How to remove a stain from an iron

The question “how to remove a stain from an iron” arose for every person who stroked at least once in his life. No one is safe from such situations, even the most advanced housewives, because you can accidentally set the wrong temperature on the iron and the tan is ready. Such blemishes are especially visible on monophonic black or white things. How and how to remove unpleasant traces from the iron, you will learn from this article.

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What are the features of iron stains?

Before you begin to work and decide how to remove the stain from the iron, first of all you need to have an idea about the problem that you are going to solve. The trace of the iron is not dirt that can simply be washed. These are burnt fabric fibers. To get started, try removing them without auxiliary cleaning agents this way:

  1. Take the spoiled thing.
  2. Lay it on a flat surface that is comfortable for you.
  3. Gently wipe the area with a tan brush and a damp cloth.
  4. If you see that the pollution is susceptible - repeat the procedure.
  5. Wash a thing.

Note: do not rub the thing hard so that the tanning place is not stretched.

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How to remove the stain from the iron?

If the trace of the iron did not succumb to you, we turn to more radical measures using improvised means. Look, one of the following options will surely turn out at your place:

  • laundry soap;
  • washing powder;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • stain remover;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • onion.

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How to remove the stain from the iron?

What means you use depends on the type of fabric and the quality of the thing, as well as its color.

Method 1

If you “mark” a thick, coarse cloth, then the powder you usually use will help you. It is good if it contains a high content of enzymes. This means that it is able to cope with pollution of organic origin. It is applied simply:

  1. Dampen the tan place.
  2. Sprinkle powder on top and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Rub with your hands and rinse with running water.

Note: If you do not have powder at home, feel free to use laundry soap. It is cooked from natural ingredients and is able to cope with this type of spoilage.

Method 2

Hydrogen peroxide is able to restore the former look of your linen or cotton item. Be sure to test it on the wrong side or in a hidden place before using it on a fabric. This will save you from possible additional problems. After making sure that things will not be harmed, proceed as follows:

  1. Use a cotton pad to apply peroxide to a damaged area.
  2. Arm yourself with a hairdryer and dry the stain soaked in the product.
  3. After making sure that the fabric is completely dry, rinse the item in cool water.

Note: To enhance the effect, you can mix peroxide, ammonia and water in equal proportions. Apply the resulting solution in the same manner as above.

Method 3

If the tanning just formed before your eyes, that is, fresh, this method with lemon juice is suitable for you:

  1. Squeeze juice over the entire area of ​​contamination.
  2. Wait for the juice to dry.
  3. Wash the item in cold water.

Note: this method is unique in that it is suitable for fabrics of any color.

Method 4

Salt will always be found in any home, but not everyone knows that it can come in handy in such a delicate matter as neutralizing tanning.The essence of the application is as follows:

  1. Wet the burnt place well.
  2. Sprinkle with salt.
  3. Using a brush, rub the salt, as if rubbing it into a cloth. Do not overdo it!
  4. Put the item so that it dries.
  5. When the fabric becomes completely dry - just rinse under the tap in cold water.

Method 5

Our grandmothers actively used the following method in order to remove traces of the iron on clothes. It is about the use of onions, or rather its juice. You can get it in any way convenient for you: either grate it, or simply cut the onion in half and thoroughly treat the stain. A more meaningful instruction looks like this:

  1. Thoroughly soak the contamination with onion juice.
  2. Rub your hands.
  3. Wash well with added powder and fabric softener to get rid of the characteristic odor.

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How to remove the iron stain on black?

Separately, I want to note a way how you can remove traces of the iron with a dark or black thing. Shiny and whitish spots often accompany improper ironing of such fabrics. If such an incident also happened to you, then proceed as follows:

  1. Lay the item on a flat surface. Ironing board is good.
  2. Moisten gauze in a solution of vinegar. There should be more water in this solution.
  3. Cover it with a spoiled thing and iron it.
  4. This method refreshes and evens the color.

Note: Do not bypass stain removers. They are able to remove any kind of stains on fabrics if you follow the instructions for using the detergent you have chosen.

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Useful Tips

  1. Try to iron the wrong side.
  2. Clean the soleplate in time.
  3. Always touch delicate fabrics through cheesecloth.
  4. Before ironing things, read the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the tag.
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As you can see, everything is fixable, even the problem of how to remove the iron stain on black and white is not global. The main thing is to act on time and correctly, adhering to the recommendations we have proposed and your things will again look like new.

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