How to use White ной

A variety of household chemicals on the market can confuse any housewife. In addition to the usual detergent, every day there are new detergents, water softeners, stain removers, bleaches for laundry, and starch detergents. The most famous disinfectant for stain removal, bleaching textiles, floors, kills all known microbes - “Whiteness”, because also with this product, you can eliminate the yellowness from the product, and also it is needed to restore the shade and color of faded things. In the article we will consider a universal tool - "Whiteness", a description, technical specifications, concentration, instructions for use, which are needed in every house, it is understandable and accessible to any consumer.
to contents ↑Whiteness - composition and properties
Means "White" is a super disinfectant and whitening agent, due to its composition. The composition of the product includes sodium hypochlorite, thanks to which "Whiteness" copes with greasy stains, and with any traces in the bathroom.
Important! The chemical formula of sodium hypochlorite is NaOCl. Chemicals of this type are a strong oxidizing agent, with an active chlorine content of 95.2% (percent).
“White” has a greenish-yellow or light yellow color, and has an unpleasant pungent odor, although manufacturers are trying to give the product aromas of peach, lemon, pine needles, chamomile, strawberries, apples.
Important! Bleach is available in the form of a gel or liquid solution.
To increase activity, special surfactants are added to the classic preparation “Whiteness”, which provide easy wettability of tissues.
to contents ↑Important! “Whiteness” is quite aggressive, so choose another tool for yourself to take care of different things. This will help you our review of bleach for laundry.
What is White used for?
This product is an indispensable tool in everyday life. Thanks to the active ingredients, the Whitener bleach whitens much cleaner and safer than other similar products.
The drug is used for:
- Removing stains from white products made from cotton and linen fabrics.
- For whitening light bedding and other products made from linen and cotton fabrics.
- Enamelled and porcelain dishes.
- Washing and disinfecting tiles.
- For washing and disinfection of bins, plumbing.
- Disinfection of equipment and aquariums.
- For cleaning and disinfecting water.
- Oxidation of some processes of chemical and industrial production.
Important! As sterilizing and bactericidal agents, "Whiteness" is actively used in the food industry, agriculture and medicine.
Why is chlorine bleach so popular?
Correct use of Whiteness bleach implies compliance with the dosage rules, because there is no single instruction for the use of the drug. It all depends on the method of application and purpose.
To answer the question, what is the advantage of the “Whiteness” product, we list the main properties:
- Bleach is effective even at low temperatures, including in cold water.
- Ease of use - does not require boiling laundry.
- Affordable price.
- Convenient form of release.
- Universality. Bleach is suitable not only for washing and staining, but also for disinfecting various surfaces.
However, the Whiteness bleach also has some disadvantages, in particular:
- Possibility of bleaching only linen and cotton fabrics. Products made from silk, wool and synthetic fiber cannot be processed with this tool.
- Relatively short shelf life. Since chlorine is part of the product, after 9 months of storage, Belizna bleach loses 50 to 75% of its initial activity.
- Strong smell of bleach. Although manufacturers use special odorants to eliminate odors, this does not always help.
- Inability to use in automatic washing machines in combination with modern powders.
- Negative effect on the tissue. With the active use of chlorine-containing bleach, products wear out faster and tear more easily.
How to use whiteness for bleaching clothes?
Despite the abundance of new modern whitening products, Whiteness is still popular with consumers. However, before using "Belizna", read the instructions for use and maintain only the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. If you learn how to use bleach correctly at home, you will quickly and easily restore your favorite things without negative consequences. Specialists and regular users of the product recommend using the tool in one of the following ways.
Method number 1 - to maintain the whiteness of the fabric:
- Pour 10 liters of cool water into the basin.
- Add to the water 2 tbsp. l “Whiteness” and stir.
- Soak the laundry in the prepared solution and leave it for 20 minutes (no more).
- Rinse things off with bleach.
- Wash the product in the traditional way.
Method number 2 - to eliminate grayness, yellowness and restore white
This method involves performing all the same manipulations with one condition: increase the soaking time to 1 hour.
Method number 3 - whitening a very dense fabric:
- Apply the product "White" directly on the stain or on unaesthetic stains of fabric.
- Wait a while - no more than a minute.
- Soak the product in a universal washing solution.
- Treat fabric - wash in the traditional way.
Important! For soaking, in no case do not use too hot water, otherwise the fabric will lose strength. After soaking in “White”, rinse the item at least 2-3 times in cool running water by hand.
Product Precautions and Tips
Since the product "White" is a strong chlorine bleach, when working with it, you must take the following precautions:
- Remove things that cannot be whitened from the field of reach, as drops accidentally falling on them from “White” can leave stains on the fabric.
- Limit children's access to bleach.
- Avoid contact with eyes.
- Protect hands with gloves to work with products.
- If bleaching gets on exposed skin or mucous membranes during bleaching, rinse the affected area immediately and consult a medical professional as soon as possible. It is impossible to independently treat irritation or ulcers that appear, since new chemical reactions can aggravate the situation.
- Store household cleaning products in a dry, dark and warm place. It is strictly forbidden to keep the product on the balcony, especially in winter, since after freezing the liquid completely loses its effectiveness.
- Use an open bottle for six months - after this time the chemical composition of the product will noticeably change, and as a result, its effectiveness will decrease.
Important! Keep the bleach bottle on its side, carefully closing it, because if you put it on the bottom during storage, then one day there may be problems when unscrewing the cap.
See also a selection of individual ways, how to boil linen at home.
to contents ↑How to use bleach in machine wash?
The whitening of bed linen and garments using the “White” in washing machines should be used only in the most extreme cases, because it is not in vain that products are produced only in plastic bottles. The bleach acts destructively on all other materials.
To use Whiteness for hardware whitening, the following points must be considered:
- The instructions for the washing machine should clearly state that the use of bleach is not prohibited.
- The output tubes of household appliances should not be made of rubber, but of plastic, and the drum should be made of very durable metal.
Important! Be sure to wipe the drum with the prepared bleach before loading the laundry to make sure there are no negative reactions.
- When using bleach, it is forbidden to apply high temperatures when washing. This is dangerous not only for the laundry, but also for the washing machine.
"White" gel - instructions for use in machine wash:
- Prepare the washing machine for washing by filling it with things.
- Pre-moisten clothes with cool water.
- Pour the whiteness directly into the drum, diluting it in accordance with the instructions.
Important! The amount of whiteness depends on the amount of linen. For a small load add ÂĽ cup of bleach, for a large volume - 1 cup. Remember that you must first dilute with water and add bleach, and then washing powder.
- Set the pre-wash program.
- Program the main wash for a long cycle with an additional rinse.
- Regardless of the degree of contamination of clothing, as well as the type of fabric, carry out several rinsing cycles.
Important! If you need to reanimate a faded cloth or wash a lot of clothes, then increase the dosage of chlorine bleach.
"White", application for hand washing
In addition to machine washing, bleach can also be used when washing things manually, but only for white products made from linen or cotton, for example, towels, bedding, socks, t-shirts, tablecloths, etc.
Remember that active use of Whiteness bleach can damage clothing, so proceed as follows:
- Sort clothes by fabric type.
- Prepare a washing mixture: for 3.5 liters of warm water, use 1 tbsp. l whiteness.
- Mix the mixture with plenty of soapy water.
- Put cooked things in the solution for 15 minutes.
- Rinse clothes with plenty of water, removing both bleach and detergent.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use “White” for fabrics with dyes, silk, wool.
How to use whiteness for disinfection in an apartment?
For disinfection, the tool "White" is the best option, since it is a powerful antiseptic and effectively fights with most microorganisms.
Important! The products are used for cleaning dishes, enameled bathtubs and other plumbing, as well as for mopping, cleaning aquariums, water filters. The tool is indispensable for the disinfection of animal cells, as well as their litter.
Disinfect plumbing
To wash the dishes, use the following solution: 60-100 ml of bleach per 1 liter of water. With this tool, you can wash the dishes after an infectious patient, as well as a wash basin, toilet bowl and floors.
We clean sewer
To clean and disinfect sewage, use the following method:
- Pour 1 liter of undiluted bleach into the toilet bowl or the neck of the washbasin.
- Close the plumbing with a lid or stopper for the night.
- Rinse plumbing with plenty of cold water in the morning.
Important! This method will help to get rid of not only microbes, but also from an unpleasant odor.
When working with a concentrated solution of "White", do not forget about safety precautions: use a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves.
We clean the toilet for animals
To clean and disinfect the trays of pets, use the drug as follows:
- In 1 liter of water, dilute 100 ml of whiteness.
- Rinse the tray thoroughly with the resulting solution.
- Rinse the tray with plenty of running water.
Important! Treat this way once a week, and the rest of the time, clean the tray with ordinary detergent. If pets leave “marks” in the apartment, then use a disinfectant and deodorizing agent, treating the floor and walls (places of the “mark”) with a weak solution of whiteness (50 ml of product per 1 liter of water).
We clean animal cells
You can also disinfect the cage for animals, birds. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure at least 2 times a year. Use “White” as follows:
- Separate animals (birds) from the cages.
- Spray the “Whiteness” solution over the entire surface of the cells (200 ml of whiteness in 5 l of water).
- Thoroughly work on the corners and floor.
- After a couple of hours, rinse the cells with a strong stream of water. If a steam generator is available, use it.
- After the cells have completely dried, they can be used for animals (or birds).
We clean filters
When replacing filter disinfection cartridges in a Reverse Osmosis cleaning system, use bleach as follows:
- Remove the cartridges and reverse osmosis membrane.
- Twist the second and third flasks in the direction of water movement.
- Connect the tube from the purified water tap to the tee (instead of a charcoal filter).
- Pour 10 ml of bleach into the first flask and add water.
- Screw the flask.
- After 15-20 minutes, open the water supply tap, as well as the purified water tap.
- As soon as you smell chlorine from a tap of purified water, close the taps and wait a few hours.
- Open the taps again so that the water flows until the chlorine is completely washed out.
- After processing, insert a membrane and a new carbon filter.
How to use whiteness to clean a well
Chlorine water in the well must be properly observed in proportion and strictly following the instructions for use:
- First of all, it is necessary to pump water from the well with a pump or scoop it out if the depth is shallow.
- Clean the walls of the well with a stiff brush.
- Prepare the solution by mixing 10 liters of water and 600 ml of bleach.
- Treat the well walls (using a spray gun) and the top superstructure, including the cover, with a tool.
- Fill the well with water.
- Pour into the water the prepared new solution of whiteness at the rate of 1 liter per 1 ring.
- Lower and raise the bucket, stirring the water.
- Close the well with polyethylene for 6-10 hours so that the chlorine does not evaporate.
- Pump out water until the smell of chlorine disappears.
Important! During processing and disinfection of a well, water from it must not be drunk. Do not use this water for cooking. After chlorination, boil water for 5-7 days.
And on the pages of our site we will tell you about non-standard use of "White". Hurry to find out!
to contents ↑Stock footage
Means "White" is distinguished by its effectiveness and versatility. But due to the fact that the product has side effects, as well as chemically aggressive and unsafe, it is worth considering the use of more harmless and modern drugs, the risk of using which is minimal, and the result is not worse.