Binoculars for hunting - how to choose?

The assortment of binoculars in stores is quite diverse, and it is not so easy to understand which one is needed for what. Of course, all products of this kind are designed so that a person can better see objects located at a great distance from him. This is necessary for sailors, military, travelers, hunters and many others. Binoculars for hunting - how to choose? Let's discuss it.
to contents ↑Why does a hunter need binoculars?
Binoculars are simply indispensable in the theater and in the stadium, otherwise - half of what is happening on the stage or the football field will be out of the spotlight. With the military, it seems, too, everything is clear - the location of the enemy’s forces without such optics simply cannot be estimated. But hunters for many centuries relied only on the acuity of their own eyes, so do they need such a device?
Anyone who has been hunting at least once will say that with binoculars life in the forest and in the field becomes much easier. Additional optics makes it possible to better navigate, to seek out future trophies, not only during the day, but also at night.
to contents ↑What are binoculars?
Before choosing the right binoculars for hunting, it is best to figure out what kind of binoculars are there? Maybe something else is suitable - simpler and cheaper? Such devices can be classified by a number of features.
By appointment
To understand which binoculars are better for hunting, you need to understand the difference between the models for their intended purpose:
- natural history;
- tourist;
- astronomical;
- far-sighted;
- military;
- sea;
- sports;
- children’s;
- nightly;
- hunting.
Natural and astronomical binoculars are designed for scientific observation. Among the far-sighted, the most popular type is theatrical. Children's - very simple and with a slight increase. Powerful military and naval forces, on the contrary, give a large increase, they have good aperture and a lot of other advantages.
Big and small
Binoculars are also divided in size:
- compact;
- medium;
- full-sized;
- gigantic.
There is another type of classification - by type of prism:
- Roof;
- Porro.
Miscellaneous features
Binoculars differ from each other in the number of functions. They may be:
- with a range finder;
- with nitrogen filling;
- with interchangeable multiplicity;
- with focusing of two eyepieces;
- water resistant;
- floating;
- camouflage.
Which option is suitable for hunting:
- Water-repellent and floating devices are ideal for those who are often at sea. Such devices are suitable for travelers and hunters, if they have to hunt in the swamp.
- Rangefinder is needed to determine the distance. Changeable magnification allows you to choose the optimal ratio of magnification and size of the field of view. The ability to focus both eyepieces is important if a person's eyes see differently.
- Nitrogen filling is used so that the glass does not fog up from the inside.
Important! Additional functions mean not only additional conveniences, but also an increase in price, sometimes very substantial. So it’s better to immediately evaluate which features are really needed and which you can do without.
What are the lenses?
Binoculars also differ in such parameters as lens diameter and magnification. Lenses come in the following sizes:
- up to 20 mm;
- 20-25 mm;
- 25-36 mm;
- 40-45 mm;
- 50-60 mm;
- 60 mm and more.
Important! The larger the diameter, the better the magnification.But in this case, everything is not as simple as it might seem: devices with very large glasses can be too heavy.
As for the multiplicity, the optics is divided as follows:
- less than 8x;
- 8x-9x;
- 10x-15x;
- 16x and big.
to contents ↑Important! Children’s and theater binoculars usually give an eightfold increase or less, astronomical binoculars more than sixteen times, all the rest are somewhere in the middle of this scale.
Hunting binocular requirements
Binoculars for hunting are the largest segment of the optical instrument market. So what should it be, an ideal device for a person who often has to be in nature, overcome long distances on foot, wait for prey at night and carry a lot of different things with him?
Important! A lot depends on where exactly you will hunt:
- Heavy binoculars are not suitable for running hunting, even if in all other respects it perfectly matches your requirements. Better to choose something easier.
- For autumn hunting you need aperture optics.
- And if you like to be in the mountains - the image should be as voluminous as possible.
However, there are general requirements that make it easier to choose the best binoculars for hunting:
- simplicity;
- reliability;
- tightness;
- wear resistance;
- compactness;
- dimensions;
- the weight.
Simplicity and reliability
The simpler the device, the less often it breaks. Binoculars with many additional features, of course, look spectacular, but on the hunt it is a poor helper. For example, the ability to adjust the multiplicity in this case is completely useless. This function does not add anything to the optical characteristics, and the price increases many times.
Important! Too “tricked out” devices require very careful handling, which in the field is not always possible. And they can refuse at the most inopportune moment.
What is really important in the forest and in the swamp is the ability to protect the optical device from water and dirt. The ideal option is binoculars marked with WP. This means that the device has a special sealant that prevents water from getting inside. You can use such a device in any weather, including when it rains or even wet snow.
Hunting binoculars also have their own type of sealing - they are filled with nitrogen, so the glasses do not fog up. True, these are premium devices and can be very expensive.
Important! An additional convenience is the presence of caps on the lenses. They are plastic or rubber. They are periodically lost, so it’s better when attached to the case.
Shock and wear resistance
These qualities depend on what materials the body is made of. It could be:
- plastic;
- special coated aluminum;
- carbon fiber;
- magnesium alloy.
Which binoculars are better for hunting? - Everything is simple here:
- Plastic binoculars are cheaper, but they are not very suitable for hunting.
- A good device is made of aluminum, which is coated with a special rubber plastic. Internal fasteners must be rigid, otherwise - the lenses will move, but this should not be allowed.
- Medium-priced appliances are made of aluminum with a special coating. Such a case is reliable and holds the necessary rigidity.
- The highest quality models, which will be the best binoculars for hunting, are made of carbon fiber and magnesium alloys, but they are also the most expensive.
Compactness, dimensions and weight
Some binoculars add up - the pipes join together. The device takes up slightly less space than usual. This is achieved by swiveling.
How much should the best binoculars for hunting weigh? Powerful optical instruments are usually large. But they do not have to be heavy. In general, the weight is selected individually, because what seems difficult for one hunter is absolutely normal for another.
to contents ↑Optical characteristics
These characteristics include:
- type of prism;
- multiplicity;
- lens diameter;
- linear field;
- depth of field;
- lens enlightenment;
- the presence of a rangefinder grid.
Important! Pay attention to what prisms are in your binoculars. Porro prisms give a more voluminous picture. But such devices have more impressive sizes, and they usually cost more.
What increase should the best binoculars for hunting give? Too large an increase in hunting binoculars is not necessary:
- An 8-10-fold increase is enough, especially if you have short-term observations, as during hunting in the field or in the forest.
- For long-term observations, a weaker device is needed, 6-8x. With such binoculars, you can easily see a bird in the foliage, not to mention large animals like a bear or a wild boar.
- However, if you appreciate the panoramic view, then the larger the increase, the better.
- Those who hunt in the steppe or forest-steppe zone also need strong binoculars, since in these areas there are large distances. A 10-fold increase will be just right.
- But in the mountains you need a 12-fold increase.
Important! More is also not necessary - the device may be too heavy, and your hands will begin to tremble. To prevent this from happening, use a tripod.
Lens diameter
Such a parameter as aperture depends on the diameter of the entrance pupil. The larger it is, the more likely it is that you can use the device in the evening and at night.
At the same time, pay attention to the fact that there is a definite connection between the multiplicity and aperture. The smaller the first, the larger the second. Therefore, the lenses are marked with two numbers:
- the first means multiplicity;
- the second is size.
For hunting binoculars, the following options are suitable:
- 6x30;
- 7x35;
- 8x40.
Important! The choice depends on the time of the hunt:
- If you intend to hunt during the day, a diameter of 35-40 mm is suitable for you with an eight-fold increase.
- If the favorite hunting time is twilight, binoculars should be preferred weaker, but with larger lenses.
As for the diameter of the exit pupil, it should approximately correspond to the size of the human pupil. For hunting binoculars - this is 6-7 mm.
Line field
This parameter directly depends on the diameter of the exit pupil. The larger the output lens, the higher the linear field.
Important! This value means which maximum available image can be seen at a distance of 1000 m. The optimal indicator if you need to choose binoculars for hunting is 100 m per 1000 m. This is enough to navigate the terrain well.
If the magnification is large and the diameter of the lenses is small, the linear field will be small, and this, in turn, means that you will not see a high-quality image.
Depth of field and volume
Be sure to pay attention to this parameter. It means the range of distances at which you can clearly see the selected object without changing the focus.
As for the volume, it depends on how diluted the output lenses are in relation to the eyepiece.
Enlightened Optics
Enlightenment of optics is achieved using a special coating. Losses in bare optics make up 40% of the light flux.
Rangefinder grid
This is an additional function that allows you to determine the distance to the object. In cheap binoculars it is not. Many hunters believe that it is not needed at all and only interferes with observation. The price of the device in the presence of such a function increases.
to contents ↑Popular brands
There are a lot of brands on the market, but experienced hunters prefer several:
- Yukon;
- Olympus
- Bushnell;
- Pentax
- CarlZeis;
- Leica.
Budget models:
- Yukon Pro is a relatively small binocular. Distinctive features - enlightened optics, low weight, very high-quality housing. The optics of this brand is relatively inexpensive.
- Several types of hunting binoculars are produced by Olympus. There is plenty to choose from in the catalogs of this company. Devices differ in lens size, magnification. All models are durable, simple and reliable, and the dimensions and weight can be chosen to your liking.
Average price range:
- The optics of the Bushnel company are very popular with field workers. These are medium-priced models with very high-quality lenses and an optimal ratio of multiplicity and linear field.
- Pentax optical instruments have also proven themselves well. This is also a mid-priced model. In the catalogs of the company you will find optics for a variety of purposes, there are hunting binoculars that meet the most stringent consumer requirements.
Extra-class models
Premium optics are produced by Carl Zeiss and Lake. These companies have been operating in the optical market for many decades, producing world-famous cameras, microscopes and much more. Binoculars for hunters from these manufacturers are distinguished by excellent quality, reliability, durability, and have additional functions.
to contents ↑Important! This is a technique for professionals, so it’s not cheap.
Checking the binoculars
Did you find what you wanted? - Well. But any device must be checked. It is better to do this not in the store, but on the street. The first thing you should pay attention to is whether you managed to combine two images into one. If not, postpone the model and choose something else, otherwise torment yourself, your eyes will get tired very quickly.
The most cardinal thing is look at what the lenses are made of. They are:
- glass;
- plastic ones.
Important! Plastic are, of course, cheaper. But it is possible that in a year or even earlier you will have to buy new binoculars - the plastic is very easy to scratch, especially in the field. Glass is better in all respects, except for the price, glass optics are more expensive. But it will serve longer.
Any optics must be handled correctly. In order for the device to serve for a long time, you need to choose the right accessories:
- case;
- belts;
- eyepiece covers.
All this comes with the kit:
- Of course, you can buy a case separately or even sew it yourself, but if it is already attached to the product, you need to look at it. The cover should be made of soft material.
- As for belts, pay attention to their width and strength. They must be such that they can travel long distances, wade through the thicket and generally feel confident in extreme conditions.
- With solid binoculars, the lenses always close, so pay attention to this. Make sure that there is always a rubber bulb on hand - it is best to blow the glass, not wipe it.
to contents ↑Important! Keep binoculars always in a case.
Stock footage
From this article you have learned all the necessary information to choose high-quality binoculars for hunting. We hope you succeeded, and now you spend time exactly as you planned.
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