How to remove yellow spots on white?

We all sweat - this is an integral biological process that occurs at ease. Some sweat profusely, and some less. But regardless of whether you sweat heavily or in moderation - yellow traces of sweat on your white clothes will still remain. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove yellow spots on white. This article will show you how to do it.
to contents ↑What simple tools are used?
At home, you can use improvised substances stored in the kitchen or in a family medicine cabinet to wipe away yellow stains on white. Traces left from sweat can be easily removed if you prepare a mixture that consists of:
- detergent for dishes or shampoo - 1 tbsp. l .;
- baking soda - 2 tbsp. l .;
- hydrogen peroxide - 4 tbsp. l
Rub with a brush, soak for several hours, wash.
Modern housewives confidently say that in some cases it is possible and even preferable to use a substance that is known as Fairy. The composition of this tool includes active chemical components, they also help to get rid of yellow spots.
These methods are universal. But each of us in our wardrobe has our favorite clothes from one or another material. If you decide to come up with a solution to the question of how to remove yellow spots on white, very thoroughly, we suggest that you take exactly those funds that are most suitable for a particular fabric.
In order to eliminate sweat stains from the surface of white cotton clothing, you will have to go back to the kitchen:
- Prepare a solution that consists of sodium chloride and ammonia, taken in a proportion of 1 tsp. into a glass of ordinary water.
- Put your clothes in a solution for 2-3 hours.
- Then wash with laundry soap, rinse thoroughly.
Collars and cuffs on cotton shirts
It is especially difficult to achieve a completely even white color at the moment when an old yellow spot adorns the cuffs of a man's shirt and her collar. Try the above composition in different proportions: 4 parts ammonia, 1 part salt to 1 part water.
Important! The old way of boiling white cotton linen with a piece of laundry soap, which you must grind into chips, will not fail. Success is guaranteed due to the duration of boiling. It must be at least 3-4 hours with constant stirring.
Thick cotton stains
In the event that you need to remove yellow spots on dense white cotton, treat persistent yellowness with a solution that consists of 4 parts of white spirit and 2 parts of ammonia.
Important! So that you don’t have problems at the final stage of washing, remember using the tips from our article, how to wash cotton.
- You can use the above method with table salt to remove yellow stains from silk white things - 50 g per 1 glass of water.
- Another effective method is the use of hyposulfite, its other name is thiosulfate. Once it was used for photo printing, now it is possible to purchase this product in a pharmacy (it is used as an antidote) or in a specialized store of chemical reagents.Dissolve hyposulphite in the form of crystals in 200 ml of water, wipe the cloth with this liquid, and rinse with warm water after a few minutes. The yellow spot will disappear before your eyes, and the silk will be refreshed and get an extra shine.
- In order to remove old spots that have already been eaten into silk fabric, they use such an aggressive tool as White Spirit. Mix it with ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio, wipe the cloth with this mixture, and then rinse several times to ensure that there is not the slightest smell. Silk belongs to the category of fabrics that are very delicate, so for starters, make sure that the fabric does not suffer. Perform test tests on small areas of fabric.
Important! Exactly the same methods can remove yellow spots from the surface of thin synthetic fabrics. Although for some of these fabrics an ordinary laundry soap or laundry detergent will suffice. Read how to clean such materials properly in our publications:
An ordinary light 72% laundry soap in the form of a concentrated solution will help to clean up wool products from stains:
- Grate a bar of laundry soap and dilute with water.
- The resulting soap foam as a result of mixing is applied to the surface of the contaminated area of the fabric.
- Soak for several hours.
- Wash thoroughly, adhering to all rules for washing wool.
When the spots are too long
In the event that the yellow traces are ancient enough and you were not able to eliminate them from the first run, you can enhance the effect of soap with acid: oxalic, citric, and also acetic.
Oxalic acid:
- On a pre-moistened cloth, rub with laundry soap, and without washing, diluted with oxalic acid - 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water.
- Wet the stain for a while, then wash thoroughly.
- Wet the problem area well with 9% vinegar.
- After passing a few minutes, without rinsing, carefully rub the laundry soap and leave it in this state overnight.
- Wash thoroughly in the morning and then rinse.
Lemon acid
It is similar to oxal in its application. In order to remove yellow spots on white, you can follow the exact same procedure.
Important! If there is no bag of citric acid powder, but there is lemon itself, squeeze the whole fruit onto a contaminated area. Allow time for exposure and then wash.
Baking soda:
- Prepare a paste that consists of 4 tbsp. l soda and ¼ Art. water.
- Rub the contaminated area with the brush on which the mixture is applied.
- Wait for 1 hour.
- Wash your usual way.
Important! Although soda is not an acid, it gives an excellent whitening effect. Due to this, it is popular in removing stains of various origins from white clothes and not only. How exactly to use this cheap and universal tool, see a separate selection of methods "Removing stains of soda".
Effective remedy
Here is a completely lethal composition, with which you can eliminate stubborn stains on the white items of your wardrobe. This solution is prepared and applied as follows:
- Mix 30 ml of gasoline - purified, purchased in the department with household chemicals, 40 ml of denatured alcohol - this is industrial alcohol, as well as 20 ml of ammonia.
- Apply the prepared solution to the contaminated area for only five minutes.
- After that, wash the fabric in the usual way.
Useful Tips:
- No matter what method you remove the stains - special stain removers, powders or bleach, do not wash or rinse contaminated clothing in hot running water.High temperature will only aggravate the situation - the spot will be fixed much stronger and nothing can be removed. Spoiled clothes can only be washed in cool water, the highest temperature that can be achieved is room temperature.
- Products made from natural fabrics need to be dried only in the sun - ultraviolet rays give an additional whitening effect. This method is suitable only for the following materials: linen or cotton.
- Many try to remove yellow stains on white that remain from sweat with chlorine-based bleach. This method not only does not solve the problem, but also makes the spots much more noticeable. Proteins that are contained in sweat enter a chemical reaction with chlorine, and then make the spots much darker.
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Now you know how to remove yellow spots on white. We hope that these tips, techniques and recommendations will help you solve your problem and you will again look confident in your favorite blouse, shirt or dress.
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