Proverbs about Autumn: 50 Sayings with Meaning ✍

Proverbs and sayings about autumn are designed to instill in children a love of nature. Everyone knows that nature does not have bad weather, and early autumn is a confirmation of this. This time of year has its periods. Sayings about autumn, as well as riddles and tongue twisters on the theme of nature, are aimed at explaining any sign. Proverbs about autumn can be studied for months. By the way, they can entertain the whole class. So, every proverb can form a child's idea of ​​all the seasons.

  1. August cooks, September - serves.
  2. Indian summer rainy - dry autumn
  3. Father - September does not like to pamper.
  4. In autumn inclement weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above, and sweeps from below.
  5. In November, winter fights with autumn.
  6. In September, it’s more beautiful in the afternoon, but not worthy in the morning.
  7. In September, the leaf does not hold on the tree.
  8. In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
  9. In September, the tit requests autumn to visit.
  10. Spring is not meaty, autumn is not dairy.
  11. In the spring, rain soars, and in the fall - it soaks.
  12. In the spring that spills the river - not to see drops; he will sift with chintz in autumn, and scoop up water at least with a bucket.
  13. Exaltation - the last cart from the field has moved, the bird has gone into flight.
  14. Climbing autumn to winter moves (first hitting).
  15. Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.
  16. If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.
  17. My brother lived with three sisters: spring - young woman, winter - white-faced and autumn - water-drop.
  18. Ivan Lenten came - he stole red summer.
  19. In the summer, a bucket of water is a spoon of dirt, in the autumn a spoon of water is a bucket of dirt.
  20. Not every summer will reach Fedora.
  21. Not from good tree leaf drops.
  22. Kholodolenok the father - October, and November froze him too.
  23. Autumn winter in the bins are not put.
  24. Autumn rain finely sows, but lasts a long time.
  25. Autumn night rides in twelve carts.
  26. Autumn is the reserve, winter is the bottom.
  27. Autumn - weather eight.
  28. Autumn is coming and it is raining.
  29. Autumn will command, and spring will tell.
  30. Autumn is boastful and spring is fair.
  31. Autumn and the sparrow is rich.
  32. In the fall, the crow also has a dig, not only the black grouse.
  33. In the fall, livestock grows fat, and a man becomes good.
  34. From autumn to summer there is no turning point.
  35. Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full.
  36. The first snowball is not lying.
  37. Veil - the end of the round dance, the beginning of gatherings.
  38. Autumn will come, ask for everything.
  39. Birds fly low - to a warm winter, and if they fly high - to a cold winter.
  40. September is a wet season and, above all, fertile.
  41. September does not happen without fruit.
  42. September sees off red summer, meets golden autumn
  43. A severe winter will be if the birds went away together.
  44. Count, woman, chickens in the fall, and man - measure bread in the spring!
  45. Warm autumn - to a long winter.
  46. One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn
  47. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  48. The drier and warmer September stands, the later winter will come.
  49. Autumn sows the weather.
  50. What kind of autumn, if the goose goes on the ice.

All sayings are designed for schoolchildren, preschoolers and one-year-olds. The proverb about autumn will cheer up the whole class during the lesson.

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