How to remove a stain from fruits?

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to clothes is its contamination with bright juice of fruits or berries. Well, if the thing is not a pity to send in the trash, but what about new or favorite things? Do not rush to throw away clothes, because there are options for removing even such corrosive contaminants. In this article, we will describe several ways to remove a fruit stain.

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Simple tools

There are ways in which it is easy to remove fruit stains from clothing. Moreover, all methods are very accessible for working with pollution at home.


If the bright trace has not yet had time to dry, a food solution of white vinegar will help to clean it quickly. The method is very simple: a cotton pad or stick is wetted with a solution and the pollution is wiped.

Important! With small spots, this is the easiest option. If the dirt has already dried up, but the clothes have not yet been washed, this method is also suitable.

Citric Acid

To remove the fruit stain with this always available remedy, you need to take into account such application features:

  1. If the stain is fresh, you can take a third of a teaspoon of acid per 200 ml of water.
  2. If it has dried, then you need a stronger solution: a whole teaspoon in the same amount of water.

Processing method: simply apply the solution to the contamination and wait a few minutes, then rinse the item in cool water.

Peroxide and ammonia

If things are colored, then the previous options may leave light spots on them. But the alcohol solution from one teaspoon of ammonia in combination with hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp), mixed in 200 ml of water - will quickly cope with berry blots.

Egg white

This method will cope not only with berry, but also with pollution from wine. For this:

  1. We dilute protein and glycerin in a proportion of 50:50 and apply to things.
  2. After absorbing into the fabric, clothes are washed in warm water.

Important! This method can also refresh the color of things.


A little water plus salt applied to the pollution will save you from fresh fruit and berry stains. It is important not to dissolve the salt in water, but to leave gruel. After the procedure, the clothes are rinsed with warm water.

These are simple but reliable ways to quickly remove fruit stains from clothing.

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Professional Tools

If you don’t like folk methods, you can always get stain remover for clothes. The composition of such products is usually a lot of chemical components that, if used improperly, can be harmful to health. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions, and act exactly in accordance with it.

Important! Also, when using bleach, pay attention to what type of fabric it is intended for, and be sure to test its effect in an inconspicuous place.

If you are afraid that the product will leave stains on the fabric, put a well absorbent fabric from the inside. Thus, the stain remover does not spread over clothing.

When it’s all clear with the means to help answer the question of how to remove the fruit stain, you can figure out the specifics.

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Different fruits and berries have different colors in their composition and are washed differently from things. Also, depending on the type of fabric, you need to use different methods of removing dirt. For example:

  1. A blueberry stain can be removed if you soak things for a day in yogurt, and then rinse with powder.
  2. Cotton or linen clothes are recommended to be left in milk for a couple of hours before washing.
  3. Woolen fabrics add problems to the wash. Stains on them can be greased with a mixture of glycerin and turpentine. The mixture should be left for 2 hours, after which the product is removed with a damp sponge and washed in cool water with the addition of ammonia solution.
  4. Orange juice from clothes can be removed with ordinary boiling water. Just wash the item, boil the kettle and fill the hot water with a thin stream of dirt. At the end of the procedure, the stain will discolor. Also to remove the stain will help the application of glycerin or vinegar.
  5. Banana and banana juice will successfully remove oxalic acid solution (half a glass of water per teaspoon of the substance) from the tissue. The spots are treated with a mixture and washed in cold water. You can also use lemon juice to remove these spots. A dried banana stain is one of the most difficult contaminants. But if the contaminated fabric was not washed in warm water, you can try to soak it in a solution of laundry soap.
  6. Peach juice is also difficult to remove from the tissue. Fresh trace can be removed with boiling water, or make a strong solution of dishwashing gel. And if the blot has already been on the fabric indefinitely, after soaking things in a dishwashing detergent, you need to manually wash it and rinse it with cool water.
  7. A pear or apple will be removed from the clothes a solution of vinegar in boiling water. 2 tablespoons of the product is stirred in boiling water and poured into a contaminated area with a thin stream.
  8. Plum juice can be removed by the previous method or used to remove ammonia diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  9. Watermelon juice, like any berry juice, will help remove boiling water from tissues. And if dirt has just appeared, then vice versa - you need to wash your clothes in cold water, and then rinse in soapy water.

Important! Before carrying out various manipulations with clothes, check out our special reviews so as not to ruin things completely:

There are also some more undeservedly forgotten methods for removing fruit and berry stains.

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Other options:

In addition to the above, there are also methods that are not so popular, but also very effective:

  1. Normal whey will help out from berry stains if you soak clothes in it for an hour and a half.
  2. Also things can be steamed. If you haven't garment steamer, you need to boil water and hold the pollution over it. Use this method carefully, guided by precautions, so as not to get injured in the form of a burn.
  3. Heated denatured alcohol is another unsafe but effective method.


  1. Do not rub the stain with soap; otherwise, you will only fix the stains stronger. You can use only soapy water.
  2. So that no stains appear around the dirt, moisten the area around it with water.
  3. If it is necessary to remove contamination from the wrong side, put either paper or a white cloth under the stains. By any means, the stain is wiped, and the pollution passes to the paper.
  4. Be sure to check the effect of any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.
  5. Do not rub the pollution - so it can be smeared strongly on the surface. If the method works, but not as fast as you would like, it is better to completely repeat the procedure several times.
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Natural dyes in berries are very persistent and difficult to remove, but anything is possible. The main thing is to be patient and choose the most suitable method.

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