How to remove wax from clothes?

Today, candles occupy a less important place in our lives, but sometimes it is simply impossible to do without them. After all, candles are an integral part of holidays, such as Birthday, Easter and many others, as well as a wonderful decoration. But how unpleasant it is to see wax marks on clothes and it is no less sad not to know how to remove it. Therefore, this article will be an excellent assistant in solving an unpleasant problem, namely it will tell you how to remove wax from clothes at home.

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What are the methods for removing wax from clothing?

Those who have at least once encountered the problem of how to remove wax from clothing at home know that there are several ways:

  • with an iron;
  • when exposed to cold;
  • using chemicals.

However, for different types of fabric, its own method of removing paraffin is used, so that everything goes well and you do not damage the clothes, you must correctly determine the material that needs to be cleaned.

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How to wash wax from natural fabrics?

In a situation where you need to remove a stain of wax from clothes made of cotton, wool or linen, you will have to spend a little more time. In this material, wax falls not only on the surface layer, but also between the fibers, so it is impossible to remove paraffin mechanically in this case.

So, to remove stains from this type of fabric, you will need:

  • iron;
  • napkin.

Important! Before you start ironing, look at the maximum permissible temperature on the clothing label so as not to burn the clothes.

And the purification procedure should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Lay the thing on the ironing board, and put a napkin on the wax stain, and slowly iron it for half a minute.
  2. Next, remove the napkin and see if all the contamination has been eliminated. If not, repeat the procedure a few more times.
  3. The fabric is likely to leave a greasy mark that you can easily erase in the washing machine.

But if the label indicated that the item was strictly forbidden to expose to high temperatures, you will have to use a slightly different method to remove wax from clothing, namely with a solvent.

Important! Pre-check to see if solvent gets on the fabric so that the color begins to fade.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour a little thinner onto the paraffin stain and let the fabric soak.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, wash the item thoroughly and dry.

Important! After you have successfully dealt with the stain, you can immediately wash the product so that the processing location does not differ in color. At this stage, use our instructions from the articles:

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How to wash wax from fur products?

This case will be quite similar to natural fabrics, since when wax enters the fur fabric, the wax is not on the surface, but remains on the villi and removing paraffin from the clothes is not so easy. The problem is that fur fabrics cannot be heated, so the opposite method of action is cooling.

What you need to do:

  1. If the street is cold enough, hang the item for a while on the balcony, or put your clothes in the freezer. You can also try rubbing the spot lightly with a piece of ice.
  2. As soon as the wax hardens, carefully try to remove it from each villi (for this you can wipe the pile against each other). Frozen paraffin will easily disappear, so physical strength is not necessary.
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How to wash synthetics wax?

Removing wax stains on synthetic fabric is the easiest way to cleanse, since it is on this fabric that the wax does not penetrate the fibers, but lingers on the surface itself. In order to remove wax from synthetic clothes, you need only a little time and such actions:

  1. Pick up a container of hot or very warm water and find a soft-brushed brush, as hard brushes can slightly damage this material.
  2. Dip the item in water and rub the place of contamination with smooth light movements. The wax will begin to soften and fall off the fabric.
  3. But if the first time you were not able to remove the wax from the entire area, repeat the procedure a few more times.
  4. To get rid of a greasy spot,wash clothes on a delicate wash.
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How to wash wax with suede and leather?

To remove paraffin from things from suede or leather, you will have to be extremely careful, as if you do not follow the rules, you can damage the material. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Try to remove the top layer of paraffin from the fabric with the blunt side of a knife or similar object.
  2. Then hold the spot over hot steam for several minutes.
  3. It is also possible to iron a place of contamination with a non-hot iron through a napkin.

Important! To understand how these materials are similar, and what are their differences, follow the link to review of leather, suede, nubuck.

But even these actions will not always be able to help you cope with wax, so if you have ammonia at home, you can use it.

Mode of application:

  1. For 1 liter of water, dilute half a tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. Having moistened a cotton pad in the resulting solution, gently wipe the stain until it disappears.
  3. Wipe with clean water the place of previous pollution.

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How to wash denim wax?

The simplest wax removal material is denim. Since wiping off paraffin from clothes made of such material will not be the slightest difficulty. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Leave the denim for about 10 minutes in the freezer to allow the wax to cool well.
  2. Then take out the item and gently rub the place of the previous pollution. The wax itself will fall off in that second and you will only have to wash jeans in the correct mode.
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Tips for cleaning oily stains from wax:

  • After you remove the oily stain from the skin, which should never be washed, do not use alcohol-based products / solvents. It will be enough if you wipe this place with a sponge with water or soapy water.
  • Stubborn stains on suede can be easily removed with ammonia.
  • Do not try to remove paraffin from the first minutes of contact with clothing. It will not lead to anything. Better give him the opportunity to cool well and then there will not be any special problems.

We hope that our tips and tricks will help you to stop being afraid to stain your clothes with wax, since now you know a large number of methods to deal with this problem at home. With the help of our article, if necessary, you can independently return things to their former appearance and attractiveness in a matter of minutes, as well as save money on dry cleaning, which is very important.

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Being able to properly manage the information received,the question of removing stains from paraffin will be a passed stage for you and you will be able to arrange romantic evenings at least every day and not panic in case of sudden power outages in the house, being afraid to stain your clothes with wax.

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