Do-it-yourself home fragrance

Entering any room, the first thing a person pays attention to is smell. If the apartment smells unpleasant, then no refined interior and expensive furniture will not create a positive impression on the owners. Therefore, every housewife seeks to give her home a pleasant aroma. In this article we will tell you how to make a home fragrance for your home and add extra comfort to the room.

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Liquid Natural Flavor

You can add a pleasant aroma to the air in the room using a liquid natural fragrance for the home, which will also serve as an original decor.


To prepare this tool, we need:

  • small bottles of essential oils or medications;
  • bottle cap;
  • decorative lace;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil, which is odorless;
  • 20-25 drops of your favorite essential oil or a mixture of several flavors.


Important! Bottles for liquid natural flavoring for the home with your own hands can be decorated to your own taste. There are several common methods of decoration - painting with stained-glass paints, decoupage and fabric tightening.

Manufacturing technology

The process of preparing a natural flavoring for your home will not take you much time and effort. Do the following:

  1. Add vegetable and essential oils to a pre-prepared bottle, mix thoroughly the resulting mixture.
  2. In the center of the cork stopper suitable for the bottle, make a hole - you can pierce it with an awl or a “gypsy” needle.
  3. Pass the decorative cord through the hole and close the smelling bottle with a stopper.

Important! One part of the lace should be inside the bottle and, at least half, immersed in the liquid, and the second - outside. By soaking the rope with aromatic oils, it will quickly begin to spread a pleasant smell throughout your apartment.

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Fruit Flavors

One of the most pleasant aromas for humans is the smell of fresh fruit. If you want the atmosphere of an orchard to reign in your apartment, then you can use one of the following flavors.

Orange candle

Quite simply, at home, you can build an aromatic candle from an orange. To prepare such a flavor, do the following:

  1. Cut the orange in half and gently, without damaging the white shell inside the fruit, remove the flesh.
  2. Put the wick in the resulting orange “bowl”.
  3. Fill the bowl with oil.
  4. Light the wick and enjoy the pleasant aroma spreading around the room.

Rosemary lemon

To fill the apartment with a pleasant lemon aroma, do the following:

  • Fill a small saucepan with warm water, the liquid should occupy about ⅔ of the container.
  • Cut the lemon into several pieces and dip in a saucepan with water.
  • Add some sprigs of fragrant rosemary there.
  • Also, add 2-3 small tablespoons of vanilla or vanilla sugar to a saucepan with water.
  • All day, cook the resulting mixture over low heat, adding water as needed.

Important! The fruit aroma filling the room will last for several days, and you can enjoy pleasant smells.

Cinnamon candle

If you like the pleasant aroma of cinnamon, then the ideal way to decorate the room and at the same time aromatize the air with your favorite smell is to cook the following:

  • Take an ordinary wax candle, glue it with cinnamon sticks.
  • After waiting for the adhesive composition to completely dry, tie a decorative candle with a beautiful fabric ribbon.

Important! For these purposes, a strip of burlap, silk or satin is best suited. Also for the decor of such a candle, you can use corrugated cardboard.

  • Light the candle wick and enjoy the delicate aroma that will come from the warming cinnamon.

Important! You can’t leave such a fragrance for your home unattended, so that instead of a pleasant aroma in the room, you will not overtake a fire and the smell of burning.

Aromatic sachet

Sachets are small bags that fill the room with the pleasant aroma of spices inside. To make a similar flavor for the home with your own hands. You need to do the following:

  • Sew a small bag made of natural fabrics - burlap, silk, linen. The product should be flashed on three sides, because the sachet is completely sewn up only after filling.

Important! If you want to hang a smelling decor, then you should sew a loop on one of the sides. Make it interesting and your home-made fragrance for your home will become a truly unique decoration that guests will kindly envy.

  • According to your taste preferences, fill the prepared fabric with dry citrus peels, dried odorous herbs and various spices, for example, add a stick of cinnamon to the peels of an orange.
  • Sew a fabric cushion and, laying the product on a coffee table or hanging in a convenient place, enjoy the pleasant aroma in the room.


Important! You can use aromatic sachets for 2-3 months, after which it will stop thinning the pleasant smell. To resume the aromatic effect, it will be enough to change the filler pads.

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Flavoring jar

A small jar can also be used as a room air fragrance. Such a device can be decorated with the help of improvised means and creative thought, making it a full-fledged part of the interior. You can also place your home fragrance in an inconspicuous place and surprise guests with a pleasant aroma of unknown origin.

To prepare a flavoring jar, do the following:

  1. Take a small jar with a lid.
  2. Punch a few holes in the lid with a hammer and a nail.
  3. Fill a quarter of the can with soda.
  4. For a pleasant smell in the soda, add a few drops of essential oil.
  5. After twisting the jar, shake it well and enjoy the pleasant aroma in the room.

Important! If the intensity of the smell emanating from the jar has significantly decreased, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the soda.

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Flavored Stones

Lovers of nature and natural flavors can make fragrant stones with their own hands, which will become an original decoration of the interior and will attract the attention of guests.


To make aromatic stones you will need:

  • 600 grams of any flour;
  • 1 kg of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of corn or potato starch;
  • 200 ml of hot water;
  • a few drops of your favorite essential oil;
  • food colors or non-toxic paints for creativity.

The method of preparation of fragrant decor:

  1. Pour flour, starch and salt into a deep bowl, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Dissolve the dye in water and add to the bowl.
  3. Knead the dough thoroughly with the combined foods.
  4. Give the dough a shape of small pebbles and add a few drops of your favorite flavor to each of them.
  5. After the stones have dried and hardened, place them around the apartment or form an attractive composition.

Important! Over time, aromatic oils evaporate from the surface and the stones stop smelling. When the smell of stones stops, do not throw them away. To restore a pleasant property, just add a little aromatic oil to the product.

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We hope that our tips will help you fill the living room with pleasant aromas, and your guests will be pleasantly surprised by the comfortable and cozy atmosphere of the apartment.

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