DIY Basketball Hoop

Very soon the summer season will come, and many parents with their restless children will leave the city. Adults as usual will delve into the beds, but what do bored children do at this time? In this article, we have prepared for you information on how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands, and with it a playground for games.

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Choose the location of the site

This issue must be approached very responsibly, because many factors must be taken into account. It is advisable that the playground is located at a distance from the house and from the garden.

So, here are the places that in no case are suitable for placing a basketball court:

  • On uneven terrain. Any sports ground implies a perfectly smooth playing surface.
  • Near the ponds. Near any water bodies, especially if you have children, playing is contraindicated. It is possible that the ball will fall into the water and fidgets, wanting to show their independence to their parents, will go to get it themselves. Most likely, as a result, they will get into trouble.
  • In the lowlands. There, the site will dry for a very long time after various precipitation, which means that it will be used very rarely and will soon be abandoned.
  • On the site where groundwater is located nearby, it is also impossible to play. Each year, the landscape will change, as a result of which the fixation of the shield with the ring is skewed.
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Create the surface of the site

In order to cover our future site with a smooth cement surface, which will soon be homemade basketball hoop, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the fertile soil layer from the surface. To do this, dig approximately 50 cm of land. Such a procedure is needed in order to further lay the drainage pillow, which is laid in front of the main coating.
  2. Lay geotextiles on the ground. To do this, they cut it into separate pieces, because it goes with a whole canvas. Such pieces can be stacked in any position. The main thing to consider is that they cover each other by about 20-30 cm, which eliminates the subsidence of the upper layer.
  3. After that, the geotextile is sprinkled with sand and evened, the thickness of such a layer should be approximately 15 cm.
  4. Lay the geogrid, which in the future will serve as a strengthening of the entire structure. The grate is filled to half with sand, and the second half with crushed stone. The layer thickness also remains 15 cm.
  5. Pour cement to form expansion joints. This is necessary so that the top coating is well fixed for a long time. In addition, after various rainfall, water will quickly leak through all layers, which will contribute to the rapid drying of the playing area.
  6. After all the steps taken, the topmost layer is laid on the treated surface. It can be any coating: a sports lawn, a special mixture of sand and clay, a roll coating and others.
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We equip a basketball corner

Already when the foundation was just being established, one should think about where our ring would hang. For convenience, racks with rings are installed on the edges of the site, as in a real gym. Here are the dimensions that must be observed:

  • The minimum distance between racks is 3 meters.
  • The field area should be approximately 20 × 35 m.
  • The ring itself should be located approximately 2 meters above the ground.

Master shield

Making a basketball hoop with your own hands, like a shield for him, is not at all difficult. For self-production of the shield, we only need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. To make a frame from metal corners that need to be welded together according to the given dimensions.
  2. Choose the necessary boards in order to make a wall. When they are held together, some gaps may remain, but they will not interfere with the game. Keep in mind that the boards are even.
  3. Next, the manufactured shield must be painted to your liking. Children can be involved in this procedure, as they are known to be the best designers.

We make the main component

Here we look at the classic wicker version and learn how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands. In general, it is not so difficult to make, the main thing is to show a little accuracy and desire.

To create wicker rings, summer residents will need only two things:

  • The base of the ring. Usually it should be made of iron.
  • Strong threads. They can be noticed: a thin rope, cords, thick yarn, any rope.

So, what needs to be done so that its main component appears on your site:

  1. At the very beginning, it is necessary to make an iron billet in the form of a ring and highlight a small ledge in it. The diameter of the circle must be such that the ball freely passes into it. It is better to entrust such work to the stronger sex.
  2. Then comes the women's work. To do it, we take the rope and cut it into 8 equal parts. Then you need to tie them at a previously designated distance so that two ends of one thread hang down.
  3. After that, it's time to start weaving the net. To do this, the adjacent ends of the thick thread segments are tied into knots, obtaining different mesh cells. Here, all the ends of the ropes are mandatory. Thus, it is necessary to make several layers of cells until the threads run out.
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Which ring is better?

After making a basketball hoop with our own hands, one involuntarily wonders what is better: a store hoop or what we made ourselves?

Of course, a do-it-yourself thing always remains the most pleasing to the eye. That's just for its manufacture requires much more time than the ring, which can be bought in a store in a couple of minutes. But still, if there is no time for independent production of this thing, it is better to purchase it in a special store with sporting goods.

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So, in this article you learned about how to properly set up a court, as well as how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands for your beloved children, who will use it for a long time. Most likely, you yourself will be interested in being active and participating in the game.


