How to wipe the pen from the skin 🥝 how to clean the ink stain from plastic, carpet, phone

A leaking pen always brings a lot of trouble, so everyone needs to know how to wipe or wash ink. Particularly often this problem was encountered by families in which there are small children and a ballpoint pen they love. Just hit the pen to the child, how quickly everything that gets in his way will be covered with “rock paintings”: walls, mother’s dress, dad’s notebook, recently sent linoleum and the baby himself. And adults are not immune from "ink surprises." Who doesn’t have a handle leaking in his bag or pocket at least once? How many times have you had to give up your favorite things? If the child can be washed, and only the repair will help the paper wallpaper on the walls, then the clothes and linoleum can still be saved. Below we suggest you get acquainted with the methods of getting rid of unpleasant stains easily and quickly.

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How to wipe ink?

How does ink rub off a pen? There are two types of ink stain removers:

  1. Natural:
    1. soda;
    2. salt;
    3. lemon acid;
    4. milk, kefir or yogurt;
    5. corn starch;
    6. vinegar.
  2. Chemical:
    1. ethanol;
    2. Toothpaste;
    3. petrol;
    4. ammonia;
    5. acetone;
    6. glycerol;
    7. White Spirit;
    8. hydrogen peroxide;
    9. turpentine;
    10. dishwashing liquid;
    11. Polish for hair.
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How to remove ink with natural means

Before you remove or wipe the ink from plastic or other surfaces, familiarize yourself with all the possible options and choose the one that is more convenient for you and does not require additional spending money.

Method 1 - Soda Removal

  1. Dilute soda in water to make a thick mass.
  2. Determine the resulting slurry evenly by the tissue site.
  3. Leave to dry completely.
  4. Rinse with running water and wash as usual.

Method 2 - Purification with Salt

  1. Sprinkle fresh spots with salt.
  2. Add some vinegar or citric acid.
  3. Leave it like that for fifteen minutes.
  4. Wash a thing.

Method 3 - kefir or yogurt

  1. Fill the area with ink kefir or yogurt.
  2. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash clothes as usual.

Method 4 - remove ink with milk

  1. Soak ink stained clothing in milk.
  2. Leave it overnight.
  3. Put in a cold place so that milk does not turn sour.
  4. Wash contaminated places first, and then completely the whole thing in normal mode.

Method 5 - cleaning clothes from the handle with corn starch

  1. Mix starch with milk until a thick paste is obtained.
  2. Apply ink remover to the desired item or to a smeared area of ​​the floor or wall.
  3. Leave on for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash the stained area, and then the whole thing.

Method 6 - Wine Vinegar

When deciding how to wipe the ink, look, there is wine vinegar at home - it is very effective in removing stains from a pen. To use this tool, do the following:

  1. Fill the stain with white wine vinegar.
  2. Make a mass of corn starch and vinegar.
  3. Apply to ink.
  4. Leave on for 2-3 hours.
  5. Wash.

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What else can you wipe a pen with?

You can use the combination of tools that are available in almost every home and are always at hand.

Method 1 - vinegar and alcohol

To use these products, first prepare the cleaning mixture itself:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of alcohol.
  2. Fill this mass with an ink stain.
  3. Leave on for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse the thing.
  5. Wash in the usual suitable mode.

Method 2 - Citric Acid and Alcohol

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. tablespoon of citric acid and 1 teaspoon of alcohol.
  1. Apply to stain.
  2. Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Wash the whole thing.

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How to wipe ink with chemicals?

Chemicals are quite effective in dealing with ink stains. Below are almost all possible ways to remove traces of a pen.

White spirit, acetone, gasoline or solvent

You can safely use this option not only for cleaning clothes, but also for removing ink stains from linoleum:

  1. Apply the product on a sponge.
  2. Process ink on floors or clothing.
  3. Leave on for 40 minutes.
  4. Re-process.
  5. Wash off the chemicals with a damp cloth.
  6. Thoroughly wash the item if you removed the pen from your clothes or mop the floor if you wiped ink from linoleum.

Important! Please note that this option is not suitable for silk, chiffon, velvet and wool products!


  1. Pour glycerin contamination.
  2. Leave for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse with salted water.
  4. Wipe the stain.
  5. Wash the item thoroughly to remove residual glycerin from clothing.


  1. Moisten cotton wool with ethyl alcohol.
  2. Gently wipe the cloth or use a sponge to wipe the ink on hard surfaces.
  3. Wash clothes as normal.

Medical alcohol

  1. Apply a small amount to the ink spot.
  2. Leave on for 10-15 minutes so that the alcohol dissolves the dirt.
  3. Rinse with running water and wash the item.

Important! The last 2 options can also be used to wipe ink off walls and floors.

Hydrogen peroxide

Be very careful with this substance, since when used on colored items and painted surfaces, the shade may fade or even change. It is better to apply exclusively to white clothing according to the following rules:

  1. Moisten cotton with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply to ink with blotting movements.
  3. Treat this place with a solution of ammonia.
  4. Rinse the contaminated area with running water.
  5. Wash clothes.

Dishwashing liquid

This method is perfect for wiping ink from wallpaper, linoleum and even parquet:

  1. Apply to the desired area.
  2. Leave on for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Rub a little with a sponge.
  4. Remove any foam and residues from the surface.
  5. Wipe with a damp cloth until all ink and detergent are completely removed.

Polish for hair

Regular hair spray also copes with the problem of removing traces from the handle. For this:

  1. Spray the stain until it is moisturized.
  2. Rinse off with water.
  3. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  4. Wash things.


Toothpaste is suitable for cleaning various contaminants, including ink:

  1. Use your finger to apply the paste directly to the ink on the floor or clothing.
  2. Rub 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wipe the stain itself.
  4. Make sure the ink is off the fabric.
  5. Wash the whole thing.


Liquid ammonia, although it has a rather specific smell, nevertheless, gives a good result:

  1. Apply ammonia to the fabric or to the desired area of ​​the wall and floor.
  2. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rub with a sponge with detergent.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth until the alcohol and detergent are completely removed.
  5. Wash clothing or wipe thoroughly with a damp and dry cloth if ammonia was used to remove stains from the handle on hard surfaces.

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Additional recommendations

A combination of several tools helps well. For the preparation of special solutions, focus on the following recipes:

  • ammonia and turpentine - 1: 1;
  • baking soda and ammonia - 1 tsp each. for 1 glass of water;
  • hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - 1 tsp each. 250 g of water;
  • dishwashing detergent - 0.5 tsp, vinegar - 1 tbsp. l., warm water - 1 liter.
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