DIY bar stool

Many of us imagine what a cafe looks like from the inside - light, music, a bar, a bar counter, bar stools and the like. Sometimes it’s the bar stools that are remembered the most, especially if they are made of wood, and you want yourself, but you can’t get factory ones. There is a solution - make a bar stool with your own hands. And to make it right, check out this article.

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Where does the process of making a bar stool begin?

First you need to determine what a bar stool is. Simply put - this is a stool with high enough legs, which can be equipped with a small back.

Important conditions to make the bar stool strong and beautiful:

  • The easiest way to make a wooden bar stool, while a small number of elements can be replaced with chipboard panels.
  • In order to make any wooden structure, it is necessary to draw up drawings with precisely specified product parameters. They will be able to prevent any errors during operation and calculate the amount of necessary supplies.

Where to start and how to make a bar stool with your own hands? To do this, you must determine the height of the bar itself. Carry out the following calculations:

  1. Measure the distance from the floor to the edge of the bar.
  2. Subtract 350 mm from the dimensions obtained. Thus, you will get the required height for the bar stool.
  3. For options made of wood or bar stools from the combined materials, the seat height will be exactly on the same level. Therefore, you can make a stool from absolutely any material and in any style, avoiding errors in the parameters.
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What tools do you need to prepare to get started?

To make bar stools with your own hands, prepare the following tools:

  • roulette wheel;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hammer;
  • a screwdriver;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • jigsaw;
  • brush;
  • varnish.
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Features of the production of wood stool

If you want to make a beautiful and durable stool that will ideally fit your bar table, then as a material for it, it is better to choose a solid wood:

  • The most accessible and most suitable species for this procedure are pine and birch. You can buy them in the form of furniture boards and panels in absolutely any specialized store.
  • The thickness of the purchased material should be no more than 20-30 mm.


First of all, you should cut 10 parts, taking into account the dimensions that were entered in your drawings:

  1. The first and main detail is the circle, which will play the role of a seat, the thickness of which should be 30 mm and a diameter of 350 mm.
  2. The second part is a circle, which serves as a substrate for sitting. Its diameter is 250-260 mm with an existing thickness of 20 mm.
  3. Next, cut 4 legs from the array, the thickness of which is 30 mm.
  4. Lastly, cut 4 planks that play the role of ribs for stiffness in this entire structure. It is also necessary to produce them using a material 30 mm thick.
  5. Cut the legs so that the very structure of the wood in them is vertical. Otherwise, you can simply keep silent about the incredible strength of the structure, because it will be extremely unreliable.


Additional materials for work

When absolutely all the details from the wood have already been sawn, you can proceed to the direct assembly of the structure. The following materials are required for this procedure:

  • metal corners with which stiffeners will be attached to the legs;
  • 5x80 mm screws to fasten the legs together and attach them to a small circle;
  • self-tapping screws 5x20 mm in size to fix ribs for stiffness on the legs;
  • 5x40 screws with which the seat will join in a small circle.

Assembly technology

The assembly of the chair itself occurs with the exact observance of the following scheme:

  1. Fix the legs together using the purchased screws.
  2. Install stiffeners, which you fix in the future using the corners.
  3. Screw the small circle to the legs themselves.
  4. Install a large circle on top, which is also a seat that connects to a pre-connected structure
  5. Cover the finished chair with varnish, and you can first paint it and then varnish.
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The second method of manufacturing a bar stool

The manufacturing scheme of this product is slightly different from the previous. The whole structure is already a classic high stool, which is equipped with several stiffeners. Even despite its simplicity, such products look very good near the home bar, in addition, they are incredibly comfortable and durable.

Important! The rectangular seat of these chairs can be trimmed with fabric or concave if you wish, which will be a great design solution for your home bar.

In the same way as in the previous method, this project of a wooden bar stool begins with the fact that it is necessary to create a drawing. In it, to simplify the image, do not create two bars that are located under the seat. But in the present design they must be present.

Now let's look at how to make a similar wooden chair:

  1. For the legs, take four beams with parameters of 40x40 mm. The best solution would be to take a pine, poplar or birch. Each leg should have a length of 710 mm.
  2. Fasten 2 legs by installing the upper bar. Do the same with the other two legs.
  3. Install the middle as well as the lower bar in exactly the same way.
  4. Now assemble the whole structure from the legs.
  5. Attach the two remaining upper rails and install the two lower ones, which act as supports for your legs.
  6. From above, use your screws to install your seat.

How to make a concave seat yourself?

This method is not the easiest, and to make a recess in the seats, you must be patient, but the result is worth all the torment.

Work is carried out in several stages at once:

  1. Using a hand saw, make several cuts of various depths on the board. The closer to the center, the deeper the slots should be. Well, at the very edges of the structure, respectively, make the cuts smaller.
  2. Take a chisel and a hammer, and in relation to the cuts made, plan the groove.
  3. The final step will be grinding the seat, then it simply attaches to the legs themselves.
  4. After completing the assembly process, be sure to varnish the entire structure
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To make high-quality bar furniture on your own is quite simple, if you initially do the right design, choose high-quality material, and have all the necessary tools at hand. Observing these rules, products in the end turn out to be no worse than those made in factories.

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