Do-it-yourself bar table for the kitchen

The modern design of any kitchen in the first place involves functionality. Therefore, experts in the search for interesting and practical solutions often borrow ideas from completely different areas. One of such successful borrowings was the bar counter. Today, these designs are used not only as work surfaces for bartenders, but also at home. Of course, in home kitchens racks make it easier than their professional counterparts, but their style, design and functionality remained at an excellent level. We will figure out how to make a bar table for the kitchen with your own hands to save on the expensive services of professional designers.
to contents ↑Racks in the kitchen - possible options:
- In kitchens with large areas, you can make a real bar counter, in its direct understanding. For such a design, you can sit in a high chair, drink coffee or strong drinks, and even something to eat. In this case, the rack is equipped with special holders for glasses, stands for bottles and shelves for drinks and accessories.
Important! Installation of such structures occurs either in the middle of the room, or with the support of one part on a wall or kitchen furniture.
- In small areas, the rack is used for a variety of purposes. It separates one part of the room from another, used as an additional work surface or instead of a dining table. In this case, the structure can be installed along the wall to save room area.
Important! For greater functionality, a cabinet, refrigerator or shelves can be mounted under such a rack.
Very often, such designs can be found in apartments of the type "studio". In this embodiment, the racks delimit the space of the kitchen and the combined room, and can also serve as a desktop.
Pros of a bar table in the kitchen
Before we figure out how to make a bar table for the kitchen with our own hands, we will consider the advantages of such structures:
- With a stand, the design of the room becomes more stylish and modern.
- The ability to install various holders, shelves and other accessories at different heights that will help create tremendous functionality in a small space.
- Such designs can be used as a full dining place, while saving the area that would be needed to place the table.
- In addition to the dining area, this is also an additional work surface.
Which option is right for you depends on many factors. But as soon as you decide, you can begin to analyze the question of how to make a bar table with your own hands.
to contents ↑Kinds
When deciding to install a bar counter in the kitchen, you should start with the question of what kind of a bar they are. It is a common misconception that there are no significant differences between these designs. In fact, bar furniture is not only different in color and material, but also in shape and functionality. Let us consider these differences in more detail, because the interior and convenience of your kitchen will depend on them.
Classic version:
- This model assumes that the countertop and furniture will be used for eating.
- The standard height of such structures is up to 120 cm, but no one bothers you to adjust it to fit your height and needs.
- The design is complemented by special high furniture - bar stools or stools.
Important! Excellent classic models fit into the studio apartments, and in rooms with an interior in the style of Minimalism.
These designs suggest that the room will be quite spacious. In fact, this design includes not only the rack, but also almost all the functionality of the kitchen:
- stove or hob;
- a sink;
- mini fridge;
- place to eat.
Important! This is a very rare option that is not accessible to everyone today, but it has been successfully used in the design of television studios for cooking shows.
Combined option
But for such structures, small-sized apartments are ideal:
- This is a countertop, which simultaneously serves as a work surface, bar counter and place for eating.
- The height of the structure is usually about 90 cm, and the length is not more than a meter.
- Such products can be made folding, and used if necessary, or combine the countertop with the windowsill.
Next, let's talk about what forms you can make a bar table, what materials are suitable.
to contents ↑Training
Of course, before starting work, you should decide on the design format and draw a project. This can be a detailed drawing of the bar with a sofa, chairs, windows and doors, or it can be a small sketch, indicating the size and necessary materials. Then you can go to a hardware store, and pick up the materials necessary for the manufacture of the structure.
Choose material
Today, tables made of the following materials and their combinations are becoming very popular:
- natural wood;
- artificial stone;
- laminate flooring;
- artificial marble - corian;
- ceramic tiles;
- glass;
- clear plastic and other options.
Of course, such a huge selection of colors and textures allows you to dwell on the most ideal option for you, which will not only be incredibly convenient to use, but harmoniously fit into the general style of the room.
Choose a form
After a suitable material is selected, it is necessary to determine its shape. Here the variety of options is no less. Popular rack options today:
- rectangular;
- angular;
- in the form of a semicircle;
- oval designs.
Important! As in the case of the material, choose a form based on the general design concept of the room. Convenient and functional solution for the countertops of the bar table - the ability to adjust it in height or several countertops located at different levels.
Of course, at first such a choice of forms and models can lead to a stupor, especially since an inexperienced master is often not able to immediately create complex structures. But the same shops come to the rescue here, where you can purchase ready-made versions of individual elements for your future rack:
- various shelves and multi-tiered structures;
- legs for your table;
- ready-made options for countertops;
- backlight elements;
- various accessories and other elements.
The final stage of preparation will be the sizing and procurement of all selected materials.
Determine the size
There are no specific standards for width, length and height for racks. There is only a little advice, which is also not always used. And it consists in the fact that:
- recommended rack height for the house - no more than one and a half meters;
- optimal width - half a meter.
The length of the rack, its shape and additions will depend on your wishes.
Important! In bars, racks usually look like cabinets with countertops. For home use, another option has taken root: with a countertop on the pipe, from floor to ceiling. But today there are more modern models with cabinets, shelves and cabinets in the lower and upper parts of the structure.
We will analyze further how to make a bar table with your own hands.
to contents ↑Work order
In fact, if you strictly follow the sequence of work, then there is nothing impossible in creating designs of any complexity.Let's start with a simple example - a rack attached to a wall.
How to make a simple stand?
The kitchen counter in its classical sense is the easiest to create:
- One end of the countertop is fixed to a wall or cabinet headset.
- The second end is drilled to the required diameter and mounted to the pipe support, which is installed in the entire height of the room.
But first things first. To start, we will prepare everything you need.
We will need:
- countertop or material for its manufacture;
- brackets;
- bar leg;
- table top varnish
- fixator on the floor, stops, angles, screws.
For the work to succeed, you need to act in a certain sequence.
- We prepare the table top for the bar table. If necessary, round it and cover the surface with varnish.
- With the help of flat screws, we fasten the stop and the corners along the edge to the countertop.
- Thus, we have assembled a work surface. Next, you need to select the height, put the stand against the wall, and mark the places where the dowels will be mounted.
- After - we attach the tabletop to the wall, and our design is ready.
Useful Tips:
- When attaching the stand to the wall without a pipe, it is better to purchase reinforced corners.
- When mounting the structure along the wall, you can take brackets for hanging shelves as fasteners.
- The tabletop can be ordered in the same place where you made the working surface for the headset, or make it yourself from a wide board of hard wood.
- You can use thick plywood as a worktop. True, then it will have to be faced with plastic, tile or other means.
Important! Other parts can be selected in stores selling furniture fittings. The choice of brands and manufacturers is very large, but the cost at first glance of the same designs can be very different:
- Do not chase cheapness. Such products are most often made in China, and are in no way associated with quality. So, in a Chinese chrome pipe, after some time of use it will become noticeable how the coating is clinging.
- German manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products, but their cost may cause a refusal to purchase.
- The average value for money is still being held by Polish manufacturers.
We will tell about works on designs with shelves below
Making a rack with shelves
If you decide to do without a pipe when choosing a design, there is another way to make a bar table for the kitchen with your own hands.
Important! In this case, you lose additional storage space that could be mounted on the pipe.
Possible options:
- If you replace the leg with a stick, as near the wall, a large rack will immediately become more modern.
- You can also make a rack of wide wooden panels, dock them at an angle of ninety degrees.
Above, we examined rack options without a base. But there are other models that should be discussed in more detail.
Making a stand on the base
In this case, we mean that the countertop will be fixed on a pedestal or other durable surface:
- When placing the countertops exactly on the pedestal, it is mounted using standard horizontal fasteners.
- When displacing the rack, special inclined fasteners are used.
- At the same time, you can fix the countertop to a cabinet or other finished surface, or you can make a cabinet yourself. The most important thing is to carefully assemble the frame and finish it with plywood or any other material suitable for the style of your room, for example, wooden battens or metal parts.
Important! If desired, you can assemble the base of the rack from sheets of drywall and even make brickwork. But keep in mind that the floors must withstand the severity of such a design. Brickwork is ideal for rooms in the Loft style.
Another option is to make a rack and on a drywall basis.
We make of drywall
Drywall is an inexpensive material, work with which will not be difficult even for an inexperienced master. The main thing is to understand the principle and sequence of work.
- To begin with, we assemble the frame from metal profiles. If desired, you can use wooden blocks. At this stage, it is important to keep the lines and right angles even. Check the correctness will help the level - for horizontal surfaces, and plumb - for vertical structures.
- The next step after assembly is to cover the frame with drywall.
- Further - it is necessary to putty all traces of self-tapping screws and carry out finishing work.
- After - we mount the countertop on our stand, and rejoice at the new bar table, which we made on our own.
Stock footage
The bar counter is a very convenient and stylish way to diversify the design of the kitchen. Usually it does not completely replace the dining area, but only complement it. At such a small table it will be convenient to sit with friends or use it as an additional surface for cooking. Moreover, such a design is not difficult to do on your own, if you choose the right style, material, its location, and act carefully, in a certain sequence
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