Anthurium Care

To revive the interior of any room in the house, to make it more comfortable and interesting, it is not at all necessary to search for modern design delights. Amazingly beautiful home flower Antirium, the care of which is very easy to set up, will allow you to make a bright accent in the room and create the right atmosphere. Large flowers of this plant, the original form of inflorescences and leaves, eye-catching shades - all this is due to the fact that today Anthurium home flowers are in constant demand. Owners of private apartments and houses with different incomes can afford such landscaping, and the effect will be guaranteed amazing - for both owners and guests of the house.

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Types of Anthurium

The modern selection of Anthurium species is very huge and includes an incredible number of species of varieties. To choose those Anthurium flowers that will fit very organically into your interior, you can give preference to one of the most simple to care for and popular because of its unusual appearance of plants.

Anthurium Andre

Even if you have just decided to plant flowers at home, but you have never done anything like this before, you must have heard of plants with the original name “Feminine Happiness”. Naturally, he needs a “couple,” and that is exactly what Anthurium Andre is, who received the unspoken title of “Men's happiness”. It is this variety that is a symbol of inner male strength, courage, symbolizes the spirit of freedom embedded in every male representative.

anthuriumIts glossy dark green leaves, broad-toed, dense, heart-shaped, bright red, white, pink or yellow flowers with an internal oblong white ear are distinguished. On the surface of the flower bedspread there are distinct veins and textured bubbles.

Anthurium Scherzer

This is a type of small plant, the sizes of which usually do not reach 40 cm. The leaves are fleshy, leathery, their surface is decorated with black dots on both sides. Flowers are very large, can have spirally twisted ponytails.

Anthurium Crystal and Magnificent

These species of Anthurium are very similar to each other with large velvety foliage, which has distinct silver or white streaks and pointed tips. Due to this, the relief structure of the flower is formed and it looks very luxurious, despite the fact that the inflorescences themselves have a more faded color - greenish or purple.

Anthurium Black Queen

These Anthurium flowers are a real delight for any person. The bedspreads near the inflorescences have a glossy black color or a noble shade of overripe cherries.

Important! The described varieties are far from the entire list of possible options for Anthurium. Depending on the shade composition of your interior, you can choose plants with purple, pink inflorescences, with rounded or spade-shaped leaves, with a terry or glossy surface.

A very important fact that you need to know about before growing Anthurium home flowers - many of them are very poisonous. Therefore, choose a location to exclude free access to pets and children.

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Caring for Anthurium

In order for this plant to please you with its unusually attractive appearance for a long time, you need to know how to properly organize care for Anthurium.It consists in the following rules.

Proper installation and lighting

Anthurium, the care of which is not too burdensome, develops well in fairly bright, but diffused lighting. Direct sunlight or a dark nook are not suitable for this culture.


  • it is better to put it near the windows on a special stand in the rooms on the south side;
  • it is worth giving up the choice of darkened rooms on the north side, an exception only if you have very high-quality artificial lighting;
  • the western and eastern sides are the best choice, here you can organize care for Anthurium directly on the windowsill of the window.

Suitable temperature and humidity

When purchasing Anthurium, care for it should be thought out in advance by you, since these plants are heat-loving. The optimal conditions for them are 16-28 C.

Important! Since the range of tolerated temperatures is quite large, pay special attention to sharp fluctuations in values ​​- this is detrimental to Anthurium.

As for humidity, it is necessary to provide the flower with the possibility of full saturation. To do this, place the green composition in rooms where the indicators are not lower than 60-70%. If a stable background of humidity is not observed in your home, you will have to take special care of Anthurium with frequent watering, spraying, and wiping the leaves with a damp cloth.

Pot and soil selection

It will help for a long time to maintain a healthy state of Anthurium care, organized correctly initially. And to do this, you need to buy the right pot and soil. For this:

  1. Prefer ready-mixed soil with an acidity in the range of 5.5-6.5 pH. Combinations of peat, coarse sand, hardwood, bark of coniferous trees and charcoal are perfect. It is this composition that will provide the necessary degree of friability and circulation of air, water.
  2. The pot should not be very deep, but wide. Soil drainage should be well thought out.

Watering scheme

Despite the fact that Anthurium, the care of which involves a consistently high humidity, can feel comfortable at an indicator of 90%, one must be very careful with watering.

It is impossible to say for sure that it is necessary to water the Anthurium several times a week or once a month. It all depends on the microclimate in your home. Carefully make sure that the soil is sufficiently saturated with moisture and does not dry out, but it is also not worth bringing to rot, otherwise it will damage the root system.

The easiest way to establish competent care for Anthurium is to adhere to such rules:

  • after watering, after a few minutes, drain excess water from the pan of the pot;
  • periodically replace full watering by spraying or moistening the leaves by wiping.

Frequency and type of feeding

When caring for Anthurium, it is important to adhere to the middle ground. Both a deficiency and an excess of nutrients can cause damage to the plant and the appearance of visible defects in foliage and inflorescences.

anturiumThe universal option is to take half the norm of liquid fertilizer for home plants and water it once every 2-3 weeks. More often, you can make top dressing during the period of active growth of the culture.

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Transplantation and reproduction

When growing any flower, you have to periodically ask questions about transplanting and propagating the plant.


There is nothing complicated in the transplant process itself. It is performed once a year or 2 years - it depends on the activity of the plant's development.

In the process of transplantation, the following rules for caring for Anthurium must be observed:

  1. The pot is taken wider than the previous model.
  2. The bottom is filled with drainage - it is possible from small brick fragments.
  3. Arrange sphagnum around the roots in the ground.

All other recommendations regarding soil, humidity, temperature are the same as described above.

Important! The best time for transplanting Anthurium is February-March. After the plant reaches 5 years of age, you can reduce the frequency of transplants to 1 time in 3 years.

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There are several ways to propagate Anthurium at home:

  1. The seeds. To do this, do it yourself pollinate the inflorescences during their flowering period - with cotton swabs to transfer pollen from one ears to another. They wait about 8 months for seed ripening and then the formed fruit is carefully removed with tweezers. Seeds are evenly distributed in loose soil with a layer of perlite. Containers should be tightly closed for several weeks - before emergence. Diving is performed after a pair of leaves is formed.
  2. Cuttings are a more convenient way to breed Anthurium at home. For this purpose, apical or stem shoots that have 5-6 leaves will be separated.

Important! Further actions for growing shoots are the same as for propagation by seeds - containers are tightly closed for some time. Periodic ventilation is possible.

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Diseases and Pests

Competent and timely care of the Anthurium cannot be organized unless you are informed in advance about possible diseases. Most often, this ailment of plants is affected by the following ailments:

  1. Bronze foliage. This is a viral disease, which manifests itself in the form of wrinkling and discoloration of the leaves, even the formation of small holes on the surface. Treatment - the destruction of carriers of the virus - as a rule, these are thrips, as well as pruning of all infected parts of the plant.
  2. Stem rot. This disease is very serious, because the main part of the plant is damaged. You can notice the defeat by the presence of black watery spots. Therapeutic measures are a temporary decrease in humidity in the room and spraying with special drugs. Fitoporin-M and Saprol will do.
  3. Smallpox. If, during the care of Anthurium, you notice spots on the leaf plates in the form of convex rings of yellow-green or yellow color, this indicates a disease of the Ospoy flower. It can be cured by cutting the affected foliage, reducing the humidity level in the room and maintaining a stable temperature at 18C.
  4. Fusarium wilting. With this disease, a gray-pink coating forms not only on the leaves, but also in the zone of the root neck. The foliage very quickly becomes completely yellow and falls off. Such an ailment is transmitted most often by fungi. Therefore, for the treatment of Anthurium, it is necessary to rinse it under running water, replace the soil, and it is advisable to transplant it into another pot, treat it with an antifungal drug.
  5. Enations. This disease manifests itself in the form of leaf deformation, in their uneven development, in the presence of bulges and growths on the surface. Most often, the causes of this phenomenon are excessively high humidity, low temperature, constant drafts. To cure the plant - you need to adjust the microclimate in the room.


Important! In addition to the above diseases, Anthurium is attacked by thrips, aphids, scale insects and spider mites. In almost each of these cases, it is necessary to process the plant with a suitable preparation:

  • From thrips fit - Actellik, Fufanon, Tanrek.
  • From aphids - Tobacco dust. Biotlin, Acarin.
  • From a tick - soap solution and mineral oil.
  • From scabs help - Actellik or ordinary kerosene.
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Useful Tips

So that care for Anturium does not cause you any difficulties, take note of additional recommendations:

  1. To correctly determine the frequency of watering, orient yourself in this way - as soon as ⅓ soil mix has dried, add a new volume of water.
  2. Anthurium prefers a moderately acidic environment. If the ends of the leaves become brown, this indicates a high stiffness. Correct the situation by using fenced water with a small amount of special softener to water the plant.
  3. Use one type of top dressing if you are already convinced of the quality of its result. Do not experiment unnecessarily.
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Anthurium Frequently Asked Questions

Despite the fact that there are no global difficulties in caring for Anthurium, those who grow it have various questions from time to time. The most private of them are as follows.

Why is Anthurium not blooming?

Some varieties of this flower ripen and give inflorescences after a year, while others can wait for a beautiful flowering up to 4 years. Before you buy Anthurium, check with the seller the age of the plant and the expected time of appearance of the color.

Otherwise, it all depends on the proper care of Anthurium, it may be exposed to direct sunlight, it is in the draft zone, or you have chosen a too narrow pot and the root system is not well developed.

Why did yellow spots appear on the leaves?

If there are small spots visible on the surface of the leaves, it is most likely a spider mite. If the spots are large and over the entire area of ​​the leaves - adjust the composition of top dressing and soil.

If the leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off, this is one of the above infectious diseases.

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Now you have all the information regarding what Anthurium is, care in what order you need to organize it. Follow these rules and you will always be happy looking at your flower garden from “Male Happiness”.

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