How to wash a spot of iodine from linoleum and how to remove it from a laminate

All surfaces in residential premises, without exception, are subject to certain pollution. Wet cleaning will help to cope with most of them safely. However, when washing a floor covering, it is necessary to solve more complex tasks than simply collecting dust. For example, far from everyone knows how to wash iodine from linoleum, inadvertently spilled during use.

How to remove iodine from linoleum

Features of iodine stains

The difficulty in removing iodine stains from the flooring lies in the uneven surface of linoleum. It has a ribbed porous structure, which leads to the ingress of any liquid into small folds. Therefore, when trying to wipe such a stain with an ordinary wet rag, the desired result is not.

How to wash iodine from linoleum

But it is not all that bad. This antiseptic disinfectant has a number of features that will not allow the contamination to remain on the floor for a long time. It dissolves not only in an alkaline environment, but also in water, so time will help to remove iodine from linoleum. In other words, if you do not touch the stain at all, then after a few days it will completely disappear from the floor covering. You just need to continue to do wet cleaning following your usual schedule.

Iodine is a substance that evaporates very quickly under the influence of sunlight. Moreover, the alcohol base accelerates this process as much as possible. If linoleum or laminate was contaminated in a bright room, then after a couple of weeks all traces will simply disappear on their own. To remove pollution quickly have to resort to other methods.

Removal of pollution by folk methods

If you erase spilled iodine immediately, then most likely this will solve the situation. It will take a clean rag and a couple of minutes of time. To enhance the effect, you need to moisten it with water and wipe the stain with a little effort.

If time is lost and the pollution cannot be removed with water and a rag, then use the following substances:

How to wipe iodine from linoleum

  • alcohol or any solutions based on it that do not contain dyes;
  • baking soda;
  • starch;
  • citric acid or fresh lemon.

Citric acid can be successfully replaced with tablets of ordinary ascorbic acid or aspirin. In their composition, it is contained in large quantities and is quite capable of coping with the task.

The use of alcohol solution

For these purposes, pure alcohol or liquids, in which it is present, are excellent. The main thing is not to use those that can aggravate the situation and paint the pollution in new colors or make the stain greasy.

How to remove iodine from linoleum

The process of cleaning the surface consists in rubbing the stained laminate or linoleum with a rag soaked in an alcohol-containing liquid. If the stain is long-standing and difficult to clean, you need to pour a little alcohol directly on it and wait a while. Then repeat the procedure.

After successfully removing iodine from linoleum, rinse it well with plain water and wipe it dry with a rag. It will also be useful to air the room. Ethanol has a persistent unpleasant odor and can cause discomfort in people who are especially sensitive to it.

Using baking soda

This tool is very widely used in everyday life. Washing dishes, cleaning tiles, bathtubs or other plumbing is rarely complete without baking soda. It will also help to remove the iodine stain from linoleum without any difficulties. But will have to comply with some technologyso as not to damage the new floor surface.

At the place of contamination, pour a couple of teaspoons of soda and moisten with water.A gruel should form, which will need to be rubbed into the stain with a clean, damp rag with little effort.

How to remove iodine from linoleum

After a few minutes, when the solution begins to corrode the dirt, it must be washed with water. Despite the seeming harmlessness of baking soda, all the necessary precautions must be observed. If used incorrectly, there is a risk of a slight chemical burn.

In especially difficult cases, if the stain is not removed after the procedures, should proceed as follows:

  1. rinse the surface and fill it with several tablespoons of baking soda;
  2. moisten it, bringing to a consistency of gruel;
  3. cover with a damp cloth and leave for several hours.

During this time, soda will completely dissolve the stain and you will only have to wash the floors. The surface will be clean, and traces of iodine will disappear.

Linoleum Starch Cleansing

How to wipe iodine from linoleum

If you don’t have soda or other handy household products on hand to clean the floor from pollution, you can use ordinary potatoes, which, as a rule, are always in any house. In this case, the use of pure starch is the ideal solution, but if it is not there, then the vegetable itself will be in its original form.

Purification using starch powder is similar to baking soda, but tuber will have to tinker a bit. For these purposes, it is desirable to use not the largest of the available, but not the smallest. It must be cut into two parts exactly in the middle and, holding one half in the hand, rub the stain.

After some time, cutting a small layer from half of the used part of the tuber, repeat the procedure. In the same way you need to do with the second half of the potato. At the end of the entire procedure, the floors need to be washed and dried.

Cleaning the surface with lemon

Citric acid has good cleaning properties. Its use in everyday life is not limited solely to cooking. She will successfully help to cope with many spots, including iodine on the floor.

The process consists in rubbing with a damp cloth a place of contamination, on which a slurry of citric acid was previously applied, moistened with water. The procedure is repeated until iodine completely disappears from linoleum or laminate. Removing dirt with poorly moistened powder is not recommended. This can cause subtle scratches on the floor.

If there is no concentrated powder in the house, then fresh fruit is suitable. Having cut it into two parts, you need to rub the stain with them until it comes off.

How to wash iodine from linoleum

Safe household chemicals

Household chemicals containing chlorine and derivatives derived from it are sometimes the best means, since removing iodine from linoleum with its help will turn out very quickly, and the stain will be guaranteed to be completely removed. However, this method has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones.

The chemistry used to clean flooring, linoleum and laminate:

How to remove iodine from linoleum

  • "White";
  • Pemolux;
  • "Comets";
  • Sanfor.

Important to rememberthat many powder cleaners contain abrasive particles that scratch surfaces with excessive force during the cleaning process. If for the old linoleum this moment does not carry any significant risks, then for a new laminate, this state of affairs can turn into a slightly spoiled appearance.

It is also not necessary to fill in the stain with chlorine-containing liquid or fill it with cleaning powder. "White" should be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10. This solution should remove pollution by rubbing it with a rag, richly moistened in it.

When using powders, the procedure is practically no different. Wet rags are dipped in a container with a cleaning agent and stains are removed with light circular motions in contaminated places.

How to wipe iodine from linoleum

Not all household chemicals are equally harmless to one or another type of flooring. Given this point, you need to approach the solution of the problem with caution. Do not immediately start cleaning.It is better to apply a little powder or chlorine-containing liquid to linoleum in another place, which is usually hidden from the eyes. Wait a while and check how the product affected the appearance of the floor. If it is damaged or has lost its original shade, then you can not use it.


