DIY bath in the bathroom

The arrangement of the sauna in the bathroom has long ceased to be a dream, but has become a reality. The statement that there must be a separate room for the bath is a mistake. It is quite possible to equip a bathhouse in a city apartment. So, a bath in the bathroom with your own hands - step by step we consider such an option in this article.

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Ways of registration

There are two options for a bath in the bathroom with your own hands:

  • Fixed sauna for spacious bathrooms.
  • Mini-steam room, made in accordance with the small dimensions of the bathroom.

If you have experience in performing construction work, then you will be able to master this work yourself.

Important! In the construction supermarket you can find different ready-made options for a sauna for bathrooms. It remains to choose the right option and install a steam room in the house.

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Is coordination necessary for the arrangement of the bath?

Naturally, it is necessary to coordinate this option for arranging the bath, and in the following sequence:

  • First of all, the project must be coordinated with the State Fire Service. Experts will check the reliability of your wiring, certificates for materials.
  • Permission from the housing inspectorate will also be required.
  • Permission is also required from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, because the mini-bath in the apartment must satisfy all sanitary standards.
  • There is also a check from representatives of architectural supervision. There are certain requirements that must be observed with such a reconstruction of housing.
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What are the advantages of a bath in an apartment?

Having arranged a sauna in the bathroom with your own hands, you get the following benefits:

  • The ability to receive bath procedures without leaving your home.
  • If the steam room in the bathroom is built correctly, it heats up in just a few minutes.
  • The arrangement of a steam room in the bathroom will not affect the amount of energy consumption too much. In a properly designed bath, energy consumption is extremely optimized.

Important! Many are interested in: is it possible to equip a sauna, a bathhouse on the loggia? This option is possible, but it is more costly because it requires additional communications.

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Types of microclimate

According to the rules, the sum of two digits - relative humidity and temperature, should not be more than 110. Here are the different microclimate options for a home bath

Dry Finnish bath:

  • Air temperature - from 90 to 110 degrees.
  • Relative humidity - 10%.

Important! Characteristic features: dry air at high temperature stimulates increased sweating.

Wet bath:

  • Air temperature - from 70 to 90 degrees.
  • Relative humidity - 25-40%.

Important! Characteristic features: watering hot stones on a heater contributes to increased humidity.

Steam bath:

  • Air temperature - from 40 to 65 degrees.
  • Relative humidity - 45-70%.

Important! Characteristic features: the source of water vapor is a generator. You can add herbal infusions for inhalation procedures to it.

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The procedure for creating a bath in the bathroom

Keep in mind that a steam room in the bathroom with your own hands is a rather painstaking work requiring considerable effort and material costs. The work ahead is not easy.You need to choose materials, choose an economical and high-quality stove.

General recommendations

So, the basic principles of the work:

  • The walls that separate the bathhouse from another part of the room are assembled like a frame partition.
  • For faster heating and optimization of energy consumption, it is impractical to make a ceiling of more than 2.0 m.
  • Thermal insulation of the room is mandatory. Mineral wool with a thickness of 50-100 mm can be used as a heat-insulating material.
  • To protect the insulation from moisture, apply a vapor barrier film. The sheets are laid with an overlap without tension, and the joints are glued with adhesive tape.
  • Cladding for a mini-sauna can serve as a block house or lining. The thickness of the skin is 10-12 mm. Antiseptics (organic, inorganic or mixed) are used to treat wood. This will increase the life of the tree. If desired, it is possible to cover the skin of the bath with heat-resistant varnish.
  • The ventilation gap between the lining and the vapor barrier must be at least 20 mm.
  • As the outer skin of the bath, you can use the same lining. However, if the general interior of the room suffers from this, you can use drywall and veneer it with ceramic tiles.

DIY bath in the bathroom: selection of heat and vapor barrier materials

According to experts, it is desirable to use materials not of a roll, but of a plate type. They:

  • denser;
  • more convenient in work;
  • keep their shape well;
  • held upright without sliding down.

Important! Do not use extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene for building a bathhouse in an apartment with your own hands, since these materials are operated at a temperature not exceeding 75 degrees. Glass wool insulation is also not good. Even if you work very carefully, getting rid of the smallest particles of glass is impossible. They can injure the skin and respiratory system.

A vapor barrier can be aluminum foil:

  • Due to the heat-reflecting properties of the foil, the time for heating the mini-bath is significantly reduced. But you need to remember that foil requires great accuracy in work. The canvas breaks easily, because its thickness does not exceed 50 microns.
  • It is much more convenient to work with a two-layer film on kraft paper. It is easier to work and significantly stronger.

Important! There are also special insulation materials for saunas, one side of which is covered with a layer of foil. Lay the material with a metal layer inside.


Features of flooring

The floor of the home bath, like the walls and the ceiling, must be insulated.

Important! Mineral wool is not suitable for this purpose, since it will compress under load. Ultimately, the ceramic tile coating will crack.

The best option is extruded polystyrene foam, located under a layer of tile and concrete. Its strength properties are good, and it is reliably protected by a concrete “pillow” from exposure to high temperature.

The procedure for performing the work so that the bath in the bathroom is correct is as follows:

  • Lay the stove insulation on the floor. Previously, it must be adjusted to the size of the room.
  • Glue the joints, fill them with mounting foam.
  • Fill the surface of the insulation with mortar for concrete floor screed.
  • After the concrete has hardened, lay the ceramic tile on the adhesive layer.

Important! It is not necessary to equip the waterproofing of the bath floor in the bathroom, since polystyrene foam itself has good waterproofing properties. In order not to slip on the floor, wooden grates are laid on the aisles. In the place of discharge you need to install a trap receiver equipped with a siphon.

Benches and shelves

For the manufacture of seats and sunbeds in a bath in the bathroom, the best option is hardwood:

  • Pine or spruce are undesirable, because with strong heating the resin protrudes to the surface.Sitting on a sticky tar bench is not very nice. In addition, you can spoil items of bath textiles.
  • The best option in terms of price and quality is aspen and linden wood. At the same time, the boards will not get too hot.

Important! As a rule, shelves have two tiers:

  • The first tier is located at a height of 0.5-0.6 m from the floor.
  • The second is 0.4 m higher.

To make a person of any height comfortable sitting on a shelf, it is advisable to make the upper tier folding or removable. If this is not possible, make it slightly narrower than the bench below.

Do-it-yourself steam room in the bathroom: equip the door

It needs to be arranged so that the room is closed, but it kept warm:

  • An interesting solution is a transparent glass door. At the same time, save on the lamp. But ordinary glass for this purpose is not suitable because of the increased fragility. It is much more practical to buy a ready-made door made of tempered glass that can withstand extreme heat without deformation.
  • If you installed the light in the bathroom bath with your own hands, then a deaf door leaf made of wood will do.

Important! The width of the door leaf must be at least 0.6 m so that the exit is free.

What else to consider if you plan to organize a bath in the bathroom with your own hands:

  • For safety reasons, do not make internal constipation.
  • Arrange the door so that it opens outward.
  • Make a wooden handle as well. The metal is very hot and can cause burns.
  • The oven should be fenced with wooden handrails.

Important! For a small bathroom, a good solution for a bath in the bathroom with your own hands will be sliding or swing doors from two narrow leaves.


To keep the bath in the bathroom safe:

  • The supply channel is arranged in the lower part of the room, near the floor itself. Its diameter is 5-6 cm, it is desirable to position the hole closer to the furnace.
  • The hole for the outflow of air is located at the top, on the opposite side of the cab or on the ceiling. The diameter of the exhaust duct, in comparison with the supply, should be larger (about 9 cm).

Important! With this approach, heated air enters the room. And the air flows from the sauna cabin at the same time warm the room of the bathroom.

  • The exhaust duct is equipped so that it opens onto the street or into the common ventilation riser of the house.
  • An electric fan is also useful, which turns on after the air temperature in the bathroom reaches a certain value.

How to make a steam room in the bathroom of a luxury apartment?

The arrangement of a steam room in a spacious bathroom of an elite apartment is a frequent phenomenon:

  • If you are not constrained by the means, use natural expensive materials so that the bathhouse in the bathroom with your own hands is not only beautiful, but also extremely safe.
  • For construction, a profiled beam of 40-80 x 140-180 mm in cross section is used. For walls of this thickness, neither vapor barrier nor additional insulation is needed.
  • Outside, the walls are decorated with varnish or vapor-permeable paint.
  • The gap between the beam and the wall varies from 20 to 50 mm.

Furnace selection

For a home bath, you need to choose a good stove that can not only store heat, but also quickly heat up. Before making a purchase, compare the dimensions of the steam room with the technical characteristics of the product.

Important! Depending on the type of material, it can be metal or brick. Metal products are more preferable because they are lightweight, compact and do not exert strong pressure on the supporting structures.

Depending on the fuel used, the stove can be:

  • wood burning;
  • gas;
  • electric.

Important! The latter option is optimal for a bath in the bathroom, since a wood-burning stove is more suitable for a separate building, and for the installation of a gas device, additional permits will be required.

Depending on the microclimate, the heater can be closed or open.

Important! If you are a fan of the traditional Russian bath with wet steam, saturated with the smells of herbs, then you should pay attention to the stove with open stones.

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Security flaws and issues

The sauna in the bathroom with your own hands has a number of disadvantages:

  • If ventilation is not well thought out, then the room remains high humidity for a long time. This is fraught with the development of mold or fungus on the ceiling and walls.
  • Pay particular attention to fire safety issues. Violation of accepted standards may result in fire. Therefore, obtaining all the necessary permits is not an annoying formality, but a reasonable step that makes it possible to protect you.
  • Do not forget about the condition of the wiring. Consult an experienced electrician in advance so that, because of your desire for a healthy lifestyle, the residents of the whole house are not left without lighting. Knowing the bottlenecks and potential problems will help you not to solve them, what is called, as they arrive, but to prevent them in advance.
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In this article we told you in detail what a bathhouse in a bathroom can do with your own hands, how profitable and how fraught with such a decision. We hope that if you have not abandoned your original idea, you will do everything correctly, and you will be able to recover and relax right at home at any convenient time safely and pleasantly.

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