Stain remover

Now the market is filled with all kinds of detergents for washing clothes and fabrics. What are the most effective and safe means for removing stains - you will learn in this article. In it you will get acquainted with the traditional representatives of stain removers in the market of household chemicals, with environmental, unfortunately not yet so demanded, and with folk, natural helpers to remove stains from fabrics.
to contents ↑Clothing stain remover
Now you will not frighten anyone with spots of grass on children's jeans and traces of wine or coffee on the tablecloth. All of these contaminants can be easily removed with modern stain removers. But among so many products, which one to choose?
In order to quickly cope with this task and buy a really effective remedy for stains on clothes, and even inexpensively, it will not be out of place to take into account the reviews of experienced housewives and professionals of special dry cleaning salons.
Popular stain removers
Popular ones include inexpensive affordable stain removers that can be found in any store:
- Vanish. One of the best selling products. It happens both for colored fabrics, and for white. The tool is recommended to be applied directly to the stain. Before applying on colored fabric, it is advised to try the strength of staining in an area that is not striking. Effectively acts in both hot and cold water. Protect from direct sunlight and store at a temperature below 40 degrees.
- Frau Schmidt. Austrian remedy that contains bile soap. Designed to remove stains of fat, blood, oil, wine, coffee. Suitable for all types and colors of fabrics. It is odorless. There are no perfumes. Treats hand skin with care.
- Sarma Active. According to the manufacturer’s description, this product removes all types of contaminants, of varying complexity and duration. It can act both independently and in combination with powder, enhancing the properties of the latter. The stain remover bleaches light monophonic things and refreshes colored ones, removing dust deposits from the surface of the thing. The composition of the product does not include chlorine. A great machine wash option.
- Antipyatin. The product is available in the form of soap, spray and powder. It has an unpleasant odor, but removes most types of contaminants. More effective in removing fresh contaminants. It can work with colored and white fabrics. Apply to stain before washing. It is not recommended to use when cleaning children's things.
- Just a moment. The product removes stains of fat, grass, juices, etc. Suitable for cleaning machine seats. Available in the form of a thick gel. It is applied to the stain and dries, absorbing all the pollution. It dries and is removed with a brush.
Environmentally friendly stain removers:
- Udalix Ultra Plus. Available in the form of powder, gel, spray and pencil. Removes all known types of stains. It does not contain chlorine. Treats fabric with care. It does not emit substances harmful to humans. Does not destroy the environment. It acts quickly and efficiently.
- Edelstar. Universal stain remover pencil. In its production, only the latest developments in the field of household chemicals were used. It is not toxic and not flammable. The stain remover does not have any odor or abrasive particles. It does not cause allergies. It completely dissolves in the environment without polluting it. Removes all known stain types from any fabric.
- Ecover. Country of origin - Belgium.An excellent tool for the safe removal of stains, both for the tissue and for the person and his environment. For its manufacture, manufacturers use only natural components of plant origin and no petroleum products. Due to this factor, experts advise the use of the products of this company for washing children's clothes, too.
- SA8 ™ Stain Remover Spray. Production company "Amway". This is a unique tool in the fight against stubborn stains. The spray has a light pleasant aroma and is very easy to use, just spray on the desired area on things. The pollution disappears right before our eyes. Does not contain chlorofluorocarbons.
Natural remedies for stain control
These funds are also called folk, because of their availability and frequency of use at home. They are absolutely harmless to humans. The main thing is to correctly apply them on the fabric, so as not to damage. To do this, you need to know their properties:
- Vinegar. It perfectly removes stains of fat, coffee, etc. If the denim has faded, it is recommended to rinse it in vinegar to return it to its original color.
- Hydrogen peroxide. It removes most contaminants, but is not recommended for use on colored fabrics, as it is a very powerful solvent and, together with a stain, can destroy the color of the fabric. Removes traces of coffee, tea and even hair dye.
- Ammonia. Removes traces of chocolate, eggs, sweat on clothing. Suitable for processing delicate fabrics.
- Starch. Good oily stain remover. It is enough to apply starch to a damp cloth and leave to dry. It absorbs the entire oil mass. It cleans synthetics especially well.
- Laundry soap. It is made on the basis of natural components and can remove almost any pollution with certain efforts. Suitable for all kinds of fabrics and not harmful to hands.
- Glycerol. It is used on woolen, cotton, synthetic and other fabrics. Glycerin is intended to eliminate stains from milk, iodine, fish oil, tobacco, chocolate, coffee and blood.
- Lemon juice. Another type of acid that dissolves organic pollutants well. Suitable for removing contaminants from plain light fabrics, including rust.
- A piece of chalk. It is widely used to remove stains of fat.
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Here are a few of the products that are designed to remove stains from clothing. Which of them to act - decide in favor of your health and the health of your loved ones.
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