Bamboo pillows

A full sleep is the key to the health of every person, and it is a comfortable pillow that contributes to good sleep at night. In this article we will discuss products such as bamboo pillows - what are their advantages over other types of the same products.

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Before you paint the benefits of the product, you need to understand what it is. And the first point is to find out what is bamboo fiber in the pillows, because this plant itself is very solid in appearance and does not fit into the idea of ​​the filler of such things.

Important! To make the filler, young stems of this plant, up to 3 years old, are taken. The fibers that are obtained during processing of this “grass” are also called bamboo silk.

The cultivation of raw materials takes place on plantations in China and is strictly controlled. But at the same time, it is the creation of a natural growth environment that produces the highest quality fibers. Control occurs according to the following criteria:

  1. Environmentally friendly area.
  2. The ban on the chemical processing of raw materials.
  3. The area remote from agricultural institutions.


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Benefits of Bamboo Filler

Pillows with bamboo filler have clear advantages compared to fillers from other raw materials. Consider the main ones:

  1. The material from which these things are made is natural and environmentally friendly. In the manufacturing process, synthetic additives are completely excluded.
  2. Bamboo processing technology allows you to extract the most necessary properties of the material such as: elasticity, softness and tenderness.
  3. Pillows made of bamboo are able to create their own, favorable microclimate. The filler easily absorbs and also quickly evaporates moisture. This product is warm and cozy in the winter, and in the summer it gives the long-awaited coolness all night.
  4. Bamboo fibers have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Therefore, bamboo pillows can both prevent many diseases by naturally restoring the body during sleep, and accelerate the healing process, for example, with a viral or catarrhal illness.
  5. One of the most remarkable features of this product is hypoallergenicity. Both adults with allergies and very young children can sleep on them.
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Health effects

The biggest advantage of a pillow with bamboo filler is its beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Let's consider in more detail:

  1. The material of which the filler is made is very flexible. This means that it has orthopedic and anatomical properties. Due to these functions, it is actively used for the prevention of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Bamboo material has a beneficial effect on the skin of a person. This means that the use of products such as bamboo pillows completely eliminates the occurrence of diseases like dermatitis. The same property slows down the aging process of the skin.
  3. Hypoallergenicity of things from bamboo eliminates many problems associated with allergic reactions to external stimuli that were the predecessors of these wonderful products.
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How to choose a product for yourself?

You need to choose pillows from bamboo according to several criteria. The main ones are:

  1. The age of a person.
  2. Height.
  3. Shoulder width - the width of the final product depends on this indicator.
  4. The position of the body during sleep is also a very important criterion. For example, a person who likes to sleep on his side needs to buy an orthopedic model.

Important! When choosing, you need to understand one more important fact - any product has its own fakes. Below we will look at how to distinguish real bamboo pillows from fake ones.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to:

  1. The price. Bamboo pillows may not be the same as synthetic ones.
  2. Label. On the label is always written the composition of the product, information on caring for it and more. So, the composition of the presence of bamboo fibers should be at least 60%.
  3. Sewing quality. Smooth seams, the absence of protruding threads indicate high-quality production, which means high quality of the final product.
  4. Such products should breathe. You can verify this by holding it to your face and breathing air. If at the same time you do not feel discomfort, it is likely that the product is natural.
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The best brands and models

As bamboo pillows are gaining more and more popularity, a lot of manufacturers appear on the market. How to determine which ones to buy. The best way to find out is customer reviews, because they have already purchased their product and know for sure everything that is connected with it.

Bamboo pillow TD Dargez “Bombay”

The country of manufacture of this product is Russia. Sizes - standard:

  • 50 * 70 mm;
  • 70 * 70 mm.

The case is made of microfiber with a clasp, which is very convenient for the buyer.


Important! The composition of the filler is 60% bamboo fiber, the rest is polyester. Thanks to this very composition, the price-quality ratio in this product is at its best, which is confirmed by customer reviews.

Bamboo pillow from “Anna Textile”

The country of origin of the final product is Russia, these bamboo pillows cost a little more than the previous model. The size is provided only one - 50 * 70 mm.

Important! The case consists of 100% cotton, and the filler is bamboo fiber. Customer reviews are very positive - the pillow has fully confirmed its functions and satisfied the buyer.

Bamboo pillow from the brand "Arden"

The country of origin is no longer domestic, but France. The price corresponds to the raised bar - twice as high as the Russian market.

The dimensions of the pillow are standard. The filling here is artificial fuzz, and the cover is made of 100% cotton, which is quilted with bamboo fiber.

Important! The filler is not made of bamboo, if you trust the reviews, it does not affect the beneficial properties that should be present in a product of this class.

Verossa Bamboo Pillow “Bamboo Fiber”

And back to the domestic manufacturer again. The price of such a product varies, depending on the final supplier, but generally focus on the middle category.

Dimensions are very non-standard, namely: 68 * 68 mm.

Important! The filler consists of 70% bamboo fiber and 30% polyester. The case is made of 100% natural cotton. These products are manufactured using Twine Zone technology, which consists in the design of 2 zones. The first is top, bamboo, and the second is polyester. At the same time, all properties associated with natural bamboo fiber are fully preserved.

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Now that we have considered what bamboo pillows are, what properties they have and what they are, you decide whether to buy this product for your family and yourself, or in the old fashioned way to use fluff / feather to fill pillows. But in general, the benefit is obvious, such bedding really deserves attention and will become a more profitable, safe alternative.


