How to remove wax from a tablecloth?

Candles are a great item to provide a stunning setting to match a romantic, festive occasion. Light a couple, and you can create, at least, incredibly cozy, and at most - even an intimate atmosphere. True, there is one drawback - paraffin can drip onto the surface on which the candle stands. What to do? How to remove wax from a tablecloth? How to remove and remove the candle from the tablecloth? Now we will tell.

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The first stage of cleaning textiles

Before you remove the candle stains from the tablecloth, scrape off the wax. Do this carefully, without using sharp objects - they can damage the fabric. And only after that proceed with further actions.

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We remove paraffin and wax

If it was not possible to completely get rid of pieces of the frozen mass mechanically, the following methods will come in handy.

The easiest way

This method is only suitable for removing wax stains from ordinary fabrics. For delicate materials, the use of an iron is strictly prohibited.

Cleaning Procedure:

  • Lay the tablecloth on the ironing board, stain up.
  • Put several plain napkins under the bottom.

Important! You can’t take it with a picture, since it can be printed on fabric.

  • Heat the iron a little. Do not use strong mode and steam function.
  • Iron the stains while changing the wipes.
  • In half an hour from pollution there will be no trace.

Important! Candlelight dinner - what could be more romantic? Use our tips to create a cozy atmosphere:

  1. Tablecloth design.
  2. Table setting at home.

Delicate fabrics

In this case, it all depends on the type of matter:

  • If the tablecloth is made of dense material, then you can send it to the freezer for a couple of hours. After that, remove the paraffin crumbs and wash the fabric with a greasy trace.
  • A thin cloth should be held for a while over the steam. After that, use a soft bristle brush to remove stains.
  • Turpentine and alcohol should be used in order to clean the velvet tablecloths.
  • Fresh stains on fine cloth can be removed with a dishwashing detergent. Pour a little on the area of ​​the oily stain, put in the freezer for an hour. After that, wash the tablecloth, and there will be no trace of dirt.

Safest method

If you are afraid of accidentally ruining the tablecloth, trying to eliminate paraffin, then this method is intended for you. All that is required:

  1. Dip the stained cloth in hot water and leave for a few minutes.
  2. Repeat this process a couple more times.
  3. Once the desired result is achieved, rinse the tablecloth thoroughly in cold water.

Tips and tricks:

  • If a wax stain has formed on the tablecloth, then do not panic and try to remove it as soon as possible. Let paraffin harden, and only then proceed to cleanse. Otherwise, you will only smear the mass over the fabric and make it worse.
  • If you need to get rid of the oily stain as soon as possible, then put the matter in a plastic bag, send it to the freezer.

Important! If the tablecloth is old and you have long wanted to find a decent replacement for it, find out how to sew do-it-yourself tablecloth.

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We remove the oil stain from wax

After the task of removing wax from the tablecloth is left behind, a new one appears - to eliminate the oily stains that remained after paraffin.


One of the best methods is to use solvents.

Important! For example, it can be refined gasoline, kerosene and acetone.

Use a small piece of cloth or a cotton pad to treat dirt. Repeat the procedure several times with a frequency of half an hour.

After achieving the result, wash the tablecloth thoroughly.

Adsorbing agents:

  • Paper towels.
  • Thin cotton towels.
  • Cardboard.

Important! If you do not want stains to print after the procedure, it is best to use cardboard or paper.

Put one sheet on top of the stain and iron it.

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Colored candles

How to remove wax from a candle from a tablecloth, if the candle was colored? The fact is that in our time the use of scented candles, most of which are bright colors, has become especially popular. In this case, everything is somewhat more complicated, because not only wax, but also paint is imprinted on the tablecloth. Plain water does not help; completely different methods are required.

Hydrogen peroxide

There is no way how to clean a tablecloth from candle wax is cheaper than using hydrogen peroxide. For the procedure you will need one jar, the price of which is more than affordable.

Important! This is one of the safest methods, because peroxide contains oxidizing and whitening substances that are guaranteed not to spoil even the most delicate fabric. But it is better to use this tool on materials of a white or light shade.

Pour material over contaminated areas and leave for several hours. Repeat the process a couple more times.

Important! A nice bonus is the fact that peroxide is colorless, and after using it you will not have to wash the tablecloth.


One of the most effective means in the fight against wax and oily stains that remain after it is alcohol. Dampen a small piece of cloth or a towel in it and treat the contaminated areas.

Important! In case not only a tablecloth but also a carpet is stained with wax, we have prepared a separate review on our website. In it you will learn how to remove wax from a carpet.

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As you can see, there are a large number of ways to remove wax and traces of it. Candles are a wonderful thing, and even dripping wax is not a problem. Use our methods, listen to the tips, and you will be able to restore the purity of the materials used in the design of the festive atmosphere in the room.

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