Proverbs about the weather: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Every season has its own special signs, its own weather. Proverbs and sayings about the weather in Russian reflect omens of climate, rainfall, and animal behavior in different weathers. Our ancestors invented folk sayings about the weather, proverbs, and riddles for children through centuries-old observations of changes in weather conditions in different seasons of the year.

  1. Weather year is remembered.
  2. The tongue is like an aspen leaf: in all weathers, it shakes.
  3. In frosty weather and the fire is cold.
  4. Bad harvest - don't blame the weather.
  5. Erema, stay at home, the weather is bad.
  6. Spring and autumn, on a weather day eight.
  7. When the weather is bad at sea, the ride is bad.
  8. Praise the girl in the morning, and the weather in the evening.
  9. With a scythe in the hands of the weather is not expected.
  10. Such a year also happens: there are seven weathers per day.
  11. Not forecasts spoil the weather, but weather forecasts.
  12. Cabbage loves water and good weather.
  13. There is no bad weather for a good shooter.
  14. Each wind has its own weather.
  15. There is never good weather for a lazy breed.
  16. When the field is reaped and mowed, they do not wait for the weather and do not ask.
  17. In bad weather, do not climb out of the oven, or eat bread.
  18. I love the sea with care, but in calm weather.
  19. Health and weather do not affect the day before.
  20. Thieves do not reap, but wait for the weather.
  21. You can recognize a windy person in calm weather.
  22. Weather is changing - it is raining, people are changing - they are dying.
  23. When you sow bread in the weather, offspring will be born more.
  24. In such weather, a good owner will not drive the dog out of the house.
  25. A good sailor is known in bad weather.
  26. There lives such a year that there are seven weathers per day.
  27. Early swallows - to a happy year.
  28. The mouse overcomes before a hungry year.
  29. Harvest nuts, bread for next year.
  30. The cat is sleeping peacefully - the weather will be warm.
  31. The coolest month is cold weather.
  32. The first solid snow falls at night.
  33. Firewood burns with a bang - to the frost.
  34. Do not moth the long summer, moth the warm.
  35. Whatever the summer ugly, everything will fit in the winter.
  36. The cat washes, licks its paw - to good weather.
  37. The sun sets red - the weather will be windy.
  38. The cat curled up in the frost.
  39. It melts early, does not melt for a long time.
  40. The crane flew in and brought warmth.
  41. Springtime is dust from the yard.
  42. This is not winter, but summer in a winter dress.
  43. Not that snow that sweeps, but that it’s coming from above.
  44. Cat to the stove - frosty weather in the yard.
  45. In winter, stars shine - for colder, in summer - for heat.
  46. Looking from the New Year, this will be the weather
  47. When the rooster sings at night, not during, during severe frosts, then the cold will die.
  48. Take care of your nose in great frost.
  49. Sleep in the autumn without crossing the river, move in the spring without missing an hour.
  50. A seagull would fly, and spring would be.

Popular signs, proverbs and sayings about the weather originate from ancient times. On signs of the nature of each month, there is a proverb about the weather described by a bright, accurate word. Sayings about the weather at different times of the year differ from each other, just like the seasons of the year vary.

Learning proverbs about the weather with children is an extremely necessary and useful thing that allows you to captivate the class and significantly increase the knowledge of the kids about their native nature.

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