Proverbs of Patience: 50 Sayings with Meaning ✍

Below you will find proverbs and sayings about patience. The meaning of each of them is different. To start the study, the proverb “Without patience, there is no teaching.” Make a story for the children using several of them. For a start, read correctly and explain in a word “Patience and labor will rub everything” the meaning of the proverb and its meaning. It is also recommended to consider “Without learning there is no patience” - a proverb about tolerance and tolerance.
- Without hope - without clothes: you will freeze in warm weather.
- Without patience, there is no learning.
- Will be - it will be so, but it will not be, so let it be something.
- There will be that no one will disturb us either.
- There will be rains, there will be a bucket.
- Everyone is looking forward.
- Any business can be overcome with patience.
- There is an end to all patience.
- Patience measure.
- Any difficulty can be overcome by patience.
- She also brings us her song.
- If there is patience, there will be a skill.
- You can’t cut down a tree at a time.
- And the sun will shine in my window.
- And the arcs bend with patience, and not suddenly.
- And this day is not without tomorrow.
- And the dark night is not forever.
- Skill will come to great patience.
- No matter how oppress the tree, it grows upward.
- No matter how terrible the day, the whole evening will come.
- Pound, fight, and all hope.
- Mosquitoes bite for the time being.
- It’s great to endure, but it’s hardened - it will fall in love.
- Better a sparrow in his hands than a rooster on the roof.
- Better a tit in hand than a crane in the sky.
- It’s better to put up with it yourself than do coma to trouble.
- Have patience for every desire.
- There is patience for desire.
- Power is not everywhere, where skill is, and where patience is.
- Without patience, you will not learn anything.
- I didn’t catch a crucian - you will catch a pike.
- Wear a dress, do not fold; endure grief, do not tell!
- You will endure, and in hell nothing.
- From grumbling impatience, the water in the pot does not boil.
- If you fall into your hands, you will endure torment.
- With desire and with patience and mountain you turn off.
- Patience overcomes everything.
- Patience gives you the ability to.
- Patience and a little effort.
- Patience gives skill.
- Patience will gradually take its toll.
- Bear with grief for a week, and reign for a year.
- Bear with grief: drink honey.
- Tolerate, head, bound in bone.
- Be patient, Cossack, you will be the chieftain.
- Patience, people go out.
- Patience, grief will affect.
- An hour to endure, and a century to live.
- Man is not a stone: he suffers, and he will crack.
- Whatever is done is all for the best.
The proverb “Without learning there is no patience” is read correctly, let the whole class read it in chorus. “Without learning, there is no patience,” a proverb about perseverance for all.
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