How to remove hair dye from clothes?

A woman who once dyed her hair was exposed to dye on her skin or clothing. This problem may concern not only with self-staining, but even if you were painted by a master. To remove such spots is quite difficult, but possible. Today we will discuss such a topic with you, we will learn how to remove hair dye from clothes so that changing your image does not require a simultaneous wardrobe update.

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We draw a fresh stain of paint from colored clothes

With the problem of how to remove stains from hair dye from clothes, brunettes are most often faced. This is due to the fact that the dark pigment dye leaves the greatest harm to fabric products than light. Every woman knows that it is much easier to remove all blots fresh than when they are already completely dry.

If the dye paste got on a colored fabric, then it will be much harder to remove than on a plain one. However, do not get upset and throw out your favorite blouse. You just need to choose the right stain remover.

Important! The difficulty lies in the fact that when removing stains from paint to remove gray hair, you can damage all colors that are present on the product from the fabric.

General rules

Guided by three rules, you can choose the right stain remover:

  • do not use chlorine bleach for clothes;
  • to test a newly purchased product on an invisible part of the product;
  • When choosing a stain remover, it is worth considering whether it is suitable for your fabric.

A simple solution

  • If during staining, you notice that a dark paste has dripped onto a fabric product, you should not wait until the entire procedure is completed. It is necessary to immediately take off your clothes and rinse off the paint under cold running water. In this case, the blob will go away on its own even without the use of detergents.
  • If you saw that the trace of the pigment substance was not completely washed away, then you must immediately throw the soiled blouse into a washing machine with cold water and washing powder. Previously, the blot is recommended to be well coated with laundry soap. In just half an hour you will get a perfectly clean thing.

Important! When fresh ink gets on the fabric, it is strictly forbidden to use hot water. It is she who can provoke the fact that the coloring pigment is eaten into the fibers of the canvas and you can not remove it in any way.

We use available tools

Another way to wipe hair dye from clothes is to use ordinary varnish for styling curls. The essence of the method is that:

  1. When the dye gets on the fabric, it is necessary to immediately spray the hairspray very well from the wrong side. The condition should be like a wet thing.
  2. After abundant application of varnish, it is necessary to rub the place with the blot well with your hands, smear with laundry soap and stretch in cold water.

Important! Surprisingly, literally after 15-20 minutes there will be no trace of the spot. This efficiency of the method is due to the fact that the hair styling varnish contains special substances, alcohol and other solvents that help to cope with fresh traces.

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Bring out the old hair dye stain from a colored fabric

To remove dried paint stains from clothing, you will need:

  • table 9% vinegar;
  • solvent or acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Important! To always look compelling, use the tips from our separate publication"Hair care".

Method 1

If you are thinking about how to remove stains from hair dye from clothes using hydrogen peroxide, you must:

  1. Pour this substance on the blot.
  2. Leave on for 20 minutes.
  3. After that, put the product in a washing machine with powder.

Important! We draw your attention to the fact that washing should be done in cold water. At the end of the wash, you will remove the product without stains.

Method 2

Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with ordinary 9-% vinegar in a table. For this you need:

  • Soak the product in vinegar for half an hour.
  • After that, send to the washing machine for any mode of washing in cold water.

Important! This method is very effective in combating stains of this origin. Vinegar acid will corrode the dye, and there will be no trace of it. The color of the fabric will not suffer, but on the contrary, it can only get better.

Method 3

Another way to remove hair dye from clothes and colored fabrics is to use solvents such as acetone, refined gasoline or similar substances. For this you need:

  1. Apply an aggressive agent to the tissue, namely to the stained area.
  2. Leave on for 20 minutes before washing.
  3. After that, send to a drum with powder and conditioner. Wash in cold water.

Important! Use of solvents is possible only on dense and natural fabrics. If you are sure that this substance will not affect the clothes, then you can use. It is strongly not recommended to use on delicate products from synthetics, silk.

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We draw paint from white clothes

If you are thinking about how to remove hair dye from clothes at home despite the fact that you have a white fabric product, you can use all the methods that we listed above. However, the main difference between white and colored things is that in this case, you can use more aggressive and effective methods of dealing with pigments:

  • In the fight against stains, which are very difficult to remove, on white things you can use stain removers in the form of soap and strong bleach for linen of various origins that are sure to cope with this problem.
  • One of the most effective ways is to use salt, vinegar and glycerin. To use this method, it is necessary to drip a little glycerol on the blot, leave it for five minutes to absorb it. Then pour a little vinegar and salt diluted in 20 ml of water. You will see before your eyes how the trace of the pigment substance begins to decrease in size, and then completely disappear.
  • If there is a small dark mark, drip a small amount onto a dark place ammonia. After all this procedure, it is recommended to wash in a washing machine in cold water using an air conditioner.

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Emergency stain removal measures

When deciding what to remove hair dye from clothes, you can use radical methods that are not suitable for every product, but they are quite effective.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

To remove blots, you will need:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid ammonia;
  • 1 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide.

How to act:

  1. Mix all the ingredients and soak a cotton pad in this solution.
  2. Place the swab on the blot and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  3. After this time, rinse the product, send to the drum of the washing machine for washing in cold water.

Use of ammonia

This method is effective in solving the problem of how to wash hair dye from clothes. For this:

  1. Soak a product with a blot in a bowl of cold water and pour in one bottle of ammonia.
  2. After 20-30 minutes, there will be no trace of the spot.

Important! Despite the fact that this method is very effective, it has a big minus - the product has a pungent odor, which is very difficult to remove. Therefore, after the procedure, it is necessary to wash the product in the washing machine repeatedly, with a large amount of air conditioning.

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We told you how to remove hair dye stains from clothes. Now you can get rid of stains on your favorite fabric items, even if they stayed a very long time.

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