How to remove wax candle stain from clothes?

Currently, wax and paraffin candles are rarely used, since they are usually present only during a romantic dinner or when a power outage occurs. But still, oily spots may appear on trousers or a dress at any time, so you need to know how to remove wax from clothing. The normal washing process will not help. In our article, we will consider effective methods for how to remove a wax stain from clothes at home.

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What do you need to do first?

Very often paraffin or wax gets on clothes during cosmetic procedures or when special events are present. Such situations happen very often. It is not difficult to eliminate paraffin or wax from the material.

Important! It is very important to calmly take actions and not to fuss, since the results of hasty actions are more difficult to delete.

There are many ways to eliminate oily stains from the use of candles. As soon as a nuisance occurs, first of all, using a napkin, you need to use gentle movements to eliminate the remnants of wax or paraffin from the fabric of clothing. The rest of the procedures are done much later. But if you hurry, then after that you will need qualified help from specialists.

Important! You can’t immediately remove the wax from the fabric with your hands, as you can get burned. The stain will then become much larger and simply smeared over the fabric.

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Preliminary Information and Recommendations

When removing stains from a candle, you must remember:

  • Methods for removing traces of spots from paraffin and wax candles are basically similar. The differences lie in the specific features of the fabric and the pollution itself.
  • Using any chemical agent, it is mandatory to check the response of the tissue to this substance.
  • The method of heating the material is used only for fabrics with a dense, natural and unpainted base.
  • Using a soft cloth, you need to quickly get wet not hardened paraffin or wax. Do not rub or press the cloth over the cloth so that the area of ​​contamination does not increase.
  • If spots are found when they have already hardened, then using a plastic knife, carefully remove the wax from the fabric.

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What techniques exist?

It is not so easy to remove traces of wax from the fabric of clothing or from a fur product. Washing does not help, using a knife is not the best option.

There are such ways as removing a candle wax stain from clothes:

  • use of iron;
  • use of cold;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • the presence of home-made compounds.

Important! There is another option - a dry cleaning service, where they do a great job with wax removal. But this method is expensive and sometimes there are situations in which dry cleaning returned hopelessly damaged products.

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Natural fabrics

When removing stains from wax or paraffin, different cleaning methods are applied to tissues of different composition.If the clothes are sewn from natural fabrics - linen, wool or cotton, then it is impossible to remove impurities mechanically, since residues of the substance fall between the fabric fibers.

The process of eliminating traces of paraffin on natural tissues is simple - you need a warm iron and a napkin:

  • On a flat surface, lay the product stain up.
  • Cover the dirty spot with a paper towel or a piece of damp cloth.
  • Iron the iron for a minute.

Important! You must familiarize yourself with the label on which the maximum permissible temperature is indicated.

  • We remove the remains of wax lying on the clothes and see if it turned out to completely remove the stain.
  • If failed the first time, then you need to repeat the procedure.

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It is much easier to remove traces of wax from a synthetic product than from a natural fabric. Synthetic fabric wax is on the surface of the material and needs only to be softened a little.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use an iron, since modern types of fabrics are not able to withstand high temperature conditions. Therefore, you need to prepare a basin, hot water, a soft sponge or a piece of cloth.

How to remove paraffin from clothes at home:

  • For several minutes you need to hold the product, on which the wax stain, in hot water.
  • After that, you can begin to remove traces of wax from the surface of the fabric by applying a brush with soft bristles or a piece of fabric.

Important! You can not rub strongly, otherwise - the structure of the tissue is damaged.

  • If the stain cannot be removed the first time, then you need to repeat this manipulation with a basin and hot water for the second time.

Important! Turpentine can also be used to eliminate paraffin residues from synthetic-based fabrics. To do this, just wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in a small amount of turpentine solvent. After the process is completed, it is imperative to wash the product.

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Removing wax stains from a fur product is a bit like the situation with natural fabrics, since paraffin is not on the surface of the material. In this case, the wax will be distributed over the villi of the fur, and it will not work so easily.

It is impossible to heat fur products with an iron, therefore, in this situation, the method of using low temperatures is suitable:

  1. In severe frosts, the problem is very easy to solve. To do this, take the fur product to the balcony. If the dimensions of the freezer allow, then a fur product can be put in it. In addition, the contaminated area of ​​the fur can be rubbed with a piece of ice.
  2. After the paraffin has hardened, we begin to carefully remove the wax from each villus. You can also rub the villi of fur against each other, while the paraffin crumbles and crumbles from the fur.
  3. If during this procedure it was not possible to completely remove the wax, then using a sharp object, you can finally clean the contaminated area of ​​the product.

Important! In this case, you must be extremely careful not to accidentally tear out the villi of fur.

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Suede and leather

To remove traces of wax from suede or skin need to perform several operations. Perform these steps very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the product.

Hot steam

How to remove wax from a jacket at home:

  1. First, use the blunt side of the knife to eliminate paraffin.
  2. After that, we leave the remaining wax residue for several minutes with hot steam and wipe off the residue with a soft sponge.

Important! You can also attach a cotton napkin to the contaminated area and warm it with a warm iron, since suede and leather products do not withstand high temperatures.


These manipulations may not always work. In this case, it can help. ammonia. In order to remove the wax stain, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. We dilute half a spoon of alcohol in one liter of water.
  2. With a cotton pad or a piece of cloth dampened in this solution, wipe the contaminated area of ​​the product until the stain completely disappears.
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If the wax accidentally fell on jeans or trousers, the process of removing paraffin residues will not take much time. How to clean jeans from candle wax:

  1. The stain does not need to be immediately wiped off, but it is necessary to wait a while for the wax trace to freeze.
  2. After that, we subject the product to cold treatment for 10 minutes.
  3. When completely solidified, we rub the fabric, and the trace of the candle goes off by itself.
  4. If after this procedure a greasy stain remains, then ordinary soapy water can solve this problem. The washing machine also calmly erases the remaining grease stain.

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Delicate fabrics

Consider removing stains of wax or paraffin from delicate fabrics - these are silk, chiffon, organza and other capricious materials. Hot iron cannot be used on such fabrics; alcohol-based solvents can damage the material. An ordinary detergent can help solve this problem:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly moisten the contaminated area with dishwashing detergent, leave for a while until completely dry.
  2. After that, wash the product in warm water with soap.
  3. If after the first time it was not possible to eliminate the trace of paraffin, then this procedure must be repeated.
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Color wax

How to remove colored wax from a candle from clothes? If colored paraffin gets on the product, it will be much more difficult to remove the stain. The situation is complicated by the presence of dyes in the wax of the candle, which, during heating, can penetrate deep into the fabric of clothing.

Important! None of these methods are effective in eliminating traces of paraffin or wax on the product. It is also impossible to wipe the stain, since excessive diligence leads to the fact that the colored particles of wax are driven even deeper into the structure of the fabric.

The only possible way is to freeze traces of paraffin, and then gently clean it. The remaining stain from colored paint must be treated with a stain remover, then wash the product in warm water with a soap solution.

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Materials with unstable paint

For materials with unstable paint, a method similar to that with colored wax is used:

  1. First, freeze the paraffin stain, and then carefully wipe the clothes to crush the wax.
  2. Then sprinkle the contaminated area with chalk or talcum powder, cover with a cotton towel. Cover with a heavy object from above and leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Over time, we clean the stain with a brush and wash the product in a warm soapy solution to remove residual absorbent substances and traces of paraffin.

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Remove the leftovers

How to remove candle marks on clothes? To remove greasy spots that remain after a paraffin candle, you can use the following tools:

  • ammonia;
  • kerosene;
  • unleaded gasoline;
  • acetone;
  • turpentine;
  • solvent;
  • synthetic detergents;
  • dishwashing detergent.

After this treatment, the clothes should dry well and only after that can they be washed.

Important! It is necessary to pay serious attention to the fact that if paraffin is not removed immediately, then removing the wax in a few days will become impossible.

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Alternative methods

There are several other methods for removing wax from clothing at home:

  • You can use boiling water. Pour water into a large pot. Using an elastic band or thread, attach the product to the top of the pan. Boil the kettle. Pour boiled water over the contaminated area. If the first trace of the wax fails, it is necessary to repeat this procedure.
  • Alcohol can handle this procedure. Pour alcohol on a paper towel and, without letting it dry, wipe the contaminated area.
  • Dishwashing liquid can be used to treat a contaminated area and leave it to soak for several hours. When the remains of the dye disappear from the material of clothing, you need to discontinue the product.
  • Perfectly solves such a problem and hydrogen peroxide. An important nuance is that while the action of hydrogen peroxide takes place, the liquid is converted into water and there are no traces of such an application. Hydrogen peroxide should be poured onto the contaminated area, covered with polyethylene and removed for a while in a dark place. An hour later, the effectiveness of this method is observed.

Important! If the stain cannot be removed the first time, then you need to try a second or third time and there will be no trace of the stain.

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We clean paraffin

It is much easier to remove a paraffin stain from the fabric. To do this, use refined gasoline, ordinary chalk.

Refined gasoline

How to remove paraffin from clothes at home using refined gasoline:

  1. From the wrong side you need to attach a cotton towel or some white cloth.
  2. After that, moisten a sponge or piece of foam rubber with gasoline and attach to the contaminated area.
  3. We dissolve a paraffin stain with gasoline.

Important! With gas, you need to be very careful. It is a flammable substance with toxic fumes. In addition, the use of gasoline can damage some types of tissue.

Before proceeding with stain removal, you need to make sure that gasoline does not spoil the fabric material. To do this, drip a few drops of liquid into the area where it will not be noticeable. After a few minutes, you can determine whether to use this substance.

a piece of chalk

Paraffin can also be cleaned with ordinary chalk. To do this, perform the following actions:

  1. The contaminated area must be wiped.
  2. Spread the fabric material around the paraffin stain.
  3. Then sprinkle with chalk and cover with a cotton towel or napkin.
  4. After that, press down with a heavy load and wait about an hour.
  5. Using a brush, clean off the remains of the applied chalk and paraffin.
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In this article, we told you all the nuances regarding the removal of stains from wax and paraffin from clothes. Adhere to these principles, and unexpected traces on things will be quickly eliminated.

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