How to remove a greasy stain on jeans?

Jeans are the most popular casual and formal wear of modern man. That is why they are most often dirty. Away, at home, in a cafe, your denim pants may not get such a beautiful greasy stain. This hard-to-remove stain from vegetable and butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, borscht, a piece of meat, confuses you: how to remove a greasy stain on jeans.

If you are puzzled by such a problem and solve it every time in a new, but not very effective way, it's time to figure out forever how quickly, and most importantly, without harm to your favorite jeans, to remove a greasy stain.

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We remove a relatively fresh stain

To remove oil stains from your pants, there are many various means, sprays, detergents, and how can you forget about the grandmother's recipe. Right now, we’ll look at all these ways to remove a stain from jeans at home. A guide to removing such stains would be logical to start with simple universal washing powders.

Method 1. Washing powder

The simplest and most commonplace method, which is based on washing powder. Just grab and wash the denim pants in the powder washing machine. In order not to make a mistake and do everything right, use our selection of tips and rules, at what temperature to wash jeans. Soak the stain in the laundry soap solution for several hours before washing - this will weaken the oil pollution.

Method 2. Laundry soap

Now with the help of ordinary laundry soap we will remove a greasy stain on the jeans. This method can also be classified as “grandmother's method”. It helps well even with old dirt:

  1. Soak the soap in water and spread a greasy stain or several.
  2. We hold a pause within 1 hour and erase normally.

Important! If the oil blot is very old, it is better to grate it several times and leave the product to lie down before washing.

Method 3. Detergent

In this method you will not find anything new. Just before washing, add detergent to the detergent drawer in the same compartment. This procedure is necessary to enhance the overall effect. It will not be superfluous if you soak the soiled item in the same washing solution before washing. So you can quickly remove the greasy stain on the jeans.

Important! If you do not use a washing machine, then:

  • We take a concentrate for washing dishes.
  • Pour it directly onto the dirty place, rub it a bit until a light foam forms with a brush or sponge.
  • We send the thing to lie down and then we erase it as usual manually.

Method 4. Stain Remover

The use of this tool you need to be treated with extreme caution. Stain remover is a special chemistry-based product, so read the instructions for use carefully:

  1. It is necessary to determine whether this stain remover will suit one or another denim pants.
  2. You also need to find out if your pants are designed for stain remover.

Important! If you take the wrong tool, for example, a simple bleach, then at the same time as removing the oil blot on the pants, you will get their new design - a spotty color with the presence of lighter or brilliantly white traces of different shapes and sizes.

Therefore, before proceeding with the removal of oily blots, check out our rated best stain removers for clothing.

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How to remove a long-standing oil stain?

It should not be forgotten that the above methods were relevant for greasy stains with a short period of contamination. Of course, special tools do a good job of the task, even old-fashioned. But it happens that we have only folk methods at our disposal, and the oil stain is old and hard to remove.

Consider these methods on how to remove a greasy stain on jeans. Everything is very simple, fast and easily accessible.

If the above methods could not help you in the fight against fat spots on jeans pants, then it is worth resorting to more radical methods. To do this, we offer to see some good and easy-to-use grandmother's ways to remove greasy stains from jeans.

Method 1. Tooth Powder:

  1. Apply tooth powder to a greasy stain to cover its entire area.
  2. Give time to soak in well - it will take several hours.
  3. Then brush thoroughly.

Important! If you decide to replace the powder with modern paste, take only the one that does not have color substances and has the consistency of a paste, not a gel.

Method 2. Salt

Many probably remember a situation when something fatty gets on their pants, and I advise you to fill this place with salt. This is not baseless and really works:

  1. Apply a small amount of table salt to the dirty areas of your favorite pants.
  2. Give time to soak for 3-4 hours.
  3. At the end, thoroughly clean the salt with a brush and betray the jeans by hand or machine wash with the addition of washing powder.

Method 3. Chalk

In its molecular structure, chalk resembles tooth powder. Therefore, if there is no powder at hand, it does not matter, you can replace it with chalk. To remove a greasy stain on jeans, the procedure for using this substance is identical:

  1. Break the chalk into powder, apply evenly not a thick layer to the contaminated area.
  2. Allow time for complete impregnation.
  3. Brush the chalk.
  4. Load your jeans into the washing machine with the addition of detergent or special products to fix the cleaning result.

Method 4. Alcohol and turpentine

A good 100% output method. To get the expected result in the form of the disappearance of a long oil trail:

  1. Mix turpentine and alcohol in equal proportions.
  2. Then treat your denim pants at the place of contamination with the resulting mixture.
  3. The final removal of oil blots is completed in the washing machine.

Important! To enhance the overall effect, you can add a little shavings of laundry soap to the resulting solution. This will strengthen the process of combating the oily stain.

Method 5. Ether and Magnesia

How to remove a greasy stain from jeans so that there are no visible and invisible marks? For this you will have to:

  1. Mix equal amounts of magnesia with ether.
  2. Rub the resulting solution into a problem spot on the tissue. The impregnation time is 2-3 hours.

At the end, carry out the same washing procedure.

Method 6. Gasoline and acetone

This method requires careful study of the quality and composition of the material from which your pants are made. A “killer” mixture of gasoline with acetone can remove not only fat, but also a piece of the leg with this stain.

Important! If the material contains synthetic bases, then this method is strictly forbidden to you to use. Acetone dissolves all artificial fibers.

The application procedure is the same as using similar stain removers:

  1. Mix gasoline with acetone in equal proportions.
  2. With a cotton swab, moisten the oil stain on the pants.
  3. Due to the fact that gasoline and acetone are light oil products and evaporate quickly, repeat this procedure several more times.
  4. Finish cleaning with a regular wash with detergents.

Important! Gasoline and acetone have a specific smell, so take the wash very seriously. You can first carry out a manual, and then a mechanical one.This will surely eliminate the smell.

Method 7. Ammonium

A good option is to remove a greasy stain on jeans if you have stained light or white pants. Soak an oil trail with ammonia in a cotton swab and allow time to completely absorb. Further actions are unchanged - hand or machine wash.

Method 8. Starch

What to do if there is none of the above at hand? How to remove a greasy stain from jeans? You can try to remove pollution with the help of starch - it absorbs fat perfectly:

  1. Dilute starch with water to a thick consistency.
  2. Smear the stained place on the pants and let it soak.
  3. After the starch has absorbed the dirt, send your pants to the wash.

Important! If the pollution is so ingrained in the tissue that none of our methods has helped to rectify the situation, you should not be very upset. Maybe this is a great opportunity for you to show your creativity, apply a creative approach and use our ideas to:

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It is worth remembering that the correct method of cleaning depends on the degree of contamination of your jeans pants. Therefore, if you were not able to get rid of unwanted spots the first time, do not be sad, try again. We are confident that with these simple tips on how to remove greasy stains from jeans, you will get rid of this problem once and for all.



