DIY lampshade for table lamp

Good lighting can radically transform any room, as well as low-quality - to make the room uncomfortable and gloomy. For example, in restaurants and cafes soft warm lighting always prevails, which is conducive to relaxation and rest, but cold and harsh light in hospitals, on the contrary, strains eyesight. In winter, we especially lack sunlight, but I want the house to be bright and comfortable. Beautiful floor lamps and lamps can create a cozy home atmosphere. But if you did not find a suitable model in the store, then you can make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands. How to do this - we will learn more from this article.

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Where to start creating a lampshade?

First, select a lamp or several fixtures at once, which you decide to convert. Great for this are devices with LED and energy saving lamps.

Important! Note that ordinary light bulbs can burn through the fabric.

First of all, we remove the frame, on which the brand new lampshade will be sewn. If it is not, then you can buy a new one at a hardware store or a specialized salon.

In principle, the frame can be made with your own hands, for this you need to purchase pliers and a thick wire. At the expense of form - here you can fantasize as you wish. But so that less problems arise, it is better to make a conical or cylindrical frame.

What materials can a new lampshade be made of?

Before you consider how to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible options for choosing materials at hand. Even the oldest lamp can be made stylish and attractive.

You can use a variety of materials for this. For example, beautiful fabrics, old film, beads, ribbons, fabric and knitted flowers, plastic, mesh, various paper and even wallpaper.

And now we’ll take a closer look at the most popular options for transforming old lamps and creating real masterpieces.

DIY paper lampshade

Paper lampshades are made not only by craftsmen, but are also sold in the most ordinary stores, where home furniture is presented. As a rule, they are not cheap, so it’s more rational to make them yourself.

Important! The shape of such a lampshade can be any, and they can be used due to this in a wide variety of modern interiors.

For these purposes, paper needs to be bought only with the highest quality and thickest, so that the product lasts as long as possible.

Important! It must be remembered that the thickness of the paper will determine how much the lampshade will transmit light.

eef10fc1715d9ade612e6b6ff15i-dlya-doma-interera-nastolnye-lampy-dekupazhThere are several varieties of paper ideal for making such products:

  1. Lampshade made of rice paper. Such material is perfectly glued to old lamps, which gives them a new shine. Often finished products are decorated with special stamps, in particular in cases of using a monophonic base. White lampshades are in perfect harmony with muted shades and natural materials.
  2. Lampshades from the wallpaper. This idea is especially attractive for its minimal financial costs. You can even use the remnants of wallpaper littered after repair.

Important! The most popular option is the manufacture of a cap for a table lamp in the form of an accordion:

  • First, a piece of wallpaper is taken that is about one and a half meters long and not more than 30 centimeters wide.
  • Then they put it into an accordion.
  • After this, the resulting lampshade is perforated and the laces are threaded into it.
  • Then the structure sticks together.
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Mesh lampshade for home

And now we will consider how to make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands from the most ordinary metal mesh, which can be found even in your garden or in the country:

  1. This material can be formed into any shape, because you just need to connect the ends and create at your discretion. More often manufactured products in the form of an ellipse or ball. To get this shape, you need to use a ready-made frame made of thick cardboard or durable wire.
  2. The lampshade from the grid is attached to the cable of the bulb with the help of the same wire.

Important! Ready lampshade can be decorated with weaving of colored laces or artificial flowers.

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Lace lampshade for lamp

With the help of such lampshades, you can make the interior of your house more elegant and light. The lace itself, depending on the variety, allows you to make the light brighter or scattered.

Important! Such products look great in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms.

Here are a few useful tips to help you with this process:

  • Naturally, the main material for the manufacture of such a lampshade for a table lamp with their own hands will be lace. But if for someone they seem too expensive, then you can replace them with lace napkins or pieces of old curtains and tulle.
  • The material must be correctly cut to give it the shape of a circle, strip or square.
  • It is most difficult to glue individual elements using special glue, so you need to do this as carefully and carefully as possible.

Important! Lace can be glued even to the most ordinary balloon or prepared frame, covered with paper or fabric.

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Stylish lampshade made of beads

Now we will learn how to make a frame for a lampshade with our own hands, which will then be covered with beads. In this case, you can make a base from the same wire or old frame. But the product itself will be made of beads, not paper or fabric, as in previous cases.

Important! Such a lampshade will perfectly transmit light, and the result itself is truly admirable.

To work you will need a frame, fishing line and, of course, beads:

  1. The end of the fishing line should be properly attached to the base, and beads can be strung on it, making nodules between them so that they do not move.
  2. Then the second end of the fishing line joins the frame.

Important! The manufacturing process of such a lampshade is quite laborious, but all the work is offset by a unique decorative effect.

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Original fabric lampshade

Many needlewomen are interested in how to sew a lampshade on a table lamp from various fabrics left over after making other interior items or sewing clothes.

Important! In principle, light, dense, and hard fabric is suitable for this. Some craftsmen even manage to make lampshades from wool - it all depends on the interior of the apartment and their own flight of imagination.

If you already have a wire frame, it is better to use an opaque material that will help hide it, for example, taffeta, cotton or dark silk.

The manufacturing process of fabric lampshade consists of several stages:

  1. We make a template to correctly cut the right amount of material:
    1. If the frame has the shape of a cylinder, then you can measure the circumference and draw one line on the fabric, and then measure the height and mark it with the second line. After that, you just need to finish the two remaining sides and cut out the finished template.
    2. If the frame is cone-shaped, then you need to lay out the paper, and use a pencil to mark the dotted lines on the sheet as it passes through the sheet. The frame should fully scroll. Then we connect the lines and cut out the template.
  2. We apply the template to the already finished frame in order to check whether it fits clearly in size. In case of a mismatch in its size, you need to re-take measurements and make a new template.
  3. Having received the correct template by all standards, we attach it to the fabric:
    1. If you have chosen material with a print, then you need to position the template so that all the elements of the picture look in one direction.
    2. You need to attach it to the wrong side of the material, and then attach it with pins.
    3. Then we circle the pattern and make small allowances.
    4. Carefully remove the pins and wrap inward allowances.
    5. The bend line is fixed with pins.
  4. We sew the received parts on the sewing machine from three sides, one must remain unprocessed so that it can, then form the seam already directly on the frame.
  5. With the help of an iron, we thoroughly smooth the fabric blank.
  6. We cover the working surface with a piece of old tablecloth or paper, we lay out the fabric on it. Put glue on it and wait a few minutes.
  7. Glue the fabric to our frame and hide the raw cut. The seam needs to be made as accurate as possible.
  8. Leave the finished lampshade for a while for complete drying. In a day, you can put it on your favorite table lamp and enjoy the result.
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Now we know how to update the lampshade of a table lamp with our own hands, without spending a huge amount of money and a lot of time on it. Thanks to the above recommendations, you can decorate your home with unique decorative elements and breathe life into your favorite things that have become less attractive over the years.

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