Proverbs about the doctrine: 50 sayings with meaning ✍

School proverbs and sayings for children about learning and the benefits of education, knowledge and new skills. As well as learning and learning at school. Presented Russian proverbs about learning best describe education in general.
- A book is a book, but move it with your mind.
- Read books, but do not forget things.
- The book is not red in writing, red in mind.
- The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is knowledge.
- Do not say what you studied, but say that you learned.
- Live and learn.
- Not ashamed not to know, ashamed not to learn.
- Without patience, there is no learning.
- Science is not flour.
- Without sciences, as without hands.
- Science - or rather, golden guarantee.
- From a teacher, science.
- Repetition is the mother of learning.
- Learning is the path to skill.
- A good book is a best friend.
- The scientist leads, the unlearned walks next.
- A literacy to learn is always useful.
- Without flour there is no science.
- Be treated by a doctor, and learn from a smart one.
- Science does not lead into the forest, but leads out of the forest.
- There is no old age for learning.
- Learn from a young age - you will not know hunger under old age.
- People feed on science.
- You will lead a book - you will gain your mind.
- Teach a show, not a story.
- Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.
- Not school, but life teaches.
- And the bear is taught to dance.
- Learning is the path to skill.
- A letter is not a disease; it does not take years.
- Know more, sleep less.
- Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
- Books do not speak, but they tell the truth.
- Do not learn forcibly - learn by hunting.
- Science does not ask for bread, but gives bread.
- The madman does not like learning.
- The letters are crooked, but the meaning is direct.
- Do not study before old age, but study to death.
- Learn from a young age - useful in old age,
- Light stands by science, people live by learning.
- You know the score, you yourself will.
- Knowledge is power.
- Znayka runs the path, dunno lies on the stove.
- And the donkey shows his mind.
- And the power is inferior to the mind.
- To go into science is to endure flour.
- The name of the master remains in his creations; the name of the scientist remains in his books.
- One book enriches, and another one seduces from the way.
- Another book of the mind will add, another and the last
- Art is a living stream, science is a bright lamp.
The proverbs about teaching and work discussed in the article revealed a topic with interesting accents and points. And the proverbs about the school for the 2nd grade, which are spoken about in a word, showed the importance of learning and literacy. And this is just class!
And what proverbs do you know about study and proverbs about the benefits of knowledge in Russian?
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