Proverbs about work: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

Cool proverbs and sayings about work and creative activity. Funny, sometimes serious phrases about labor, which carry cognitive and educational meaning and significance. In a word, everything is in our hands and until you work, you don’t know yours or not.

  1. Without excitement, without care, do not expect joy from work.
  2. It’s hard for him to live, who runs away from work.
  3. Work expels all nonsense.
  4. Good people start the day with work.
  5. The work is boiling, but the day is small.
  6. We live in a new way, we work in a new way.
  7. If there were hands, they would give work.
  8. Eyes scare, and hands do.
  9. He who serves well does not grieve for anything.
  10. By work and employee know.
  11. Work bolder - you will live more fun.
  12. Work amuses the heart of man.
  13. We worked hard, worked on health.
  14. Who does not work, will be left without bread.
  15. Good job and the old man is young.
  16. You work in good faith, and people are not ashamed to look into people's eyes.
  17. Work until sweat, so you eat while hunting.
  18. Eat - do not be ashamed, and work - do not be lazy.
  19. Work, don’t yawn: summer is a guest, winter is a mistress.
  20. By work and device, all the light is held.
  21. Do you like to dress up, love and outfits for work.
  22. It’s not a shame to work for yourself.
  23. Dress, do not rush, but work - do not be lazy.
  24. Healthy for food, but sick for work.
  25. Man is great by labor.
  26. Work has gone - the day is short.
  27. Tackle any work with hunting.
  28. Without labor, you can’t even get a fish out of a pond.
  29. God of workers loves.
  30. Finished business - walk boldly.
  31. The case of the master is afraid.
  32. Cause time - fun hour.
  33. Under the lying deck, water does not flow.
  34. From boredom to all trades.
  35. Favorite work, like a beloved wife, will not be disgusted.
  36. Eyes are afraid, but hands do.
  37. Down and Out trouble started.
  38. Strike while the iron is hot.
  39. A good deed will save the soul and body.
  40. The craft does not carry over.
  41. Work not for fear, but for conscience.
  42. Cut a tree on the shoulder.
  43. From work you will not be rich, but you will be a hunchback.
  44. The game is not worth the candle.
  45. What is the payment, such is the work.
  46. To carry water a sieve.
  47. Dedicated to the cause of soul and body.
  48. Do it awry.
  49. Work fun loves.
  50. Work and hands are sureties in people.

As they say, fools are not kept anywhere and nobody needs them. Though some moments can be argued at heart, the work ennobles. We tried to show you the topic from a different angle, namely: a proverb with the word work, a proverb about work and proverbs about work and work, a saying with a meaning about work.

And what proverbs with the word work do you know? Write in the comments.

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