How to remove stain from clothes at home?

Going to an event, everyone wants to look as attractive as possible. However, sometimes it happens that due to circumstances or due to negligence, unpleasant spots appear on your favorite suit. Unfortunately, today there is no universal stain remover, and therefore every housewife is forced to look for ways to remove traces of fat, paint, blood, wine, etc. In this article we will share with you practical recommendations on how to remove stains from clothes. With clothes at home can be removed without household chemicals, it is on these safe and cheap products that we will focus.

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Varieties of pollution

Before proceeding to the removal of stains from clothing at home, you should understand their varieties. Knowing the origin of pollution and its characteristics, you can choose the most practical and effective way to eliminate it.

All kinds of spots on the surface of clothes, depending on the nature of their appearance, can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Greasy. Such contaminants appear mainly due to contact with food products, industrial oils, varnishes, creams, oil paints, waxes, etc.
  2. Organic In most cases, such spots have a certain color and appear from contact with juices, berries, ground, grass, tea, blood, mold, etc.
  3. Traces of rust. Such spots may appear if the product with metal buttons and inserts has been washed at the wrong temperature, or the item has already worn out in order.

Also, depending on the method of removing stains at home, they can belong to one of the following categories:

  • water-soluble - usually remain from sugar-containing food products, carpentry glue, some varieties of dyes, etc.
  • eliminated exclusively with organic solvents - grease, cream, wax, etc.
  • insoluble - oxides of salts and metals, mold, blood, etc.

Important! Any contamination on the surface of the fabric needs to be specially treated for removal, because today there is no universal stain remover that could be used to remove all stained areas.

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Spot Variation Definition

Before removing stains on clothing at home, it is necessary to determine what origin has a particular pollution. However, far from always a person manages to track the moment when an unpleasant trace appeared on his favorite trousers or jacket.

It is easy enough to determine whether a spot belongs to a certain category by its visual signs:

  1. A distinctive feature of oily stains is the absence of pronounced boundaries on the fabric surface, because their edges are blurred or represent rays diverging in different directions. Fresh contaminants of this type usually have a darker color than matter. Over time, the stain becomes lighter and more matte, and may also appear on the back of the product.
  2. A sharp outline of the boundaries of pollution can tell the hostess that the trace was left by tea, wine, juice, berries or other food products.Not a greasy spot has a tan shade with pronounced dark edges.
  3. Combined contaminants usually result from close contact with both greasy and non-greasy substances. Spots of this type are one of the most common and appear from soup, blood, coffee with milk, etc. Usually, such contaminants are superficial in nature and only fats occasionally penetrate tissue fibers.
  4. Oxidative spots usually form on the surface of existing pollution under the influence of natural factors such as air and sunlight. These contaminants are quite difficult to eliminate, so you should clean things as quickly as possible from traces of mold, tea, coffee, cosmetics and other substances.

Important! In addition to the type and origin of pollution, it is necessary to determine the type of fabric from which the thing is made, because not all cleaning methods are suitable for delicate or woolen textile materials.

Removing stains from clothes at home

Having determined the origin of the stain, the hostess can safely proceed to the procedure for its elimination from the tissue surface.

Important! Remember that before washing, it is necessary to further process the problem area. The greatest cleaning efficiency at the lowest possible cost can be achieved when working with fresh contaminants that do not have time to enter the texture of fabric fibers.

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Fat stains

Fats of plant and animal origin from the tissue surface are quite easily removed through the use of organic solvents. To achieve the highest quality cleaning result, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • perform cleaning procedures with a brush, movements from the edge to the center of the spot;
  • The greatest efficiency is brought not by rubbing the dirt, but by careful tapping on its surface with a wet brush;
  • if you are looking for a way to remove stains at home on white clothes from linen or cotton material, then bleach is great for this purpose;
  • try to remove contaminants immediately after their appearance, without waiting for drying and penetration into the structure of tissue fibers.

Gasoline and acetone

Process fluids such as acetone and gasoline are great for removing small oily stains. You can remove the old stain from clothes at home by preparing a solution of equivalent parts of each active substance. Usually enough to mix 10 g of gasoline and acetone.

Important! Before using potent solvents, which include acetone, check the resistance of the fabric to the effects of the selected substance. To do this, it will be enough to lower a small piece of cloth into the cleaning.

Ammonia and detergent

To remove fresh stains of fat, substances such as ammonia and dishwashing detergent are excellent. To achieve the highest quality result, use the listed formulations as follows:

  1. Prepare a cleaning composition of 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. detergent that is diluted with half a glass of water.
  2. Soak a clean swab in the resulting solution.
  3. Gently wipe the area of ​​contamination.
  4. Iron the surface with a preheated iron after covering it with a clean white cotton cloth.
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Not greasy stains

If you managed to notice a food stain immediately after occurrence, then you can clean the textile product with hot water, which should flow through the woven structure with a thin stream until the pollution completely disappears. If this method did not help to achieve the desired result, or if the trace managed to become obsolete, then use one of the following methods.


Such a medical composition as ammonia is excellent for removing traces of cherries, cherries and other berries from the surface of colored and plain fabrics.To achieve the highest quality result, use a cleaning agent as follows:

  • Dampen the swab in a medical solution.
  • Carefully treat the contaminated surface from the edge to the center.
  • Wash a thing in the usual way.

Important! This cleaning method is suitable exclusively for fresh spots, because outdated and grasped berry juice is almost impossible to completely remove.

Sour milk or yogurt

Private housewives know how to remove food stains from white fabrics. If traces of blackcurrant or blueberry appeared on your blouse, sour milk will help get rid of the trouble.

To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Immerse the contaminated area of ​​the product in a container with previously prepared yogurt or whey.
  2. After a few minutes, no spots should remain from the stain.
  3. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Important! A similar effect is brought by a solution of citric acid, which can be acquired by every resident of the city.

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Useful Tips:

  1. Before starting to remove stains, thoroughly clean the fabric surface from dust and other contaminants.
  2. Remove the stain from the wrong side, after placing napkins or blotting paper under the cloth.
  3. To clean the product using cotton swabs or soft textile material in white, you can also use a brush with soft bristles.
  4. Cleaning procedures begin to be carried out with a weak solution of active substances, increasing the concentration only if necessary.
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In this article, we shared with you practical tips on how to get rid of stains on clothes at home, and we sincerely hope that your clothes will again gain the most attractive appearance.


