White spots on the skin after tanning

- What is melanin and how does it affect skin color?
- Spots that appear on the skin after exposure to sunlight
- White spots after tanning: why do they appear?
- White spots not related to disease
- All About Safe Tanning
- How to sunbathe on vacation?
- Prevention and treatment of spots on the skin after tanning
- Home remedies for the fight against age spots
- Stock footage
Summer with us is most often associated with sunbathing, the sea, but the summer holiday expected all year long can end rather poorly when white spots appear on the skin after sunbathing. For what reason there are white spots after tanning, and how dangerous they are for health, we will tell in the article.
to contents ↑What is melanin and how does it affect skin color?
All people differ in skin color. For some, it is enough to spend only half an hour in the sun to get redness, and, subsequently, a sunburn. Other people can spend all day in the sun, while they do not burn out, but they all get a uniform, bronze tan to envy. It is this feature of the human skin that depends on the production of a pigment (melanin) in it, which is responsible not only for the color of the skin and hair, but also for the color of the iris. But it’s good if even your skin turns red - everything is clear here what is happening. But if after a stay on the beach or just a long walk along the street there are white spots after tanning, this causes, at least, surprise. Highly impressionable personalities can also panic, and it is quite justified, but more on that below.
Important! The amount of melanin in the body depends on the genetic characteristics, various diseases, and, of course, on the effects of ultraviolet radiation. What we call tanning is nothing more than a protective reaction of our body to the aggressive influence of sunlight. It is at this time that the production of melanin in the skin increases.
According to the color and degree of reaction to ultraviolet, 6 types of skin are divided:
- Albinos are people with snow-white skin. The hair color of such people is white or red. The skin is covered with freckles, and people with snow-white skin will never sunbathe, as they burn very quickly.
- Very fair skin. People with this type of skin can get a sunburn if they stay under the sun for a short time, however, if you choose the right time for sunbathing, people with fair skin get a very light tan.
- The skin is slightly darker than the previous type. In order not to get sunburn, people with this type of skin should take sun baths at the right time, and also use protective cosmetics. As a result of exposure to sunlight, the tan of this type of people is light brown.
- Olive leather. Under the influence of sunlight, the skin of people of this type is less prone to sunburn. The result is a mild tan.
- Dark skin. People with a dark skin type are almost insensitive to the effects of sunlight, their tan is beautiful, dark, even, but still - do not relax. Sunburns are possible - if you overdo it.
- Negroid race. People of this type have black skin that does not burn.
to contents ↑Important! Determine your skin type and make the right schedule for sunbathing, so that the tan only delights you with its evenness and beauty.
Spots that appear on the skin after exposure to sunlight
In sunny weather, people are always in a good mood, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the protective functions of the body increase and the hormone of joy is produced. However, uncontrolled exposure to the sun can lead to premature aging of the skin, sunburn, various allergic reactions, the appearance of age spots, and even malignant formations.
Important! If you follow the safety rules and be in the sun only in the morning or evening hours, you can avoid all these troubles. In this case, you will not be bothered by white or brown spots on the skin after tanning.
Each person's skin reaction to ultraviolet is individual. Consider the main ones:
- Sunburn. These effects often affect people with very fair skin. Melanin with this type of skin is produced in insufficient quantities. Since this pigment is a natural barrier to ultraviolet rays, its lack causes sunburn.
- White spots after tanning. Such problems most often indicate some dermatological diseases. White spots appear where pigmentation is impaired, and melanin is not produced at all. Being in the sun, healthy skin darkens due to melanin, and those areas of the skin where there is no pigment remain white.
- Brown spots after tanning. If the body produces melanin in large quantities, then this indicates a disease of the internal organs. This is most often associated with impaired function of the thyroid gland or digestive organs. Also, the cause of dark spots and uneven tanning can be medications and contraceptives. Therefore, people who have problems with internal organs should definitely consult their doctor before actively relaxing in the sun.
Important! Dark spots can appear on the skin and due to the use of poor-quality cosmetics.
to contents ↑Do not use perfumes and do not take antibiotics, as well as hormones and sedatives before going out into the bright sun for tanning..
White spots after tanning: why do they appear?
One of the diseases in which white spots may appear after sunburn is Vitiligo. In certain areas of the skin, most often on the face, shoulders and legs, as a result of this disease, melanin is completely absent.
This problem can occur at any age, and it is the result of stress, trauma or disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems.
Important! A problem with spots can occur due to the intake of certain certain medications, so it is impossible to completely get rid of vitiligo until the cause of its occurrence has been studied.
Is Vitiligo a disease or a warning?
Vitiligo's disease has not been fully studied by doctors, and the causes of its appearance are also unknown until now. A symptom of this disease is the appearance of white spots on the skin, which can progress or suddenly disappear.
On a light skin type, such spots are almost invisible, can appear only after tanning.
Important! Many experts agree that Vitiligo is not even a disease, but only a warning that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the human body or an infection has begun to develop. To confirm or refute the opinion of experts, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.
White spots on the skin are formed due to the loss of melanin and the nature of this phenomenon is still unknown. Just after tanning, such spots become noticeable due to the fact that all skin darkens under the influence of sunlight. Vitiligo usually begins to appear on the hands and rarely progresses further. But there are known cases of diseases, as a result of which, white spots spread throughout the body.
Color lichen - a must!
In the form of white spots on the skin after tanning, color lichen may also appear. Color lichen is also called pityriasis or multicolored. It appears with high humidity or intense heat in people with a weakened immune system.
Affected by depriving skin cells, they do not pass ultraviolet light, which means they do not produce melanin.
Important! Color lichen is an infectious disease that must be treated. Most often, lichens are found in adolescents and people under the age of 30 years.
The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of scaly formations, which cause discomfort and can itch and itch. If the first symptoms of lichen formation appear, then consult a dermatologist who will diagnose and prescribe antifungal agents for treatment. Treatment of the disease can only be prescribed by a specialist. When prescribing, special anti-fungal lotions, ointments, and, if necessary, medications are usually used.
Important! If with the disease color lichen does not go out in the sun, then scaly formations will have a pink or flesh color.
Sivvata Poikiloderma - a cosmetic disorder
Sometimes, after tanning, there is another skin defect that is not associated with the disease, which means that it does not need medical treatment. Its name is Poikiloderma Sivvata.
Poikiloderma Sivvata refers to cosmetic skin defects and is expressed in the appearance of spots on the chest and neck. To avoid the progression of poikilodermia, it is necessary to use sunscreens on the beach, as well as cover areas of the body (chest and neck) that are prone to the appearance of this skin disorder. In no case, people prone to this disorder should not visit the solarium.
to contents ↑White spots not related to disease
The appearance of various skin defects after tanning may also be due to reasons not related to diseases of the body. Let's take a closer look.
There are several reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin after tanning, not associated with certain diseases, in particular:
- Increased activity of sweat glands. As a result of the activity of sweat glands, the process of reproduction of the fungus on the surface of the skin is accelerated. As a result, defects appear in the form of spots. To avoid the problem, it is enough to keep the skin dry.
- Taking medication. While taking certain medications, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet increases, as a result - under the influence of ultraviolet light, an uneven tan is obtained.
- Pressure point. This reason for the appearance of white spots on the skin is most often associated with a visit to the solarium, as the greatest pressure is exerted on those parts of the body that are directly adjacent to the walls of the cabin. Avoiding this problem is quite simple: during the tanning procedure in the solarium - move.
All About Safe Tanning
To tan was beautiful and even, adhere to well-known simple rules:
- Only be in the sun at a time when the sun is the least harmful. This is from the morning until 11 a.m., and after 4 p.m.
Important! The most dangerous is ultraviolet radiation in the afternoon. From 12 noon to 4 pm, the probability of getting sunburn is the highest.
- The time spent in the sun should be limited: 20 minutes is enough.
- Do not neglect sunscreens during tanning, otherwise you can get a burn, which is dangerous not only for the skin, but also for health.
- While in the sun, take care of having a headgear.
to contents ↑Important! In the hot season, you can protect yourself from exposure to sunlight using natural clothing made of cotton and chintz. Mesh and transparent fabric transmit ultraviolet very well, and in synthetics you will be very hot, in addition there is a risk of allergies.
How to sunbathe on vacation?
To prevent your vacation from becoming a nightmare, we recommend:
- People whose skin is unevenly tans, stained, or burns in the sun, do not abuse the sun.
- For people with very white skin and albinos, the sun is generally contraindicated.
- If you have fair skin, then sunbathe only in the morning and evening, always using cosmetic sunscreens. Lubricate all exposed areas of the body with creams and ointments and be sure to use makeup as intended. There are products that cover the skin with a protective film, without letting in harmful rays, but its duration is short and is indicated on the package. Before using this or that tool, be sure to study the instructions and the rules for its use.
- For people with dark skin who are best adapted to sunlight, we recommend that you only include moisturizers after sunbathing in your skin care product.
Important! If you come to the sea, then on the first day do not sit on the beach from morning until evening, even under a canopy. It is enough to appear in the sun for 20 minutes in the early morning or evening.
- When tanning, be sure to use sunglasses, as ultraviolet has a detrimental effect on the retina, and the delicate skin of the eyelid, due to the harmful effects of the sun, can become stained. Buy glasses only in specialized stores to protect yourself from fake.
- Be sure to cover your head with a cap, hat or panama, so that while you are in the sun, do not get a sunstroke.
- When entering the sea, the river in order to cool off, remember that the water, in this case, will act like a magnifying glass. That is, it attracts sunlight even faster to the skin.
- If possible, do not sunbathe wet, as this can cause burns. Better - after bathing, immediately pat your skin with a towel.
- If your skin is rich in a huge number of moles, then do not get carried away by prolonged sunbathing, because such an abundance of formations may indicate a predisposition to skin cancer.
to contents ↑Important! Use antioxidant-rich foods and drinks to cope with the harmful effects of aggressive sunlight. These include:
- Carrot.
- Pumpkin.
- Tomatoes
- Grapes
- Fatty fish.
- Green tea.
Prevention and treatment of spots on the skin after tanning
The treatment for pigmentation after sunburn depends on what spots appear on the skin. For example:
- If the defects are associated with excessive sweating or taking medications, then to get rid of the problem, it is enough to use special tools or replace drugs with their analogues.
- If you are not comfortable with an uneven tan, take a hot bath and use a washcloth with stiff bristles. This method will help remove the top layer of the skin and allow, after some time, to get a uniform tan. Also, you can use for this purpose scrubs purchased in the store, or made with your own hands at home.
If pigmentation is associated with excessive ultraviolet poisoning or any disease, proceed as follows:
- In case of sunburn, apply a soothing cream after sunburn or aloe juice. Drink a painkiller or antihistamine. Doctors recommend using ointments, which include panthenol, for sunburn.
Important! Do not go out in the sun for a while, and the burn will pass on its own. If the skin is severely damaged and blisters appear, then consult a doctor immediately to avoid complications.
- With white spots on the skin after tanning and Vitiligo's disease, do not sunbathe at all and strictly adhere to the recommendations of a dermatologist.
- With color depriving (if it is diagnosed by a dermatologist), on the contrary - take more sunbathing. Although white marks will remain for a long time, but the main thing for you is to get rid of the disease.
- If brown spots appear after tanning, then do not worry, they will disappear along with the tan. If you want to speed up this procedure, then use the procedures of microdermabrasion, peeling or laser resurfacing, visiting beauty salons. You can also use whitening creams and herbs made at home. But remember that the next tan was beautiful, smooth and without dark spots, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of internal organs.
Home remedies for the fight against age spots
If the possibility of a fungus or any disease of the internal organs is excluded, then you can deal with age spots with home remedies:
- After tanning, a good effect can be achieved if fermented milk products are used for washing (sour milk, natural yogurt, yogurt).
- Hot baths will help to make skin color more even, in combination with natural scrubs, for example, mix candied honey with coffee grounds or with sea salt.
- Fresh vegetables will help even out skin tone, for example, apply crushed cabbage leaves or slices of cucumber to pigmented areas.
- To get rid of bright spots, prepare the following remedy: mix boiled rice and honey in equal amounts, add a little turmeric and sandalwood powder. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to problem areas. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.
- Lemon juice will help even out skin color. Use it in its pure form or in a solution with water, lubricating the affected areas.
- To normalize skin color, grind fresh parsley and apply on pigmented areas of the body for 20 minutes. Grease the white spots on the skin with fresh parsley juice. Parsley juice can be used together with cabbage or fresh cucumber juice.
- To improve skin color, use the following mask: finely chop the parsley and mix it with 200 g of yogurt. Allow the mixture to infuse and wipe the skin several times a day.
- If white spots on the skin are caused by Vitiligo, then use the following remedy: carefully chop 1 part of St. John's wort and combine with 10 parts of olive oil. Boil the product in a water bath, cool and strain. Leave the product for several hours in a dark place without access to light. With ointment, grease the white areas of the skin for 40 days for 30 minutes.
to contents ↑Important! Apply all masks in the evening to avoid exposure to sunlight.
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Any kind of pigmentation appears under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, to protect yourself from various aesthetic problems associated with the appearance of spots and uneven tanning, avoid exposure to the sun without a protective cream with a high UV filter. Be sure to cover your shoulders and arms with clothing, and cover your head with a hat with brim. Use our advice and recommendations, and rest in the sun and sea will not be overshadowed by anything. Have a nice vacation!
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