Kremlin is peace on earth.
- They do not expect peace, they conquer the world.
- The straw world is better than iron fights.
- The cause of the world with truth is strong.
- With the world - everywhere is open, with abuse - everywhere is crowded.
- We believe in pacts, and even more in facts.
- There is space everywhere with the world, crowding everywhere with abuse.
As you already noticed from the article, the following character was laid out: with the world a proverb goes by the side, the world builds and war destroys the meaning of the proverb, whoever sows the world reaps happiness means the proverb and the proverb with the word peace.
First of all, prepare for yourself and your children electronic or illustrated material about the world. And see how effective and visual it is.
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