How to remove greasy stains on clothes 🥝 how to remove from pants, how to wash from a shirt

Even if you do not like to cook food and never participate in this process, it is unlikely for your whole life that you will be able to avoid the situation when traces of it appear on things. Dripping hot fat from a frying pan, while you were sitting in the kitchen close by, a plate was turned on you in a restaurant - all this is far from a complete list of situations when the question arises: how to remove oil from clothes? It can be solved quickly and easily, if you know what to use the means and how to act. In this article we will tell you about this.

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How to remove oil from clothes?

Before you remove a greasy stain from clothing, decide what you have on hand. In this matter you will be helped:

  • toothpaste or powder;
  • stain remover;
  • ammonia;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • talc;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • laundry soap;
  • washing powder;
  • salt;
  • glycerol;
  • turpentine;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • baby powder;
  • corn or potato starch;
  • crust of black stale bread.

Suitable equipment is also useful:

  • iron;
  • soft sponges;
  • white rag made of natural fabric;
  • cotton swabs;
  • paper towels.

Important! Do not hesitate when you planted an oil stain on your clothes, otherwise it will be much more difficult to remove it when it dries.

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How to remove oil from clothes?

Nowadays, a lot of different stain removers are produced that will help in solving your problem. But they can not always please you with their cheapness. And it happens that the stain remover you have chosen did not help get rid of the oily contamination the first time. Trying all kinds of brands is quite expensive.

Apply proven folk methods and take advantage of what you have at hand.

Method 1

Remove fresh oil stain with toothpaste or powder:

  1. Apply to stain. If it is a powder, lightly wet it.
  2. Rub the dirt thoroughly with a brush.
  3. Set aside the item until the product has completely dried on it.
  4. Brush the resulting crust on the fabric.
  5. Wash with clean water the place where the toothpaste was.

Method 2

If you put a greasy spot while outdoors or away, use a very simple and convenient way to remove it:

  1. Take salt, preferably fine.
  2. Apply it on a stain.
  3. Rub salt thoroughly with salt.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

Method 3

You can remove oil stains at home with an iron and paper towels:

  1. Take two paper towels.
  2. Place a stained cloth between them (closed sandwich principle).
  3. Heat the iron to the maximum allowable temperature for the soiled fabric.
  4. Iron a well-placed stain until it is completely transferred to the paper.

Important! If there is too much fat and the fabric has time to absorb it, change wipes as necessary.

Method 4

The following solution will help get rid of oily contaminants:

  1. Take 1 tsp. ammonia, 1 tsp washing powder and 100 ml of warm water.
  2. Mix thoroughly all components of the mixture.
  3. Put it on the place of pollution.
  4. Rub the stain thoroughly with a mixture - you can use a sponge or a brush.
  5. Take an iron and a piece of white cloth.
  6. Iron clothes with a stain through the fabric.

Method 5

If you have a stain on a delicate fabric, carefully read the instructions for removing it before removing oil from clothing. Then do the following:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. ammonia, 1 tbsp glycerin, 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Dip the stain in the resulting mixture.
  4. Leave it in for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove clothing from the mixture.
  6. Wash the item in warm water until the mixture is completely washed off.

Method 6

Another very effective tool for removing greasy stains is gasoline:

  1. Take a piece of white natural fabric.
  2. Cover it with the place where there is a greasy stain.
  3. Soak a cotton pad with gasoline.
  4. Wipe the area with the stain in a circular motion.
  5. Remove gasoline residue with warm water.

Important! Apply gasoline to the place of contamination on the wrong side of the product and through the cloth, otherwise you can ruin the thing.

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How to remove motor oil from clothes?

Removing greasy dirt from engine oil is not always an easy process, but a doable one. An ideal option for removing oil contaminants is the immediate processing of a stained area with one of the following means:

  • Use a special spray cleaner, which is sold in auto stores;
  • rub the place with a special pencil, then wash;
  • Rub the oil well with soap and water.

Important! These actions will greatly facilitate the process of washing off engine oil.

But even if you do not have these funds at hand, it does not matter. Try other methods to deal with difficult to remove pollution.

Method 1

A very simple way to remove oil contaminants:

  1. Take concentrated dishwashing detergent.
  2. Put it on a dirty place.
  3. Leave on for 20-25 minutes, let it soak.
  4. Wash the item with any suitable detergent.

Method 2

Solve the problem of how to remove motor oil from clothing with mustard powder:

  1. Take mustard powder.
  2. Pour it on the stained place, not sparing.
  3. Take soap, brush and warm water.
  4. Alternately rub the stain, mustard and soap with a brush, soak the cloth with warm water.
  5. Remove contaminated areas.
  6. Wash the product with active powder.

Method 3

A mixture of turpentine and ammonia will help to get rid of oil pollution:

  1. Prepare the mixture in equal proportions from turpentine and ammonia.
  2. Apply the product to the stained area.
  3. Leave it, let it soak a little.
  4. Wait 10 minutes and apply to the same area of ​​fabric again.
  5. Wash the product with detergent or soap.

Method 4

Gasoline can be a good ally in removing difficult oil contaminants:

  1. Dampen gasoline contamination.
  2. Take a clean sponge or rag.
  3. Gently pat it with dirt, if possible, so that the oil is absorbed as much as possible into the rag.
  4. Wash the product in the usual way with a suitable detergent.

Important! Instead of gasoline, you can use kerosene.

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How to remove fresh spots?

Don't know what to do with a freshly applied oily stain? The advice of our experts will help you find the right solution.

Method 1

Put a very small spot? You can easily remove it. Do a few sequential actions:

  1. Sprinkle the stained area with one of these remedies:
    • chalk;
    • talcum powder;
    • baby powder;
    • potato or corn starch;
    • with salt.
  2. Leave to interact for 2.5-3 hours.
  3. Shake the left over thoroughly.
  4. Wash the product with any detergent.

Method 2

Reliable assistant in the fight against greasy pollution can be table salt and ammonia.

  1. Take 0.5 tsp of salt and 3 tbsp. ammonia.
  2. Mix them.
  3. Apply the resulting solution to the stain.
  4. Rub on contaminated tissue.
  5. Leave it to dry.
  6. Wash the product.

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How to remove old spots?

You did not have the opportunity to immediately treat the oily stain and it already ate well in the tissue? Not sure how to clean oil from clothes? Do not rush to throw things on rags. Use our tips and your thing will still serve you.

Method 1

For this method, you will need potato flour, a crust of stale bread and gasoline:

  1. Prepare the gruel from the potato flour by adding a little warm water.
  2. Spread it on a spot that has already eaten.
  3. Leave the fabric mixture for a couple of hours for interaction.
  4. Shake the gruel cloth.
  5. Take a clean rag and moisten it with gasoline.
  6. Rub it with the place where the gruel was.
  7. Take a crust of bread and rub the place soaked in gasoline.
  8. Wash the item with detergent.

Important! To remove grease stains, use better refined gasoline, which you can buy at a hardware store.

Method 2

Old fat from clothes will help remove potato starch:

  1. Take the metal mug.
  2. Pour starch into it.
  3. Put the mug on the fire and warm the starch.
  4. Sprinkle the contents of the mug onto the old stain.
  5. Rub well with starch.
  6. Leave it to dry completely on the product.
  7. Shake the starch thing.
  8. Wash a thing.

Important! Sprinkle fatty stubborn dirt should only be hot starch, as it absorbs fat well.

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We hope that the advice of our experts was useful to you, and their proper use has brought you only benefit. If you have already got rid of unpleasant greasy stains on your clothes and restored the beauty of your clothes, do not forget to look after them correctly in order to always look neat.

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